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About FlamingDefibs

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  1. FlamingDefibs

    Search before you post

    Excellent work, but I'm afraid that we could have used this a year ago, when a lot of this started to become immensely annoying. Regardless, thanks a lot.
  2. FlamingDefibs

    Cars are nice, but tanks? Yes plox

    I think we all know that this won't happen, for the extremely simple reason that the DayZ developers aren't complete morons.
  3. FlamingDefibs

    Idea to stop 'hooligan' bandits

    1. You actually don't even know how many times this has been suggested, and I feel sorry for you, but this isn't too new. 2. It seems like the effects you mentioned would be terribly annoying, likely to the point where they would outweigh the benefits.
  4. FlamingDefibs

    Cars are nice, but tanks? Yes plox

    Please no.
  5. FlamingDefibs

    Need som help upgrading a lowend computer

    Just save up your money for a complete overhaul, because if you decide to upgrade your CPU and not your motherboard, you'll be trapped by socket limits, which isn't very good, especially with that socket.
  6. FlamingDefibs

    Lack Of Experimental Servers?

    Ah, I see. Thanks for letting me know.
  7. FlamingDefibs

    Lack Of Experimental Servers?

    I believe that there are no experimental servers at the moment because the latest patch was rolled out fully, from an experimental version to a stable version. At the moment, to my knowledge, there are no experimental patches being tested, hence the lack of those servers.
  8. FlamingDefibs

    Game Freezing Regularly For Minutes

    Could you start by telling us your specs?
  9. FlamingDefibs

    Is Optimization Ever Going To Happen?

    Optimizations already have and will still be made. The Take on Helicopters engine is sometimes hard to work with in these situations, but Rocket and Co will pull through. Coding for zombies will be improved as more are added, causing frame rates to keep at stable and playable levels. It's all just a matter of time.
  10. FlamingDefibs

    Getting An Upgrade (Need Pc Help)

    Sorry to not have time to reply more thoroughly, but I personally wouldn't trust most of the hardware recommendations on this forum, even though your computer will be for DayZ specifically. Instead, go to the New Builds and Planning section of the Linus Tech Tips Forums here: http://linustechtips.com/main/forum/18-new-builds-and-planning/ That forum is filled with hardware enthusiasts and has been for a while now, and I would trust most of the higher-post-count members' advice for building a new rig. They help people with this all the time. Good luck.
  11. The problem is that the engine performs best in the situation that most AMD chips are lacking, which is single-core performance. The engine only utilizes one core per CPU, which Intel chips are usually focusing in, while AMD chips tend to go with multi-core performance most of the time. Like the others have said, you'll either have to wait or get a decent Intel CPU, at least in the game's current state, if you want excellent frame rates.
  12. FlamingDefibs

    Ram memory

    It's talking about your GPU memory, not your RAM. If it's setting it back to only 2 GB, then I assume it's because you have 2 GB of GPU memory.
  13. FlamingDefibs

    This is awesome!!!!

    I'm an avid black screen watcher as well.
  14. FlamingDefibs

    Mosin = Easy Mode, I love the Mosin

    I'd say the slow fire rate is a con.
  15. FlamingDefibs

    Dear god... some people

    The "creative fiction" that people like LeeHarveyEnfield make is neither creative nor fiction. They're just adding a terribly written "story" to something that already happened in-game, which wasn't even remotely interesting to begin with. And if you think that people only dislike that because they want to feel superior, then maybe you should open your eyes.