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About SuperGhost

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Not Telling

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  • Bio
    Twitch Name : Locothezombie

    Suggested Streamers : Puddn,Deltap42,Brotatoe,ThinkingPCGamer
  1. YOU GOT FUCKING MIKE TYSON-ED GG. Enjoy DayZ Thanks for playing.
  2. i dont see them either
  3. SuperGhost

    Whats this thunderdome crap

    It was funny when i saw the thunderdome the first timee, wtf is this anyways like how do hackers get that part of the map?.
  4. SuperGhost

    Alt + F4

    I definatly use ALT F4 on hackers, :( no one is banning them makes me sad
  5. I rate this 100/100 super simple looking and big :D
  6. SuperGhost

    Pending Update: Build

    Will the log in/out apply to Server Hoppers? Or just ALT F4 ?
  7. SuperGhost

    Day Z is soon to be dead

    Yea DayZ will most definitly succeed, Rocket is working very hard for this game and its just the start of the game too just wait to see the end man :P
  8. SuperGhost

    Gloabaly Banned for running Fraps

    Your obviously lieing and your not the only one with the FRAPS excuse i run fraps everyday so.
  9. I totally agree with that if no one's gonna handle the hackers this is a good idea.
  10. I agree I have been joining servers, 9/10 Servers have hackers. Jets Crashed , Spawned weapons, People with Cop skins, Godmode , Map hack etc etc, Some people's goal is to stay alive for along time etc. I really think its been getting out of hand too. None of this is being taken care off either. :(
  11. SuperGhost

    Sins of a hacking gamer...

    Wow hackers are acctually getting banned?!
  12. SuperGhost

    All these Hackers

    Well 9/10 servers i join has hackers, and ive also seen streamers complain about this. Why are all these hackers still not banned? ;/ Its very annoying playing and getting insta killed or nuked. Idc about gear other players do, they come across hackers and it isnt really fair. Maybe someone has 30+ Days alive and they get nuked by a hacker? :( Will any hacker be banned soon?
  13. SuperGhost

    Insane Amount of Hackers

    Well for me, its 75% chance of me joining a server with a HACKER and lose my gear. Im like a hacker magnet
  14. SuperGhost

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    I Used to be a bandit until i saw this page<3