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Everything posted by byrgesen

  1. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Just to clarify, im not talking any mod of the mod, im talking vanilla dayz mod installation of the server package. Epoch, Overpoch and what-ever-poch has most likely done things differently. And the public HIVE is not "new" to the SA, it was what the mod started with :) But it died out because of the poor level of security in Arma II (cd-key theft) which basicly gave the script kiddies free reigns. Thus whitelisting was created, along with private server packs, which wasnt even allowed or endorsed by BI or Dean in the beginning. It took them several months to actually come out and say it was OK to host a private server. I can almost garantuee you aswell, that BI wont allow admins to sell anything on this game. Why should they allow people to monotize on something they have spend so much time on? It will be exactly like Arma II and III, mods will be free and the creators will have to chose between different licenses, which allows people to do different things with it, but if people try to make money off it, the mod will get "shutdown", its been seen before many times. The community is very protective of each other and the work members do, so something like stealing code, making money or just being a dick in general, towards other modders, will be looked down opun. Its also very clear to see what direction BI wants to go with DayZ SA, and its as far away from the mod's mod's as possible and "back to basics" so to speak. So im very confident BI wont allow people to do what ever they want, because the last time they did this, it turned into a giant clusterfuck. But lets leave it at this, you and I will most likely never agree on this, and thank god its not up to either one of us :) You gotta love BI for that though, they make what they want and not what people want.
  2. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    In the mod EVERYTHING was written into the SQL database directly, usually MySQL, not any of the Arma II DB scripts mate. It didnt matter what server package you used (Pwnzor's, Bliss, etc.) And the DB didnt write logfiles, the server and BE did, and thats where you got the information from, that you needed. But if you had to find the location of a player, his inventory or health status or what kind of skin he was using, you had to go into the DB, there was no logs to tell you this. And its true we dont know exactly how the DB works in the SA, but i doubt theres been any major changes, because it was a good server/DB system, it just needed a much bigger server to host the DB on, for the public HIVE. If they kept it the same way, it will be very safe to give people log acces, as long as they dont have acces to the log filters, because the filters are tailored to only write exactly what you want it to. Thats the beauty of BE, you can make it do what ever you want to, and thats what they are in the progress of doing, but it takes a long time to set them up correctly :) Im not trying to decide anything for the other 2.5 million players, but i think we an both agree, that giving the same tools as in the mod, will lead to a shitstorm of complaints, and that does nobody good in the end imho. It gives more work to BI, who should be focused on development and it gives a ton of false positive bans.
  3. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Im talking about server and BE logs, thats the logs we have to look at. And you remember wrong, there are no DB logs, only logs of what is going on on the server, but it doesnt show peoples location or what theyre inventory look like or theyre health status, in order to see that you need DB acces. The pos log you are refering to is a BE log called setpos. Ive hosted several servers, both for Arma II, III and the DayZ mod, so i know what im talking about. Actually i hosted one of the first private HIVES in the mod and it became one of the most popular whitelisted servers, the thread is right here.... Ive also been in several milsim communities, doing server maintenance and making missions for the games. So get off your high horse and listen to people who actually know what they are talking about mate, im not trying to be a dick, but it sure sounds like you are tbh. Im also not pulling numbers from my ass, im basing these statements on the past years of experience on this forum and on many others related to DayZ. Its like you dont understand that most admins in the mod where in contact with each other, sharing ban lists, helping with the log outputs and creating anti cheat software for the servers. Just because i find out there are bad admins on a server and doesnt go there, does that mean the other 2.5 million players do the same? no of course not. So instead of giving admins full control, give them proper tools they cant manipulate for they're own benefit. But you are mixing things up here, nobody is saying you shouldnt have tools, but giving admins the ability to look into the DB, have a magic map of peoples locations and teleport around the map, doesnt make them better admins. Im talking from experience here, its perfectly possible to maintain a great server and a awsome community, without having "magic skills". You dont need to teleport to a player anyway, all you need to do is look at the logs and viola, it tells you all you need to know. Saying you dont need logs for banning, is like saying you dont need evidence to convict someone of murder......
  4. byrgesen

    Polaroid Cameras

    Well, it brings about the same to the game as writting on a piece of paper imho :) Immersion and RP elements.
  5. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Its not a bad idea at all, but i doubt something like that will ever happen. The coding it self might take a while to work out and then BI has to hire people to work as a "look-out" for known cheaters and 1 guy wouldnt be enough for 2.5 million players tbh. It would be better if they made some kind of deal with BE and let them handle this, they have the experience and they have the ban lists and complete log acces. Vote kicking and vote banning was a part of Arma, so it should be very possible, the system just need adapting.
  6. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    You do realize there a tons of logs right? And that logs doesnt log what you describe it logs right? Ive worked with BE logs for a long time and if they are set up correctly they will only log malicious actions, like teleport, spawning weapons/vehicles. No location, inventory or health status of any player is shown in the logs at all, so it would be impossible to create a "piss easy" program like you describe. In the mod this "piss easy" program was using the database data, not the log data. What is sad here is that you refuse to believe it didnt work very well in the past, theres tons of evidence on this forum and on reddit to say otherwise. Like i said there was good admins, who didnt abuse the powers they had, and thats good, but there where more admins who did nothing but abuse powers. Just my 2 cent - all servers in the past were full access and it didnt worked. So you sir, have no idea what you are talking about tbh...
  7. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Again with the "you dont need to play here if you dont want to"..... Look, its not gonna fix anything to give people full acces and let admins run-amok and ruin the game for us players. Again, we saw this in the mod, the amount of bad admins was staggering, it was crazy and it took a VERY long time to find a somewhat decend server. We dont need this here, because it will break the game, exactly like it did in the mod. I also want to add, theres a giant difference between the Shooters you mention and DayZ. What happens if an admin kills you in CS? you start with the same gear. Its not a punishment at all, the game is designed so deaths isnt a giant problem for the player. On top of that, most sessions in theese games take very little time, DayZ is a persistant open world game, nothing like CS, L4D or BF, at all, and because of that, we cant give the same tools to the admins, because it has a much higher degree of consequence on the players. If you had taken your time to read the thread, you would see that nobody is saying the admins should not have tools. Of course they should. But giving them the same tools like we saw in the mod or in games like CD, L4D or BF, is a no go, because if the giant impact it will have on the players. Just because you know how to conduct yourself as an admin, and run a good server, doesnt mean the other 2.5 million players in this game does. I agree, this pretty much sums it up for what an admin needs to run a good server and keep it safe for the players. Ohh and i want to add that the RCon is already confirmed :) BEC will be the official RCon for server admins and its a highly effective tool. I still dont agree that admins should have the ability to Teleport, but lets leave it at that hehe, we can keep on going for ever :) As far as your suggestion goes, i think its a great idea to have some kind of EULA for admins to sign, so Bohemia actually has a leverage and the ability to take away a server quickly. But the "problem" is that in the current server system, BI has no control over the servers at all. The GSP is doing everything, even handling server reports. Im not sure its a good thing, but it definitely pushes the responsibility away from BI, thats for sure.
  8. Have a look at this the mate? :) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/165392-polaroid-cameras/ @OP It can get boring from time to time, but when i get bored i try to do something new. I find that trying to help people is the most intense and rewarding game experience ive had, it gets the adrenaline going and makes your palms sweety :) Another thing, like mentioned by others, are finding people to play with. Its often more fun to run around with others then alone. You could also throw a little RP in there and find some clothing you wouldnt normally go for, perhaps pretend to be a civlian or firefighter (soon) or anything else. I find it much more interesting when im not running around in military gear. So much more fun hehe.
  9. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Its clear to hear that you werent around when the mod started mate. Like Caboose stated, there was a HUGE problem with people charging money for acces to cheap loot, and at the same time changing the game around to make it more "Arma". I completely understand that each admin will run the server differently, but that doesnt justify changing the game away from the core concept BI has worked on and put time and money into. Just because you buy a game, doesnt give you the right to change the game core mechanics, and thats what will happen if you give people complete control. Doing that in a free mod, is "normal" as it was free and not controlled in any way, but it didnt stop people from actually trying to make money off of it. But can you please point me to a game, which you have to buy, that gives people complete control and let them change the core mechanics of the game, without any kinds of restrictions? Because ive never heard of it before. I still find it disturbing that you really want people with private shards, to do what ever they want. It will break up the community, exactly like it did in the mod, and it will turn this game into something its not, exactly like it did in the mod. BI should give admins great tools, theres no doubt about it, but it doesnt matter if its a public server or a private shard, there has to be some basic rules in place, to keep the game close to the vision they have. Just because its a private shard, should not give you the right to alter loot tables, change amount of vehicles, teleport all over the map or manipulate the database to spawn items/vehicles. Nothing good will ever come from that, and there will be more people abusing these tools, then actually using them for the good of the community and the game, just like we saw in the mod.
  10. Yeh, sorry forgot about that aswell :) I believe the default render distance in DayZ is around 1600 meters, but the engine supports many km render distance.
  11. Correction, the casual crowd, who wants insta-action will not talk about DayZ anymore. The rest of us will still be here ;) @OP One of the reasons a game such as Planet Side 2 can run with so many players, is because they arent being rendered all the time. Bororm touched this subject, its a well knows "tactic" in MMO's and is also used in Rift and Guild Wars 2. In DayZ (at the moment) everything is being rendered, and i mean everything. The small rock 2 km away behind 10 houses is being rendered. The fireaxe inside the firestation in the middle of electro is being rendered. When they start work on the new renderer and disconnecting the old one from the simulation, we will see a huge improvement. Bohemia will adopt the "culling" technic aswell, most likely not for players, but for loot and objects on the map, but especially loot. This will give your computer so much more "elbow room", because it wont have to render anything unless you are close to it. At the moment, this is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, performance hog in the entire game.
  12. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    So did i mate, nobody wants to be on a server with a bad admin, except his "clan" or "best buds" ofc.... But i still think its a matter of not giving them tools they can abuse, insted of giving them very powerful tools and trusting them. People shouldnt have to go through 10 different servers, just because admins are making they're lives misserable imho. Especially now that we dont have a sidechat anymore. I hope BI can find the middle ground and give admins great tools to help them manage the server, while at the same time not giving them anything they can use for they're benefit :) Well. We dont actually know if BI are planning to release the server files for private servers. But if you dont see any downsides to having complete acces to ALL files, logs and the complete database, you are ignorant mate. Pure and simple. Its like making a rule that says you can only drive 80km/h on this road, unless you get this "item" and then you can drive however you want. Complete freedom comes with the biggest downside of all, personal responsibility, and most people cant handle that imho.
  13. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Agreed. They kinda have to keep it the same price, or the public hive will get replaced lol. As far as money goes, yes its quite expensive, but i think they did this for one reason only. To keep non-serious admins and young children away from renting it. Basicly the signal they are sending is "Rent it if you REALLY want it". Its kinda the same thing as Planetary Annihilation being 70-80$ on steam, during deevelopment, so only serious "testers" would buy into it. I still find it expensive, dont get me wrong, but i think theres a reason for it, because it does NOT cost that much to host a DayZ server tbh.
  14. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    When (or perhaps more IF) we get a private server setup, it wont be something you rent. It will be a serverpack you download and install on a dedicated server box, exactly like in the mod. Only time will tell if we ever get private servers, because it will be impossible for BI to maintain any kind of order with it. Private Shards is the best way to go about it, because it will give people a private server, where they can kick, ban and most likely whitelist, while BI still has complete database control :)
  15. The only thing that might work in this case would be the computers MAC adress. But it can to be changed, even though it was designed not to, so its impossible to do what you want really :)
  16. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    I think it will be and im quite sure thats the reason why private shards/servers arent a top priority at all. BI wants to do it right, rather then just do it like Dean did in the mod :)
  17. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Its not an opinon mate, its facts. Admins got these tools in the mod and they where abused. Sure there was good admins, no doubt, but the bad ones far outweigh them. Im not saying you shouldnt have tools at all, im just saying there should be no tools, which can be abused for the benefit of the admin or someone he knows.
  18. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    As far as i can see the main issue here is that people want to be able to do anything and blindly trust every single admin out there, because they can simply "change server" if admins are abusing. That in it self is the biggest issue with admin tools, people not carring and just wanting more and more because "i wont abuse". Well la-di-da, theres 1000's of others who will abuse it, and for that very reason, its not a good idea imho. Its exactly like laws IRL. We have speeding laws and laws that say you cant kill people because we have to, because some people just doesnt care and cant handle complete freedom, without abusing it. Same goes for game admins. Giving them complete control can never be a good idea, and the ones who thinks this, are either really dense, will blindly trust anyone on this earth or they will want to abuse the tools.... No personal attacks intended, im just abit feed up with people not understanding that tools like that WILL be abused, its enevidiable.
  19. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Like Caboose said, you are renting it, not owning it. Its exactly like renting an apartment and being told animals arent allowed. If you own it you can do what ever you want, but if you rent it, you have to follow the rules of the "landlord". That being said, theres a distinct difference between private-shards and private-servers. A private-shard is a "piece" of the database, closed off to other servers, but this means you can have multible servers running on the same shard, so communities can have several servers, where characters transfer between. A private-server is a completely private, and self controlled, installation of the server pack, with full acces to server files, server logs and database. Exactly like we see in the mod. Agreed, nobody needs this to be a good admin tbh. Acces to certain logs is not a bad idea, the question is what logs are really needed? Changing of server setting is also not a bad idea, but i really doubt we will ever get any kind of option to alter gameplay drasticly (turn pvp off, alter amount of loot, zombies, etc.) I think the server settings will be identical to the public servers. Getting players unstuck is BI's problem, not the admins. In order to unstuck people you need database acces to change the coordinates of the player. Teleport is just a no go tbh, nothing good ever comes from a teleporting admin. When you write admin map, do you mean a map that shows the location of all players and vehicles? If so, no way.... The cons far outweigh the pro on this matter. No good can ever come from magicly having a map of everyones location. I want to add, that all the people who say "change server" or "why do you care" doesnt understand this issue at all. If we dont play by the same rules and nobody cares how the servers are run, it will become the same mess that we had in the mod, which had a VERY bad effect on the mod and the community in whole. This is not a matter of "you can do what ever you want, once you get a server". This is a matter of giving admins tools to help them run a server, while at the same time not giving them tools they can abuse. Most of the tools we have in the mod, are being abused like crazy by thousands of admins, every day. We need to prevent that from ever happening in the standalone, or the game will go down the drain. I want to play on private shards for the obvious reasons. Having a community and playing with the same people on it. You cant do that on a public server. I still dont understand how you can be so careless, when people are fucking up your game? Instead of not carring, what about not giving the admins tools they can abuse? You can be a good admin without database acces and without having a magic map, you can see people on.
  20. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    So far we havent really heard anything about a proper private server. (local database, full admin control to all files, etc.) But the private shards are for you to rent, exactly like public servers. :)
  21. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    No...... It will not have a good outcome, history has shown that giving admins complete control is a bad idea. Give them tools to run they're server with, but dont give them acces to the database, they dont need that. Having the ability to ban, kick and whitelist a server, is more then enough to run a good community and a safe server with.
  22. byrgesen

    Private Shards with 0.49? Features? Price?

    Kicking, banning and whitelist. Thats it most likely it mate. Give admins to much power and it will turn into the "abuse-fest" we have in the mod. Thats also why nobody but BI will have database acces. Hence the name Private-Shard and not Private-Server.
  23. byrgesen

    Sitting on Chairs and Laying on Beds

    Its a great idea, and they kinda have to add it, if they want us to barricade houses and live in them imho :) In general, we should be able to interact alot more with the objects around us, but i think thats wishfull thinking haha.
  24. byrgesen


    I agree, Celle was a pretty cool map, for Arma II :) Thats in Germany, if i remember correctly. I will admit the Pripiat Look-A-Like city on Namalsk, was also quite cool and very spooky to walk around in.
  25. byrgesen

    New Patch?

    Download the arma II beta patch from here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patches :)