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mark3236 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by mark3236 (DayZ)

  1. mark3236 (DayZ)

    M4 Fully modded / Mosin PU+bipod

    My pastime was getting a pistol, disinfectant, and handcuffs, then hold up people, cuff them and force feed disinfectants. Now, I'm attached to my gear. So... my gameplay changed from fun to boring. P.S. They really really really need to fix the MOA of M4. I have everything on pristine, and can't hit a man sized target while prone with bipods and acog at 150m. That's not realism. That's just WarZ. Actually, I think WarZ had better gun accuracy.
  2. mark3236 (DayZ)

    Cheating you've encountered

    i had a guy that was shooting from the ground. I wouldn't say it was glitching into walls, because he was literally IN the ground, unable for me to see except the tip of the gun, it's a similar noclip hack in WarZ.
  3. mark3236 (DayZ)

    Blood Test Kits In Med Bags.

    Well if you want to talk about realism, everyone knows what their blood type is. I mean, don't you?
  4. mark3236 (DayZ)

    Static Character(s) Until they Die.

    it will be like WarZ all over again. Please don't. A) separate characters per server -> private hives are already like that. Hence the name 'private' B ) multiple characters per account -> worst idea ever. C) Workaround for multiple characters: Steam Family Sharing (but it's in beta, not many people know about it, and.. yeah.)
  5. mark3236 (DayZ)

    There are jerks camping spawn sites

    It was so funny because I gave you beans hence you receiving beans cause it was hilarious.
  6. mark3236 (DayZ)

    If anyone needs to respawn,

    go to FR 4-682. (Seriously, these reset servers need to be reported and be forced to change their name to "DO NOT ENTER")
  7. mark3236 (DayZ)

    If anyone needs to respawn,

    saying "there's a bug" usually results in shielding fans coming at the post saying "It's alpha, devs are tired and they have more important things to fix" so I'm just getting the best out of this bug before they fix it. I always spawn on cherno.
  8. mark3236 (DayZ)

    If anyone needs to respawn,

    I have this assumption that saying "Guys, if you go to this server, you can respawn anytime!" will fix the issue faster than saying "Devs, please fix resetting servers, my character got reseted :( :( :( "
  9. mark3236 (DayZ)

    So.... you snipe people up this safe roof on cherno?

    Two .357 to the head, he didn't feel a thing.
  10. mark3236 (DayZ)

    So.... you snipe people up this safe roof on cherno?

    Well I did feel it was too much of an easy kill. Probably was an amateur bandit looking for fast action :)
  11. mark3236 (DayZ)

    Servers that reset player

    Some servers aren't whitelisted yet which will lead to resetting. I used to frequent those servers when I had no cliffs to fall from, or zombies to hug to respawn, but all those servers went down. Care to tell me which servers you used? :p
  12. I don't mind kos at all, and never participated in such posts, but I wonder if people have figured out the correlation between combat logging and KOS. I've come across like 5 combat loggers when I tried to hold them up, so I'm thinking about just kos-ing everytime now that bodies don't despawn. Just wondering if people do know that more combat loggers will make the gameplay more hostile.
  13. mark3236 (DayZ)

    so I killed a bambi...

    and the bodies don't disappear!! Yes!!!!
  14. mark3236 (DayZ)

    Bodies don't disappear!!!

    i tend to not post screenshots on general discussion
  15. I would file this on feedback tracker, but this isn't really an exploit nor is it a bug, so I'm just posting here for ya'll to know. I am going away as an army translator on Feb. 3rd, so devs won't be able to block this until I leave even if they wanted to, so I'm just posting :P (I get back on 2015 Nov 2nd, don't let the hype train stop, guys. I need to play the release version when I resign) There's a beta service called "steam family sharing". It lets other people use your entire steam library. The cool thing is, they only use the library, not your actual account (which basically means they get the game for free on their account for a limited time) So... I joined the steam family sharing group, and a day later, I got an email that I was in the service. I registered my laptop as the shared device, and.... viola! If I want a new character, with my other charcter(s) saved, I just have to make a new steam account, log in and then just play. There are many ways this can go wrong. It could be very well exploited like WarZ, keeping your original and side characters close, and then if any one of them dies, instantly log in as the other one and take revenge. *disclaimer: I am not using this feature to exploit the game, I'm just using it legitimately to lend my account to a friend way over in Germany. After all, steam sharing is a legit service provided by valve. Steam against DRM FTW!
  16. mark3236 (DayZ)

    So this guy tried to convert me.

    Players rarely comply when they are held at gunpoint unless a) they are mature hardcore dayz players B ) they have too much valuable gear c) they have come far inland, so they don't want to lose their 'inland' position. So when I held a guy at gunpoint and he sat down and got restrained, I knew something was wrong. This guy, handcuffed, says to me: "Do you believe in Jesus christ, sir? Murder is a sin, and you will suffer in hell if you kill. Our mission here is to deliver the teachings of Jesus Christ" His id was "Lil B based God". Figures. I was beating him to death, and then just before I was going to execute him with my handgun, my game lagged out and put me in an infinite loop of "receiving" screen. I guess there really is a God. At least for him, there was.
  17. mark3236 (DayZ)

    So this guy tried to convert me.

    I think he was actually carrying a book of some sort.
  18. mark3236 (DayZ)

    I feel like I'm a drug addict.

    Coming into the forums to check if my dose of 925 has been released yet. Checking every 10 minutes is making me paranoid
  19. mark3236 (DayZ)

    I feel like I'm a drug addict.

    I heard they fixed the disappearing bodies XD
  20. NOT REALLY. THIS IS A GAME WITH AWESOME POTENTIAL *Title was a bait for the forum moderators/devs. Sorry about that.* Dev/Moderators, now that I've got your attention, please hear me out for just a second. three bullet point for the inpatient ones: 1. M4 accuracy is bad, no one is defending this right now. 2. Fix for this is a single float value fix. 3. Ban me if you want; graveyard this if you want; just please relay this suggestion to the devs. True, I already bought this game for me and my friend - from an EA's perspective, I'm dead meat and I generated revenue already, so you can just screw me over because I already threw money at you. But please have some decency to at least let my suggestion go through before getting banned. M4 accuracy is really bad right now. I've tested with full health/full energy and hydration / pristine ACOG + pristine Bipod deployed / pristine rails / pristine flashlight / pristine buttstock M4 while prone and rested for 1 minute, hold right mouse and shot at a stationary building at about 90m. The spread was about the size of a window. "OH DID YOU ZERO YOUR WEAPON?", 1. I did, 2. I said [sPREAD]. Not drop, no bullet drop or consistent groupings. IT HAD LOW PRECISION (google 'precision vs accuracy' if you don't know what I mean). THE FIX FOR THIS IS A SINGLE LINE IN A SINGLE CPP FILE OR WHATEVER SOURCE FILE THE DEVS USE TO DEVELOP THIS GAME. Game programming is a OOP(Objective-oriented-programming). There's no possibility that the tweak of the accuracy would bring other bugs along with it. It's just a single float value change. It would take such a short time to fix this. I have posted this on feedback tracker. No one responded even though it had positive votes. Communication is really bad at this time. my post: http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=871 Ban me from the forums? OK. I'm going to go away to serve in the army anyway in 2 months. I don't care. But just please relay this suggestion to someone relevant. Please don't do what WarZ did. Please. Please don't do that. Of course, the more you guys screw it up, the higher possibility of me succeeding in the programming industry when I finish university and make my own game, but still. I'm a fan. I had tried A) posted numerous times on the forum B ) posted on feedbacktracker C) commented on feedback tracker and brought it up again and no avail. Hopefully, this will do the trick.
  21. mark3236 (DayZ)

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    There's a big difference in not hitting anything at 100 yards and hitting a person with a 5.56 at a mile. Have you ever tried out the M4? take a look at the one with normal attachments (yes, it's moderately good with magpul attachments... but really? Even WarZ didn't do something stupid as that. Boosting accuracy about 1000~5000% just because it has a magpul handguard is retarded). Do you honestly think that's what accuracy should be? I'm not asking for a precision weapon. I just need it to be somewhat usable. At this state right now, they probably set a world record of the worst accuracy portrayed in the gaming industry.
  22. mark3236 (DayZ)

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    Thanks for the test, pressed like on the video. Yes, you have demonstrated excellently how bad the dispersion is in SA without magpul parts. I'm not sure if DayZ was sponsored by magpul(sarcasm), but this is really bad. All this game needs to be buried in the ground is to sell magpul parts for real money to players right now :P
  23. mark3236 (DayZ)

    This is a really really bad ducking game

    1) just screwing around, but it's not .h. header files don't need changing. 2) well I'm employing a new tactic. At least a forum mod replied once, although now I know forum mods and devs are completely different, as in they are not closely related enough to relay feedback.