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About m3ik0

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    Milky Way
  1. m3ik0

    Combat in DayZ

    Keep playing, be offensive, calm and smart. Being passive and freaked out in combat will get you killed 9 out of 10. Be conservative in ammunition, make every bullet count. Don't sprey. Aim your shots chest and above. In all the above, be a Man.
  2. And i have a funny taste in my mouth....
  3. The new lighting looks amazing, the invoronment looks refreshed and really really good (I don't know if you can make a difference in the ss but go take a look yourself) The new two handed animation for the axe looks a bit weird but it's deadly accurate, tried it on a zombie. The bad thing with the axe wielding is a bug where it gives you insane speed when sprinting. If you think punches up running was fast, go check out axe raised wielding. New lighting with gas lamp working nice.
  4. Oh, i thought he ment the performance mode in nVidia control panel. I'll try again.
  5. Just tested it for a while, the lack of AA and distant rendering does not worth the 3-5 fps improvement. At least in my case.
  6. m3ik0

    Now I know why they call him 'Rocket'

    Hey retard, before you blast off again do some research. He said he is gonna leave when alpha is done. And that's fine. The game will be finished in it's core and features. So, he won't stick around to do the bug fixing. And even if he leaves before the beta, that's fine too, a man can go after his own heart. There are some capable people working on, he is not alone developing the game... OMIGIII, THIII GAME IS RuIIINEd. Cancerous fucks. Coming from reddit.
  7. m3ik0

    Crossbow/Bow & Arrow

    Do some research first. Devs are working on it some time now. That's their statement. Soon enough bow/arrow will be in game alongside with hunting.
  8. m3ik0

    Where am i? Dayz Standalone

    Elektro docks it is.
  9. m3ik0

    Is DayZ TOO Easy?

    If the game was not easy at this point noone would play it. There is nothing to do at this point besides gathering shit and loosing shit. Difficulty will change, loot will change, alot of things will change over time.
  10. m3ik0

    Inventory Mixup (NOT A SUGGESTION)

    If only i could eat while sitting... My life would be settled. At a cabin in the woods. Far away in the mountains. And soon, soon.... my dream would come true. Hunting for animals. With ocassional runs to the towns/villages for ammo.... I can dream, can't i?
  11. m3ik0

    Inventory Mixup (NOT A SUGGESTION)

    Yeap, it happens. It was really frustrating for me. But then again, i found a reason to keep coming back to the game regularly. Seriously. Just to rearrange my backpack and to find some more beans. Random Access Backpacks keep this game alive.