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Everything posted by B()we

  1. How far off the mildots were you aiming?
  2. Play on a server where the M107 and AS50 have been removed from the loot table so nope i aint one
  3. B()we

    That moment when..

    Me and buddies tend to move to locations where we hear of people getting killed and try to take on the person doing the killing. So we neither call ourselves heroes nor Bandits but soldiers of fortune and make the best of any situation
  4. B()we

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    Let me know what thread i have suggested something different in and i will be happy to try and explain.
  5. B()we

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    didn't mean to come across rude. Apologies in advance
  6. B()we

    How do you fight players in CQC?

    Clearly you have no sense of military tactics. Rule 101 in contact drills - fire a 2-3 round burst take a few pace and hit the deck and move either left or right (ground dependant). Locate your enemy and return effective/appropriate fire, change your position every few shots. Saved my life manys a time for real and on DayZ.
  7. B()we

    Idiot people

    On this occasion i myself and 4 of my buddies were the idiots. I will keep it short but sweet. We were playing on Taviana and had stopped on the bridge to check out a vehicle so we could split the team into two sub-teams so that if one vehicle got hit then at least half of us would survive, when out of nowhere a car came speeding at us and tried to side swipe one of our members. We, as i'm sure anybody would took this as hostile intent so we opened fire and watched as the dudes car burst into flames, we proceeded to move towards the vehicle to make sure that culprit was laid to rest on approach we seen the attacker crouching beside his burning wreck. Myself and the rest of the guys assumed he was trying to bandage and then he DC'd. Not 20 seconds later " KAAAABLUEEEEEH", all five of us DEAD. The sneaky bugger wasn't bandaging at all, he had laid a scatchel on a timer. Sneakiest dam move i have ever seen. Good show whoever it was.
  8. B()we

    I wish I spawned with a...

    I would have my very own KIM JONG UN. He will threaten Bandits like they have never been threatened before!
  9. B()we

    Cap Galova Bandit Camping

    Likewise. I can bring the troops!
  10. B()we

    Cap Galova Bandit Camping

    1.) take a good look at the map and the terrain 2.) Select your route in to your proposed firing point 3.) Stop short of your proprosed firing point and scout it 4.) May i suggest you split into two fire teams (providing you have adequette numbers) 5.) Once you're in your "stop short" position and are happy, then begin your approach to your proposed firing point using the terrain. 6.) As vDarkStar suggests' keep good spacing between each of your team members 7.) If you have a new spawn suggest they travel by the targeted location and see if they come under contact As for the Lighthouse itself. It could be a good idea to have an LMG (SAW/M240/MK48) to suppress that position once your are ready to assault .
  11. B()we

    Too Many Hackers, I'm Done.

    What? Primary school taught you well. Try UK11 machoman taviana, it is a private hive and the all admin are on the ball dude. Since the server has been whitelisted there hasn't been a hacker.
  12. B()we

    Motor Vehicle Theft

    Find a road that has a sharp bend, set up a few tank traps around that corner and wait. Simples.
  13. You SIR are a Bellend! If you had killed him when you first met him that would be cool but to help the guy for so long and then turn on him thats just being a dick.
  14. i have the bandit skin but I do help out fresh spawns call it professional courtesy if you will. I also only hunt players that have done me wrong or if there is a group on that my group has a professional rivalry with. Even with those we deem to have a professional rivalry with if we see them just freshly spawned we still help them until we meet again on the battlefield
  15. B()we

    Are there still camps?

    One tent is enough for me, why store more stuff that you need or simply find a camo'd UAZ and move its location as you come and go never keeping it static for too long.
  16. B()we

    Simple Squad Tactics

    Moving in groups and keeping your spacing as you move can limit the amount of casualties you take if you come into contact i.e not being huddled together or riding up eachothers arseholes. A selection of different weapons has its advantage also. My group generally consists of 4 to 7 players so we tend to have at least one/two snipers, one LMG, and a mixture of rifles with automatic capability or longe range effectiveness like the M14. In contact getting as much rounds down range in theory should keep the opposers head down but being that it's only a game it may not. also having a few smoke grenades can be handy to help with extraction from contacts, i use these alot but thats just me wanting to make things that wee bit more fun and dramatic. In vehicles if there is 4 or more of my group on we split the team into 2 vehicles, if the convoy comes under contact we always chose to stop the vehicle with the driver side away from the firing point, especially if there is only two players in the vehicle with the passenger sitting behind the driver, so if it is a head on contact we can turn the passenger side towards the contract giving the driver and the passenger behind him cover to get out of the vechicle and to return fire. As this postee said communication is a big part of surviving, sometimes emotions run high and people shout and roar but that happens.
  17. B()we

    Where to hide camps ?

    I find that rock formations with a crevice in them is generally a good spot. I have a single tent hidden that hasn't been found/looted in over a month.
  18. B()we

    When is it Okay to KoS?

    KOS whenever you want, you bought the game and downloaded the mod so your entitled to play as you see fit. I for one KOS not because i am a C*nt but because i love the emotions a good fire fight brings out. On the other hand if i see unarmed players i help them out, give them lifts and drop them off somewhere to get geared. if i see them later i will KOS. It's only a game, it's not like you can't get geared again.
  19. B()we


    I carry 1 of each for food and drink in my main inventory and 1 of each in by backpack, 1 morphine and 1 blood in my inventory and the same for my backpack. 2 bandages minimum. 5/6mags in the main inventory if i have a secondary weapon in my backpack i make sure i carry at least one mag for it in my inventory and the rest in the backpack also.
  20. B()we

    Showdown at the convoy

    I had a similiar moment of impatience myself only the out come was a little better. Let me elaborate and set the scene. The server was Machomans UK11 private hive on Taviana, my team and I have been playing on this server pretty much since it went live and it is now our home server. Sunday 0500 GMT, I had set a tent up not far from the barracks at Martin, this is my favourite loot spawn on the map as it has three barracks similar to those on the North airfield in Chernarus. Anyway, I had been looting for maybe 2 hours travelling back and forward to my tent stashing the gear i was finding in Martin, I was the only person on the server so i knew i was safe from PvP. I just so happened to check the player list and a "Mr White" had joined. so i proceeded to ask him "Hows the looting going?" to which he replied "Not too good, it depends where i go". He then asked where i was so i gave him a false location so that he wouldn't come to Martin. I ask the same of him and he said he was on the West island. So I am making my approach to Martin again when i see movement in the Barracks. I move in nice and slow and low and behold there is Mr White. Now i could have killed him there and then but i decided it is only the two of us on the server so i will make contact and let this play out. So i anounce that i see him in the 2nd barracks and he delcares friendly, which was all well and good so i also declared friendly. I let MrWhite know that I'm killing zombies and 2 mins later the ejit pops me with his M4. I asked why he would do such a thing and his response was "Maybe i have been a little too friendly lately". I admit i was a little annoyed but thats DayZ. I made my way back to Martin again being cautious on my aproach, this time its all quiet so i move in. While i was in the 3rd Barracks out of the corner of my eye I see a dude spawn in right in the middle of the barracks courtyard and there HE is............Mr White! I unloaded a few rounds into this dude and he DC'd. Fast forward to 2130 GMT and I am at the east end of the bridge so i take a look at the player list and look whose name pops up, the one and only Mr White. Now he was sitting in lobby so i suspected that he was logging in and out at Martin waiting for loot to respawn. I made my way to Martin then to try and end this once and for all. After 20 mins of solid running i arrive at Martin and the place is derelect so i move in to wait for this chuckle to spawn back in when suddenly i hear what sounds like a ural on route to my location. I had a decision to make here- 1) hide in the barracks and wait; or 2) move out of the barracks and observe So i choose the safer option, that being the latter. I pushed into the trees on the east side of the barrack to wait on the on coming ural. Once the Ural got into the barracks area i performed a 360 degree recce around the Barracks to see what i was up against. When i finally settled into a good position i noticed the Ural sitting empty and two players where running around looting. At this point my body started to tense up i was doubting my own ability to land the killer blow, when suddenly 2 more players appeared, it was now 4 on 1. So i allowed the guys to go about their looting routines, when they had finished all four of them jumped into the Ural, 3 in the cab and one in the rear. so I zero'd my m24 to 100m as this was my range and moved my scope from right to left across the window screen of the cab delivering a head shot to the driver and the guy in the middle, the 3rd guy bailed out and i managed to ping him in the arse i presume i broke something because he was crawling around and eventually settled under the Ural, I steadied my aim and delivered the final blow. 3 down one to go. I lay in wait for approx 10 mins waiting for the final guy to show himself but to no avail. So i started to mount another 360 degree recce around the barracks to get a location on the final member of the loot squad but again to no avail. I felt the time was now right to move in and check my spoils. All heavily armed and med supplied up. Sadly none of the guys were the elusive Mr White, he is still out there but i will have my revenge!
  21. B()we

    Ethics of a Bandit?

    Some people just want to watch the world burn!
  22. B()we

    DayZ Noob Style

    You're a Lucky chap! Thought you were a goner!