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Everything posted by byrgesen

  1. byrgesen

    Prison Location?

    Wasnt the original idea to add Utes (from Arma II) to the Chernarus map, and make it into a prison island? I swear i heard talk of this, a couple of months ago hehe, but ofc i cant find the source for it now. None the less, it would be pretty damn nice to have decend size island, with a prison on it. I do think your map has abit to many prisons on it, there should be a mazimum of two imho, as it would be a significant hot spot.
  2. One thing im really looking forward to is the "fleshing out" of the survival mehcanics :) Things like diseases, temperature, agriculture and all the other stuff, that will make it harder to survive in Chernarus. I fell in love with this game (the mod) because of the survival aspects and i cant wait to see what they have in store for us in the future. It is already going in a very good direction, with the 0.49 update for hypothermia and hyperthermia.
  3. I have to admit i really love this game, but i played so much of the mod, in the early dayz, that i need it to develop into something more, then what it is now. At least to draw my attention again :) Ive played the mod for sooooo many hours, and it was really fun. But i still need to get abit more "meat on the bone" in the standalone, before i want to start playing it alot. Just so i dont make the same mistake i did with the mod, play to much before it actually became a very good game. I can see how it can be boring sometimes, in the current alpha version, but i think that will change dramatically in the future :)
  4. byrgesen

    Duct taping Leaves to your hands.

    Its not a bad idea tbh, but unless you spend 10+ mins on it, you will end up with a glove full of duct tape and with very few leaves, which might actually make it easier to spot from a distance. I cant say ive ever tried to camoflage a glove with duct tape and leaves, but it would take a considerable amount of time to do it right imho.
  5. byrgesen

    Programming DayZ............ in a nutshell

    Im just gonna go ahead and assume you spend alot of time on pages like 9gag and tumblr :)
  6. byrgesen

    Character customization?

    Nobody is stopping you :D @Topic I doubt there will ever be customization like we see in fallout and skyrim. We will hopefully get a ton of different faces, hair types and skin colors, so making a "unique" character will be more feasible. But i dont think it will get much more complex then that, and imho it doesnt matter in my world, because most of the gear people run around with, will cover 95% of the entire body, including the face.
  7. byrgesen

    Filling magazines with rounds should take time (animations)

    Tbh mate, it sounds like you are looking for a much more casual RPG centered game. If you really feel like this, DayZ is most likely not something for you :) Not trying to be a dick, just stating things as i see them. @Topic I completely agree with pretty much everything in this thread. We need a timer and an animation for loading mags/clips and the more bullets you have to load, the longer it should take. Ive read pretty much all of the thread, but did anyone mention not being able to run and load a mag? I guess its a no brainer tbh, as its close to impossible to run and load a mag anyway, but i said it now hehe. I can imagine this being something they do when we get closer to Beta imho, perhaps not even until we are in Beta.
  8. byrgesen

    zombies no clip - sorry if already done

    I am not being "defensive" i am stating facts. If you had followed development, you would know that from the very start of this, they had been planning to improve the engine and tailor it for DayZ, thats the main reason it went from a mod to a standalone game. To overcome the limitations of the RV3 Engine (3 as in 3rd version of the RV engine!) But the engine isnt outdated, its like almost every other engine out. The core was build long ago and then they updated it over the years and made it into what it is now. Its exactly the same as Frostbyte, CryEngine and Source..... The engine's purpose was very different from what they want to achieve now, and that takes time to change, on the core level. The reason i was so "enthusiastic" about it, is because this is public knowledge, right there for you to read. But you have choosen not to do so, so someone had to tell you the facts of it tbh. Broken and alpha, go hand in hand in video game development. Things are ment to break, they are trying to get as much as possible out of it, as they can and that will break it over and over again. Thats why we have a beta phase you know mate. To fix what the alpha broke. But like every single engine out there, theres some kind of limitation in it. You wont find any engine without limitations. The fact of the matter is that they are trying to overcome as many of them as possible, during this development, hence the looooong development phase. I am not defending anything, but looking at this with realistic expectations. Its a "small" studio, compared to most AAA titles. Granted they have aquired A LOT of new personal, but that wont make the game develop any faster. It takes time for new people to learn the code and learn how to work together aswell. More doesnt mean quality tbh.
  9. byrgesen

    Different types of "Helicopter chrashsites"

    I would love to see medical vehicle crashes aswell. I think its safe to assume, with the outbreak, there would be alot of medical response teams driving around and crashing :) Perhaps a medical chopper, ambulances and other vehicles with low or high amount of medical gear in them.
  10. byrgesen

    Fix the zombies seriously!

    Theres an easy fix for this tbh. Do what ever the f*** they want with the game, give us they're vision of what DayZ is and stop catering to the masses. To many good games have gone down the drain because they try to please the crowd. Let BI do what they want to do, f*** people's opinion and buy the game if you want to :) Easy.... Theres plenty of other zombie survival games out there, who will go down the drain eventually, because they try to please everybody. I really wish more companies would have balls and create a product they want to play, and not a product that will make as many people "happy" as possible, because its an illusion. Yes its all about the money, and that makes it even more sick tbh.
  11. Awsome news tbh. They should have done this every 1-2 months during development imho. The sooner the better :)
  12. The renderer "swap" was announced way before PS4 release was, so its not news tbh. The main reason they want to disconnect the renderer from the simulation, and eventually update it, is to control what is being rendered on the screen. Right now, everything is being rendered, and i mean everything! The axe 1km away inside a building is being rendered, the chair behind the wall 500m away is being rendered. This is why performance is bad in towns, it is rendering every little object in the entire city, as soon as you look at it. That is the main purpose of the diconnection of the renderer :)
  13. byrgesen

    zombies no clip - sorry if already done

    :facepalm: If you had any idea what you where talking about, you would know that the "new engine" was planned from the very beginning. And its not a new engine, its a branch of the RV engine, tailored for DayZ, called Enfusion. They have been working on this from dayz one, and will keep working on it. Come back when you actually know what you are talking about mate, and stop spewing mis-information around tbh...... @OP Like others have mentioned, it has gotten alot better, but the nav mesh is still VIP, so its far from perfect. Its not game breaking though, because the amount of zombies atm, is extremly low.
  14. byrgesen

    So...anything changed?

    Tbh if you are so lazy you dont even want to read up on the updates and the ongoing development, you arent really interested in the game :) Its not hard to keep up imho.
  15. byrgesen

    So...anything changed?

    ^^this And this: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/archive And this: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/forum/134-development-blogs-status-reports/ Start reading my friend :)
  16. Damn i missed that one. Its abit strange they do it in such a minor post though, when its such a big deal to the community tbh. Lore and background story has been discussed on the forums a million times by now, so i would have hoped for some kind of very tranperant post from the devs about it really :) Anyway, if anyone has a link, i would really love to read it, as im not a reddit user and i really hate browsing that website haha.
  17. byrgesen

    Bicycle Suggestions/Discussion [Official]

    Thats exactly what i mean, as we are discussing this one in this thread, and not bicycles in general mate ;)
  18. byrgesen

    DayZ Stable 0.48 Full Showcase *New Animations + Craftables*

    I only have the 480p option on youtube though :/ Will check again now mate. EDIT: And now its there, odd haha. Youtube must have been "crapping up" when i watched it the other day :)
  19. byrgesen

    Dayz 64b tutorial!?

    The problem with DLL files is that you can inject anything you want into them. You have no idea if this is sending information from your PC to the creator, you have no idea if its injecting your computer with malware/spyware. DLL injection is the most common way of cheating in game to btw. Im not saying this cant be trusted, but i would never ever download a DLL file from a non trusted site.
  20. Must have missed it then. Will try and find it :) But its good to know. I always wanted it like that anyway, so it makes me happy. The question is, when does it take place then? Arma III doesnt take place before 2035, so there alot of time in between tbh. Which kinda makes sense, with the amount of new towns and buildings and such. That would take a long time to create IRL. If you can find it, i would be very happy :) I am searching for it my self though atm.
  21. byrgesen

    Dayz 64b tutorial!?

    Be very very very VERY carefull with dll files from untrusted sources mate. It could be some kind of malicious software tbh, nobody knows, but the creator. I wouldnt do this, never ever!
  22. byrgesen

    DayZ Stable 0.48 Full Showcase *New Animations + Craftables*

    Yep it was great mate, good information and easy on the ears. Although i do miss HD hehe, espcially for showcasing ingame items and animations, but its not a deal breaker :D
  23. Unless you can find official words on this, we have no idea if its actually true. :) Ive yet to hear any confirmation as to DayZ being a part of the ArmaVerse timeline. But i agree, none the less mate :) Although its pure speculations at this point, as we dont have any official lore or background story of DayZ. But it might actually take place several years after, as Chernarus has been "buld up" quite alot (new towns and cities, bigger apartments, more people in general) and that takes time.
  24. It might be a good mod, but suppoting the team behind it, is not something i want to do tbh. They have made to much of a mess in the community, and all they want to do is make money off a free mod, which goes against the whole idea of DayZ mod. Martin and the other guys have done nothing but act like self entitled pricks.
  25. byrgesen

    Linux servers ?

    Well Arma II and III have linux dedicated servers, so theres a big chance we will get it for DayZ aswell. But not untill we are closer to final release and private server files have been released :) I dont remember any official words on it though. I doubt it will ever run on linux/mac though. Especially if they go for Directx11.