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About J-Hat

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    Underneath that pine tree.
  • Interests
    Seeing our Race colonize Space... ASAP!!
  1. Oh, see that's your problem right there; you're supposed to compile the code before you check the changes into the repo. ',=-P
  2. so you basically power logged to get rid of all but three zombies... malarkey!
  3. well the in game list is very basic and your server doesnt seem to be very "responsive" :) I know that lots of servers will show in Six or Commander (the latter is far superior) that will not show in the games server browser.
  4. okay so i found that server with dayZ commander by unchecking the boxes for both "Hide Wrong Arma Version" "Hide Unresponsive" (after I removed all filter settings to make sure)
  5. YES TO: Petrol bombs!! (fuel, bottles, matches) :thumbsup: chainsaws (fuel) machete!! (if the supermarket sells tents then they should also stock machetes :) ) homemade spears (mostly for impaling; throwing should be sorta difficult) bat (you should need a toolbox to add nails) NO ON: katana - or make it rare (i doubt anyone would have one of these) chain - meh flamethrower power tools
  6. J-Hat

    molotov cocktail

    Petrol Bombs +1
  7. J-Hat

    Weapon Suggestion Thread

    Petrol Bombs +1
  8. Easy there. I did use the search and it wouldn't return any results that day. I can see those now. I had not searched for it prior to that or I would've found it strange.
  9. J-Hat

    US153 Hacking

    Makes sense :) get 'em!
  10. J-Hat

    US153 Hacking

    If i remember correctly I didn't see any names but I did see labels when I pointed at a variety of objects (I haven't been to your server in a couple weeks). For example, I got labels like "House", "Civilian", "Rabbit", "Man". Also not a fan of the poor man's rangefinder.
  11. Plus you can already stop, drop and roll! sizzle
  12. J-Hat

    Climbing a ladder

    try standing right next to the ladder but face sideways. also you can use the scroll wheel to find the option to climb ladder up/down (which you would select with mmb) or like Naein said just click mmb when you see the triangular indicator. Look at the rungs, poles and all around while close to it. gl
  13. Okay so maybe it's the Worms fan in me talking here but, Petrol Bombs would be sick in DayZ. We already got empty bottles, fuel tanks, and thrown weapon mechanics... and matches. You know you want to whip a bottle of wicked hot fire at a car, zombie or some player thats giving you the mean mug! Cmon... who's with me???
  14. J-Hat

    I'm getting tired of this...

    I see. I imagine somewhere along the way to fixing your issue another one may have been introduced. That always makes debugging more fun (sadistic). I hope you have better luck now that you are doing a clean install with the wiki guide on your side.