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Posts posted by Dancing.Russian.Man

  1. 17 minutes ago, IReadTheAgreement said:

    So far two out of four updates have been missed since this checklist was released.  I seriously appreciate everything you guys do to get this game out, but that doesn't look good.

    Nothing has been "missed." The devs update the status of the list twice a week (even if nothing changes), and when something becomes ready for Exp, they'll share that on social media.

  2. 3 hours ago, Irish. said:

    You do realize how that sounds... right?

    Early feedback? That's fine. Some of the things mentioned in OP have an explanation, the rest are opinions.

    By the way, @exwoll, have a listen to what Eugen says about balance.
    There is inertia, sort of. You can read about it here. (Near the bottom of Peter's section.)

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  3. On 3/15/2018 at 7:16 AM, robbyj said:

    225 km^2 map. focus on melee combat. pick one. you know how wrong this looks? that's the result on wasting time on dumb features. no one bought a copy of dayz sa for the melee combat. true staples of dayz such as base building created this game's cult following and the developers continue to push off core features that made dayz so unique and appealing. 

    I think it's you who's too focused on melee combat. Guns and crafting/base-building have been getting a lot of love just the same as melee.

    And the reason why "melee was so insignificant in the mod" was because every corner and player was bursting with ammo while the "melee" combat was a clunky hack that required few specific items instead of the everything you can use in SA. (Soon including guns themselves.)

    On 3/15/2018 at 2:34 PM, Girth Brooks said:

    I'm trying to think without watching the video again but I don't remember them saying much about player count and server performance. I'm very curious about that.

    Server performance has been talked about in the past and in the stream. It's much better.

    Max player count has had a goal of 100+ for ages, and in this stream they said they'll figure out the limits during stress tests / experimental.

    • Beans 3

  4. Here's a recap, similar to the ones I've posted before on Steam:
    (It's nothing official, just some personal paraphrased notes.)

    Official VOD on Youtube.

    0:58 - Stream starts
    2:20 - "What is the biggest change compared to 0.62?"
    (Discussion about the stamina system)
    6:05 - "Importantly, the first 0.63 experimental update won't have vehicles, but the stamina system will probably change when they come."
    7:05 - "Currently the jogging speed is around 15kmh (9.3mph) which is quite fast, and the sprint is around 24kmh (15mph)."
    7:40 - "The difference in travel time from Elektro to NWAF with the new stamina system is about 8-10 minutes."
    8:08 - "What are the differences between 0.63 Exp, 0.63 Stable, and 1.0? What happens during those phases?"
    10:28 - "And just to remind everybody, we still want to reach the Beta and 1.0 this year."
    10:52 - "What has changed about hunting/skinning?"
    12:00 - (Bloody hands are shown)
    12:45 - "User actions are now shown with a time indicator. There are two kinds of actions, single-use and continuous actions."
    13:30 - (Character is shown eating while moving around)
    14:30 - (Discussion about the food/energy and blood/health systems)
    19:50 - (Discussion about the character controller)
    21:40 - (One of the tourist trail maps is shown.)
    21:50 - (Discussion about the naked-eye zoom)
    22:45 - "The zoom is only available when your weapon is lowered."
    24:25 - "What other major gameplay changes are there?"
    24:50 - (Discussion about the reloading mechanics)
    28:47 - "Baty found an ambiently spawned stone. No more texture spamming!"
    29:10 - "The CLE spawns stones, apples, and later maybe stuff like mushrooms, sticks, fruits, and plants."
    30:05 - (Plastic bananas worn in chest holsters is mentioned.)
    31:00 - (Discussion about the hotbar/quickbar/quickslots)
    33:55 - "We tried spawning apples on the trees, but it didn't look good because of the tree movement. Spawning on ground is fine and much better than before."
    34:58 - (Discussion about very old bugs like breaking legs on stairs)
    36:00 - "Now the synchronization is much better and the new character controller uses proper physics."
    36:26 - "The rewrite of all this tech to get rid of these rooted issues is the reason why you guys have been waiting for so long."
    38:20 - (Discussion about the melee combat system)
    39:10 - "We had combo attacks before, now we have separate light and heavy attacks."
    41:20 - (Discussion about weapon sway)
    42:00 - (FNX sway/recoil and holding breath is shown.)
    44:25 - (Discussion about gestures)

    49:00 - (Discussion about prone animations and aiming)
    50:05 - (New crouch pose/animations are shown.)
    51:05 - "It may not show in the video, but the new character controls very differently from what you're used to. You won't want to go back."
    51:45 - (Animation interruption is demonstrated with stance-switching.)
    52:30 - (Short drop animation is shown.)
    52:50 - "What other systems benefit from the new animation system?"
    (Continued discussion.)
    56:05 - "Yes, we are using inverse-kinematics on hands and feet."
    (Continued discussion.)
    59:30 - (Discussion about ladder animations)
    1:01:20 - "We are working on climbing obstacles."
    1:02:11 - "There will be jumping, climbing over, and climbing onto obstacles."
    1:02:58 - "How are we going to solve zig-zagging?"
    1:04:50 - (Injured animations are shown.)
    1:07:50 - (Swimming animations are shown.)
    1:09:06 - (Long drop and more injured animations are shown.)
    1:11:50 - "We're working on facial animations and gestures, but the in-game heads are not ready for it yet."
    1:12:45 - "Throwing is still going to be possible, but not in the first 0.63 Exp update."

    1:17:30 - "Eugen, what's the most important thing you want to say about the new update?"
    1:20:50 - "All of the HUDs can be hidden."
    1:23:05 - "As soon as you fire your weapon in a city, you can easily get overwhelmed by zombies. Zombies are really hard right now."
    1:25:55 - (Discussion about release goals)
    1:27:20 - "We're going to scale up, meaning we're going to start with stress tests for a couple hours here and there."
    1:28:55 - "After 0.63 Exp is first live, meaning we're using a lot of our servers to allow people to get in for a few hours, we're going to take in the feedback and do small iterations and update as soon as possible. After the stability of the server and the client are alright, we're going to keep it live for everyone to play. Once the update is live, we're going to allow server owners to switch their server to the experimental 0.63 version."

    1:30:40 - "Will we be able to rotate items in our backpacks?" (Yes!)
    1:31:05 - (Discussion about bayonets and player freedom)
    1:32:20 - (Discussion about client and server performance, specs)
    1:34:05 - "We're looking into those stress tests to figure out the limits for player numbers, zombies, etc."
    1:34:35 - (Discussion about modding)
    1:36:10 - (Discussion about lack of updates, communication, feedback)
    1:42:15 - "What are we going to do about the gamma settings?"
    1:44:55 - "Thanks to the game engine, we actually have a very playable console version right now."
    1:48:40 - "Weapon scopes are not going to be in the first experimental update. Why is that?"
    1:53:30 - (Discussion about the process of balancing things with development in mind)
    1:56:50 - "How are we going to approach cheaters and hackers in the game?"
    1:59:00 - (Discussion about audio)
    2:02:55 - "Client-side performance is better than it was."
    2:05:35 - "Battle Royale is popular. What are we doing with Survivor Gamez?"
    2:08:45 - "How far are we from releasing 0.63 Exp?"
    2:11:05 - "We're weeks away from experimental."


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  5. 16 hours ago, exacomvm said:

    So like 50-100 models per day would be easy imo.

    I think you're grossly underestimating the amount of work that goes into things in general.

    100 models a day, on an 8-hour workday, would be less than 5 minutes from start to finish on average, not accounting for breaks and other distractions during the day. The assumption gets worse considering we have no idea of the actual workflow, including testing the changes.

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  6. 20 hours ago, Sqeezorz said:

    Old post.... i know.

    Recently someone announced (no longer knows who and where hmm Dancing.Russian.Man? ... oh my brain) the DayZ EnScript is the same or similar to the script language of "Take on Mars". If the script is the same (or almost the same), then the structure of the systems is certainly synonymous with NewDayZ. That would mean that the tools could also have certain "similarities". So for interested "modders" it may be a good idea to take a look at these things at "ToM". (Just an idea, because maybe Arma3 is the wrong platform to get your bearings .... I can be wrong ... I am a 100% layman in the field).

    That was me, yes. Enscript is shorthand for Enforce Script, which is what ToM is made almost entirely with. From what I've read throughout the Status Reports, it sounds like DayZ is being created with the same design goal of being mostly scripts, aside from the core engine modules. 

    From this thread:


    • Thanks 1

  7. 14 minutes ago, THEGordonFreeman said:

    And this is why POSTPONED is not necessary... thank you for proving my point.  It confuses the issue.

    If there was no context given for what "postponed" meant, you'd be totally right.

    But the context is pretty clearly explained.
    "How long do we still need to wait before the 0.63 Update is released on the Experimental Branch?"
    "we at least wanted to provide an overview of the work that remains to be done before the release is a go."
    "and hopefully, you'll also get at least some sort of estimate for the Experimental release."
    "We decided to move this feature/system to a later 0.63 Experimental build..."

    There is no confusion here if you would read the information you're given instead of skipping straight to the list without context. You're confusing yourself. There is nothing the devs could do better, they did absolutely everything right.

    * Note: I'm using you as a general you.

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  8. 44 minutes ago, ☣BioHaze☣ said:

    So many things have been stripped out, put on hold, or completely unmentioned, that visualizing a final concept of 1.0 has become more difficult.

    The checklist is for the initial 0.63 experimental build, not the following experimental updates, or 0.63 Stable.

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  9. 3 hours ago, GaryWalnuts said:

    I'm of the mind that devs have better control, resources and testing ability than the modders would and therefore would be able to create better systems  - but maybe I'm not giving modders enough credit.

    Good scripting/modding tools always provide a way to thoroughly test your mod.

    And if I recall correctly, the devs themselves use scripted tools in-game to monitor things and make some changes, such as the new loot spawn point system we were shown last year. I think the new damage system gifs showcased in the latest status report were showing some in-game scripted dev tools, including visualizing the bullets. There's more from other dev streams/videos, but none off the top of my head.

    I should also point out that large parts of DayZ are now scripted with Enscript, rather than "under the hood" like in ARMA. DayZ is a lot more like Take On Mars (which uses the same scripting engine, for example) on that regard.

    Slightly off-topic but I hope this gives some comfort about the flexibility of the modding tools we'll have to create these overarching systems like the one suggested by Uncuepagamer.

    • Beans 3

  10. 1 hour ago, GaryWalnuts said:

    Personally, I'd rather see the devs try to integrate some model (humanity, or something like it) directly into vanilla and at least lay the framework down.   Heck, by that time server files will be released and if we truly don't like it then we can just set humanity=0 in our server.cfg

    "Humanity" as it was was dropped for a reason. I would not want to see the devs spend the effort to implement a "basic framework" for humanity. The framework is already being laid out and it's the ability to add custom scripts. 

    Note: I'm not absolutely against a humanity system, but I don't want the old system or anything similar. 

    • Beans 1

  11. On 3/2/2018 at 6:23 PM, IRISHMIKE said:

    REMINDER: The =UN= Community Server will be back up and running as soon as .63 hits experimental.

    In the future, please only advertise your clan/server in the Recruitment section. Doing it here is considered off-topic.

    The same goes for "implied" advertising as well, like focusing on your clan/server in your posts in other threads outside the Recruitment section.

    • Thanks 1

  12. 14 minutes ago, JBURNS489 said:

    Didn't Hicks talk about how important it is to be able to clear a town to loot? I remember him talking quite in depth about it in a SR (Where is Hicks by the way?) last year. It was when they re -doing infected and trying to increase their counts (around the time .60 hit). There used to be an exploit where if you stood outside a city and looked in from a distance, you could tell if anyone was in that city because the zombies would either spawn or not spawn depending if anyone was there. There was a lot of balancing done on the infected at that time, trying to achieve a balance between not seeing the zeds spawn in from a distance, but also being able to clear a town to loot it. Is being able to clear a town of infected a behavior that we can no longer expect?

    If I recall correctly, currently the map is divided into large "sections" (how large/many, I don't know) which will get populated by zombies only when players are in them. This is supposed to be a happy medium between spawning a set amount of zombies across the entire map regardless of where players actually are (making zombies seem more sparse than they should), and only spawning zombies within a range of each player (which is what the mod did and what the devs want to avoid due to the metagaming it causes). Just because you see zombies in a town doesn't mean someone is actually in there anymore. Most likely they're there at least because you're watching.

  13. 3 minutes ago, mithrawndo said:

    Love the new damage system in theory, sounds exactly like what's needed and I hope it plays as well.

    I wonder if this will also be applied to AI, and if it would therefore be possible to configure the game in such a way that zombies would *require* a shot to the head, drastically increasing the threat even for experienced players without a gun, and making it more likely that a player would choose to use a gun rather than a melee weapon to deal with them?

    Yes, it should be totally possible to mod the zombies like that. I think the same collision meshes are applied to all humanoids. I wonder about animals. 

    • Like 2

  14. Holy heck, I didn't even know about how "player hitboxes" were handled until now. It seems like kind of a weird concept especially in combination of the geometry collision check for melee, and I'm glad you guys moved on to something much better. Peter's entire section was an awesome read to me in general.

    Speaking of melee, how is that handled now on a technical level? What determines where a punch (or whack) lands with the lock-on?

    Another thing -- Since there's definitely a way to detect if a character is standing in the rain and in cover, is there a plan for a more muffled rain sound for being sheltered? It would not only be more immersive, but functional in letting you know that you are definitely safe from the rain wherever you're standing.

    • Beans 2

  15. Quote

    I think people took whatever out of  context and made an argument out of nothing. 

    It's just Guy Smiley, not even multiple people. He needs to start properly reading the posts he's responding to.

    Soulfirez absolutely gets it. I've experienced what it's like to try and work with a system under fundamental development as well, and it's one of the most frustrating experiences I've had with coding.

    That said, I'm pretty sure the Enforce Script documentation is out there. Fingers crossed for a proper release!

    • Beans 1

  16. 4 hours ago, RhaenX said:

    you mean minimum capacity is going to 100 or 100 120 150 slot options ?

    I mean the devs want official servers to be able to support at least 100 players without being unstable or performing poorly.

    Like Gobbo said, server hosting will become available to everyone later this year, so you should be able to choose however many slots you want. 

  17. 2 hours ago, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:

    Are you sure DayZ Standalone issues VAC and Game Bans? We've got the biggest ban list of any server (almost 8k now) and we talk to quite a bit of banned players in our ban appeal section (we don't allow any bans on our servers and have staff checking players on our servers daily) and never once have we heard someone say they got a VAC or Game Ban from DayZ. Not saying it isn't happening, just figured we would have gotten someone by now (3 years in SA and 1+ years in the mod running DayZ servers) with one. It's usually CSGO, PUBG, or some version of COD where they got their VAC or Game Ban from.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond to my questions. I really appreciate that!

    100% sure. VAC is listed on the store page and I know the ban message you get when banned, and as a moderator on Steam I've seen many examples of game bans because people post about it and there are accounts with only DayZ and a game ban on them. 

    • Thanks 1

  18. 9 hours ago, HeadCrabD said:

    Reason? cuz some people and you think all chinese people are cheating?

    That is not what he was saying at all.

    He was saying the Russian translation isn't finished either, which could be considered more important because Chernarus is a post-soviet country which uses the Russian language. The Russian playerbase is probably also much bigger in comparison, but I don't have the statistics.

    • Thanks 1

  19. On 2/18/2018 at 6:55 PM, Weyland Yutani (DayZ) said:

    1. Why didn't the server client architecture work like it was intended to with hackers? There was hacking very early on and still the hacks are floating around. Public hacks are indeed quelled, but private hacks are out and about.

    2. Valve has a visible indicator of someone that's gotten hacked which is present on their Steam profile, DayZ doesn't. Server administrators and server owners have no idea who has a BattlEye ban and who doesn't in DayZ Standalone. PUBG for instance, BattlEye bans appear as Game Bans on their steam accounts, fully visible like VAC bans are. Why is BI not visualizing hackers on Steam?

    Snipped the quote for length since I have little to say on the rest.
    And just to point out, I'm not a DayZ dev or someone with insider info. I'm just a nobody moderator with some indie dev experience.

    1. Lots of probable reasons that would require a lot of unpacking/explaining so but the TLDW(rite) is "I don't know."
    Dean's statement isn't wrong as far as the possibility goes. Like I said in an earlier post, League of Legends has done exactly what Dean said. One thing that's definitely worth pointing out is that "server-client architecture" is incredibly common. CSGO for example has it, and it's definitely not hacker-proof despite all the time and money Valve has had. (Not that money makes a difference.) I would say it's the most common type of architecture used in multiplayer games with dedicated servers.

    2. DayZ uses VAC, BattlEye, and Game Bans. 
    Game Bans are completely separate from Global Bans by BattlEye. They're done by manually reporting players to Valve. The BE bans are also shared with ARMA 3(and 2?).

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