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Tristan Cooper

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About Tristan Cooper

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Bio
    I am boy. Boy was born. Boy grew up. Boy is okay.

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  1. Tristan Cooper


    456? And that is?
  2. Tristan Cooper

    Poisonois Mushrooms and Berries

    Ohhhh you did thaaaaat. I was thinking more like feeding starving guys poison
  3. Tristan Cooper

    Poisonois Mushrooms and Berries

    Did they just eat the berries? No questions asked??
  4. Tristan Cooper

    Server reset times?

    Yeah, 6 sounds more right, and the pvp servers reset like every hour.
  5. Tristan Cooper

    Become unplayable

    Game has a pretty solid player base, but we really don’t need anymore guns lol
  6. Tristan Cooper

    Server reset times?

    Not sure either, probably like every 8-12 hours
  7. Tristan Cooper

    Stealth kills bug

    I get what you’re saying though
  8. Tristan Cooper

    Picture quality

    The same thing happens to me, but exclusively with the blood splatters in buildings Clip? not sure if this works.
  9. Tristan Cooper

    Stealth kills bug

    Yeah, but if they were like sorting inventory, filling a gas tank, drinking from a fountain, basically anytime they’re standing still.
  10. Tristan Cooper

    Give me a refund Bohemia - Warning (0x000400F0)

    Okay, I can’t remember, but did it have you read terms and service before you played? Because if so they probably clarified that they aren’t guaranteeing that the product works. They do the same thing with ea terms and service.
  11. Tristan Cooper

    Dual Wield Small Arms

    I mean, if It is ever added, how effective would it be? You can’t reload, or even aim properly.
  12. Tristan Cooper

    What’s Up With Spawn Points!?

    I think spawns are randomized, and the number of players nearby doesn’t effect where you spawn. Because I’ve spawned in literally right next to a geared dude, like 6 feet away.
  13. Tristan Cooper

    Stealth kills bug

    I honestly struggle to get that close to them, and when I do, I end up slashing their back. And I think it’d be cool if you could do this on people as a reward for their ignorance/your stealth.
  14. Tristan Cooper

    Controller configuration

    Did they add customizable controls finally?
  15. Tristan Cooper

    How was this base made?

    Likely illegitimately as it’s on official. I’d like to meet the people who made it if they built the base honestly.