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Everything posted by tandwan

  1. Let me clear something up for you, you're doing it wrong. I snipe full time, it's all I do. I kill the shit out of bandits and i'm sitting at around 7k humanity. I snipe from NWAF to Stary and over to Berezino. I am mobile, and I stalk and I work for my kills. You're just some nobody who found a hacked in weapon, got transported to the top of the hotel where you don't have to worry about watching your own ass and then thought he was clever because he can shoot people with flashlights while third personing. You're one of those people who thinks he's got skill, but in fact, all of the real (PVP) players are laughing at you kids. You're the joke of DayZ, sir. Get the fuck out.
  2. Please remove the IP. The GUID is enough to ban with, the IP is a privacy thing.
  3. tandwan

    [Video] Lingor Island Prison raid in UAZ

    Lingor. AKA : Unsupported. Thanks.
  4. You're on top of the International Hotel, which means you got flown up there by chopper. Judging from how you're sitting it looks like you're third person camping with an AS50 TWS. So basically, you got negative one million humanity by sniping on top of the international hotel with a hacked in weapon and then probably server hopping to find people to kill. The best part is where you're posting your uber skills by pointing out "Hur-dur, I just killed this guy with my TWS hacked in sniper rifle." Good job, you win the game. Maybe get out of newbie ville and come out to someplace where the majority of the people there aren't using weapons that don't even have the range to hit you up there? Balls, you need some.
  5. You were hacking. Plain and simple. If BE banned you and global banned you then you got caught in a ban sweep and your CD key got blocked. BE doesn't give false positives, it just is too bad for business for them to be dicking around like that. We see posts like this every, single, day. I never hacked, ever, but I got banned! You're not the first, you're not the last, and you probably aren't innocent. Contact BE, and / or fork over 20 bucks and bite the bullet. If you got caught then at least have the nuts to admit you got caught.
  6. tandwan

    [DMD] Kyle is HACKER!!!

    Or made fun of.
  7. So if it's a good guy hacker it's not hacking. It's just some guy having a good time. See, that's where you're a bad admin. Hacking is hacking, period, end of discussion. It's your job as an admin to make sure the rules are followed. Seeing as you don't give a flying fuck, i'll swear off NO56 and tell everyone I know to swear it off.Damned if I wanna play on a server where 'playful hacking' and 'playfully destroying a game' are allowed.
  8. tandwan


  9. tandwan


  10. Yeah, those westerners... man, they sure complain about wearing that Taliban hood. Way to stereotype people, good call there. Did I get it right there Mr. Forum Team Member? You were stereotyping people from the "West" saying that WE were the ones complaining because we had to wear a shemagh? It's not a 'Taliban hood', it's something most people who live in arid (desert) regions of the world wear so that way the sun doesn't burn up the top of their head. Ironic that you immediately said it was a Taliban hood, which is again, stereotype. So let's see here, you've stereotyped people from the west as affiliating a shemagh with the Taliban. You also in essence said anyone wearing a shemagh is Taliban. I don't think we're the ones with the problem there Mr. Forum Team Member.
  11. tandwan

    Update your ban.txt

    What is the CBL? Is it reliable? Where can I find it? <-- Server admin who wants to update ban list.
  12. AndreasB, you have no idea what you're talking about. First off, people submit GUID on these forums almost every single day when submitting proof that someone is hacking. You're basically taking the side of the hackers with your words and actions. You won't help the community, and you accuse people of things by spreading misinformation? This guy is actively trying to stop hacking by giving out information to the community of hackers being caught in the act and you say he's giving out scripts? Seriously? Do you not even look at your logs? You do realize this stuff is IN your logs right? Basically with your words and actions you are supporting hacking in this alpha. Personally I wish they would ban you from the forums because you're not contributing, you're hassling people who are.
  13. tandwan

    Hackers caught in action.

    All this shows is you combat logging, so yeah.
  14. tandwan

    Hackers are ruining this game

    Well good gosh. We almost made it one full page before some clown who can't use the search function made another fucking thread of this crap. PS: It's not hacking, it's scripting. Hacking takes a little bit of knowledge in what you're doing, scripting requires you to pay for someone elses work to look like you know what you're doing.
  15. What is going on is that people want shit to go their way, all the time. They don't run servers, they have no intention at all of floating the money to get a server nor do they care anything beyond logging in and durping around in this game. They have this personal set of rules they follow and when someone doesn't follow them they get up in arms about it. Notice there's one guy in here saying that this has something to do with me not being able to get gear in the barracks or some shit. How that person figured that observation would be relevant in this thread is beyond me. We have people here linking obscure rules that were changed a while ago because they just want to throw their two cents in here. The best part about all this is the few people who think they will change my actions by telling me that I will get blacklisted and ya-da, ya-da so on and so forth. My favorite quote in here is the 12 year old who says "Op got pooped on" I actually laughed in real life over that. I got pooped on? Seriously? Wow. This thread served its purpose in getting me the information I needed, I even said - I'm done with this thread and closed it when I was done. Didn't come back, didn't care, didn't read anything till this morning when I opened it up and skimmed the page for a laugh. I will be banning for people barracks hopping. If you need to ask "How do you have proof people are barracks hopping?" then I hope you are making a sad attempt at trolling. Honestly, how fucking stupid do you have to be to sit out at the north west or any other 'military' loot area and see people constantly spawn in, run through, and spawn out. The nifty part is since my server is lower pop I can use Rcon to just monitor who logs in and who logs out. Thanks to zombie spawns I can tell when someone is in the barracks and when someone isn't. Next step is simply look who logged in and ta-da instant ban, having a low pop, low traffic server really helps here. It doesn't take anything beyond a GED to figure some of these things out, I know some of you still are baffled by simple logic and observation, it's ok, I forgive you. In closing (as I go make some breakfast) I hope you enjoyed posting in this thread as much as I enjoyed reading this vomit.
  16. I read this and I laughed because you're probably one of the people I would be banning. Thanks for telling me, i'll go look it up so I can ban garbage players like you who server hop and call it legit and alt F4 and call it (part of the game). PS: We ban for Alt F4 and combat logging too. And we have a very, very long ban list. Guess that makes us big bad bullies for ruining your play style ^_^. We also kick for people with non-PG 13 names (no swearing in the names) we ban for racism, and we ban for people who dupe gear. Guess you probably won't want to play on our server considering i'm trying to make my server a good place to play while it seems you just want server admins to not give a fuck and let you run the server :) Last post from me, not a single fuck will be given past this point as you gave me the answer I was looking for.
  17. tandwan

    Massive hacker camp

    Hey Dev, I see you're still pissed off at the world, eh? Read the thread snowflake, then get back to me when you put that foot in your mouth. Maybe this is a bit beyond your scope of understanding so let me dumb it down for you. If you ban people for any reasons not listed by Rocket you can get blacklisted. Plain and simple. Notice what I said Snowflake, you can be banned, not you will be banned. I'm not an admin or a developer of this game so therefore I can't give out punishments but there are specific rules for admins that are posted on what we can and can not ban for. I'll check back tomorrow for another rage induced thread of hate from Dev.
  18. tandwan

    Massive hacker camp

    Do you accidentally dupe backpacks when you switch into camo / ghillie? Did you relog and get all your ammo back in patchs other then 2.5? Did you ever abort out from zombie aggro? If you said yes to any of the above, then pot meet kettle.
  19. tandwan

    Massive hacker camp

    And you will get blacklisted. The person who created the game says, you can not ban for this. You apparently just feel that's you're a special snowflake and the rules don't apply to you because you're doing good things for the server. Cute.
  20. tandwan

    Massive hacker camp

    If you are kicking people for bringing in hacked weapons when they didn't hack the weapon in you can be reported for admin abuse and it will fly. You can not kick / ban for hacked in weapons because rocket has stated it's not illegal to carry them only to spawn them in.
  21. [Disclaimer: This is a rant, not a troll thread, simply a rant. You can reply if you like, I honestly won't be bothered to reply to directed comments telling me how awful I am and how I made a bad call. I'm not looking for your input, i'm not looking for your slaps on the back. This post was simply to voice my frustration to this forum and give some insight into how the life of a server admin goes.If you feel you are a special snowflake and that this may in any way be directed at you then I strongly urge you to close this thread and go on about your day. Fair warning, continue to read at your own risk.] I honestly see this becoming a multi-part rant simply because there is so much happening in the world of my server right now. I want to reach out and choke some of the people who play on my it and give their 'input' on how it should be run when you can tell on a glance that they've clearly never hosted a server / community before in their life. You people have some nerve to stand up in a chat group we specifically made for this server and tell us how shitty of admins we are because we do such things like restart the server when it's slow and restart it when tents / vehicles / deployable wire and such don't come up on start. Really brilliant genius. I mean we spend our collective money on a place for you to come in and play and the only thing you can do is bitch about how it runs? Granted, there are those who like and appreciate the fact that we are doing this and they say so in the chat, but some of you cocksuckers have a lot of nerve. I've seen everything from people ESP hacking finding our camp and then for days on end logging in to mark it over and over for days on end until we literally gave up and completely moved camp. We haven't been hacked quite as bad as everyone else and I consider this a bout of luck, but we've got our share of dumbass's that's for sure. When will people figure out that just short of admins using hacks themselves that we can't spawn vehicles, weapons, gear of any kind. We are normal players on the server with the ability to restart it now and then to make it go smoother. We can't see you on the map, we can't teleport to you and kill you with a button. We can't see your camp, we can't see your truck, we can't see anything except what every other Tom, Dick, and Harry can see. And we make mistakes. God forbid. Couple of days ago we had a duo from Brazil come on our server and were server hopping till they found a chopper. We frown on server hopping but it's not a ban offense for us. We had just updated to and little did we know all vehicles that were destroyed on the map reset when the server is updated. So our chopper had crashed a few days prior and we had been checking almost every hour at both spawns to see if it had come back. We updated the server and these two hopped in and boom, free chopper. They fix it up and fly it to the NW airfield. I get to NW airfield and see it hovering there and shoot the hell out of it with a DMR, after two clips the pilot says "Shit i'm being shot!" and flies off. We figure, shit, choppers up already? Must be spawned in. So we say to the people online "If you're flying the chopper please come to chat." We then tell them how to get to the chat room and give them 15 minutes to get there. We update this every 5 minutes and at 15 minutes on the dot we shut the server down. After the server shut down of course the two people come into the chat channel and start complaining. We ask where they got the chopper and they dick dance around actually telling us where they got it, they said - Oh you don't know where it spawns so we won't tell you. What kind of brain dead moron thinks he gets asked to come to a chat channel only so we can ask you where the chopper spawns? Dude have you ever heard of Google? Do they not have this in Brazil? We're giving you a chance to explain where the shit came from. How hard is it to say "Oh we found it on the island spawn.". Done, thanks, continue on, your chopper is probably back on the island because you didn't save it. Shit, we would have even LOCKED THE SERVER so you could go get it back and therefore be A-O.K. after that, but nope they nerd rage about how they've lost the chopper now because we brought it down. They then start being racist saying how fucking Americans and Canadians are useless and how this is a shit community and oops, now your ass got banned. Admins get a shit rap sometimes, we really do. We get our good and we get our cheese dick majority who seem to think we're a bunch of useless fucks with nothing better to do then ruin your free time on a free server that you connect to and don't even OFFER to fork a fucking penny over. Not that i'm asking for it, but it would be thoughtful for someone to say "Hey man if I wanted to donate, how would I do that?" Shit man I wouldn't take the money but you know damn good and well I would appreciate the offer. I know there are some people who could give two damns about a server and how it is running. I know there are people who could care less if hackers are ruining your game or not. I know there are admins who spawn cheat weapons and shit and use them on players. News flash. We're not one of them. We ban for barracks hopping. We ban for combat logging, combat dodging, Alt F4'ing out of combat. We ban for racism and racist names. We ban for hacking, scripting, duping gear. Our ping limit is set to 150 and will kick anyone above that. We try to run a very tight ship because we want our server to run smoothly. I'm not asking for your sympathy, i'm asking for you to not lump every admin you encounter in with the rest of these retards. |------------------------------------------------| TL;DR : Get off the balls of the admins. Thanks.
  22. tandwan

    Admin rant : Part 1

    I know man, I know some dick will cry that his character can't play on one of over a thousand servers but fuck them. Man I seriously do not care anymore about the 'feelings' of this people who think they can run the server better then us. We work for the community, everything we do is for the community and we treat our players like we want to be treated. If we make some mistakes then so be it, if we get fucking black-listed then oh well, we will just have our own server for us few to play on. Going to play now, have fun with the thread guys.
  23. I want to say first of all that I am a sub-admin on a server currently being run on I am learning how to find and ban hackers / script kiddies and I got to say that yes, it is a pain in the ass tracking these people down. The thing I want to say is some of you are not doing anything about these hackers other then restarting your server. I say some, not all, but some of you. I know this fact because you can see the admins being very active and you can hear about 'problem servers' which constantly seem to pop up. If you go through this forum you will read about certain servers which constantly come up as having hackers on them. These servers have reports come in almost every day about a hacker doing one thing or another. These are the problem servers because the admins don't do anything to help themselves and could really care less about what's going on. You pay 50-75 bucks a month for some script kiddie to fuck you over. Step up to the plate and put some effort into finding these guys and making their lives a living hell by banning them every time one comes on. If you're using Rcon, it's SUPER simple to ban these people and if you're using a parser then it's SUPER easy to detect them. Come on guys, YOU are hurting the community almost as much as the hackers are because YOU are letting them run wild.
  24. So you want people to find a server with active admins but you're posting against an op who says that admins need to be more active on their servers. You sir, are a hypocrite.