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Everything posted by tandwan
I want to do a survivor on experimental. I don't know what's got into me, maybe it's the idea of running around, camping bandits and whatever has gotten old so here's a few questions before I start out. 1. I know cooking in a pot does not work, nor does cooking in a frying pan. Does cooking on a stick work? 2. Are tents persistent? Do they stay when you place them and do they keep inventory items? More will follow when these are answered.
Stating stupid facts about CS:GO is quotable. You're absolutely right. CS:GO is the first ever tactical FPS that was successful. Not Arma 2, Ghost Recon, Operation Flashpoint, or Project Reality the BF2 mod, Dragon Rising... no, no, no. They never did tournaments, so they're obviously shit. Truly done with this thread now, if nothing else Eltherimp, you've made this amusing to read. Keep on fighting the durp fight.
They're dropping, i've found one..... key word one. I found one M4 but after that I haven't found any others. No attachments and nothing other then Aug at the chopper crashes i'm checking now. I'm not sure maybe the drop rate is super rare or something or they're on the same spawn rates as batteries?
I know I said I was done but this thread but this is more thank you, I needed a new sig and this one seemed worthy.
The interesting thing is that I do this all the time on Experimental... especially at police station loot explosions. Those will always, always have a mine somewhere in that mess... so I leave it there, armed of course. Lately due to being an absolute jerk I take any mines I find and then happily place them at chopper crashes because it's amusing to watch server hoppers blow themselves all to hell due to greed.
The original topic of this was - Come try something new. That's it, that's all it was. The rest of this came out of nowhere. I'm actually done posting here because my mission was accomplished with the first post.
See, you're the first person to make a valid point I can agree with. Yes, I don't feel the buildings are sized correctly to allow proper vision over them. I can agree with this because it feels a bit... weird having to stand completely up to look out a window which you would think you could see out of. And yes, motion sickness. Completely understand this as I have it. The best way to combat it for me is peppermint. Not sure how that helps but it does for me.
I don't feel that's true. A necessary evil for game-play? Again, the argument that you need first person because you don't have that peripheral vision normally granted by eyesight could be said for any game at all, however it doesn't. However, I will agree that without third person servers, DayZ would have a much smaller player base then it currently has.
So I read over this list and I have to say, L O L I mean, so much of this 'super list of things that are fact' is so biased and ignorant I just.... let me start here. 1. Inconsistent/low FPS It has never been proven with any testing at all that can be found anywhere on the internet that first person servers get worse FPS then a third person server. If in fact this was true then I am sure someone would have posted it in the bugs section of this forum, I won't insult your intelligence in how to get there and look for yourself but I will save you the time. There's no such thread because First person vs. Third person has no bases on FPS. 2. Low FPS results in jumpy mouse response.. FPS has nothing to do with perspective, see above. Your FPS is directly based off of your PC which causes mouse stutter and bad frames. Basing your FPS on if you're on a first or third person server is completely ignorant and even more ignorant to think changing perspective makes your game play worse. Let's think about this for a moment in the form of a scenario. You are in Berezino and getting 60 FPS, someone shoots at you and you switch to first person, your FPS stays 60 frames per second. It doesn't magically drop simply because you changed perspectives. I could record this and give you an example but I won't waste my time. 3. Visual clutter. In most FPS's (Say, CSGO), everything is clean and models/players "stand out" from the environment.. In DayZ, you can see 1000 meters away, and there's SO much to take in that the wider perspective 3pp offers allows your mind to pick out movement/color change easier, which makes getting your bearings easier. In 1pp, it's easy to lose your sense of direction because it's easier to lose visual "markers" This... is again dumb. How do you suddenly lose visual markers because you move out of third person? I mean, this makes no sense. Do the hills and trees and things get up and run off because you changed perspective and secretly snicker at you from behind some other hill due to your misfortune? Third person only moves your perspective farther back behind your character and in some cases gives you vision over obstacles that you normally wouldn't have. Furthermore, comparing this game to CS:GO is a bit awkward don't you think? A competitive shooter vs a survival based fps? There's no clutter in CS:GO compared to DayZ because they are completely different genera. Moving on.. 4. Small buildings/entrances/doorways, short cielings, clutter in rooms/buildings/environment.. Stuff that basically forces you to get stuck/be unable to move fluidly.. All of this is prevented/helped with 3pp, where you can see your surroundings better and see what your feet are doing. The clutter and space does not change because you change perspective. Nothing changes other then you have vision directly out of your characters eyes. The tables and chairs don't move towards you or get closer and doors don't stop you from entering. Furthermore, the only time I have ever experienced getting stuck in a door was back in older builds of this game. Moving on... 5. Laying in trees/bushes/on a hill.. In 1pp it's very difficult for you to get a sense of how hard you are for others to see or how well hidden you are.. in 3rd person, you can see your surroundings better so you know how your body is fitting into those surroundings. Then.... don't hide in a bush? Seriously, if you can't judge if a bush / tree / whatever hides you then there's other problems with your game-play other then the server you play on. Judging if you're in cover is a FPS basic tool and simply requires you to learn a little bit before jumping into a bush and wondering if it covers you. 6. Driving vehicles in 1pp is just downright retarded.. nuff said. Stupid argument. NUFF SAID. That didn't win you any argument because driving in first person isn't difficult at all. So you've never played any game where you had to drive in first person? Were they all stupid? If yes, then see above, it's not DayZ that's the problem it's your visual awareness. I play other FPS games fine without 3pp. Battlefield, CSGO, Insurgency, you name it... Because those games were designed around being FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS.. DayZ is .. not really. DayZ is a game based off Arma, which is a tactical FPS. Saying that Arma of all games is not as good a FPS as a run and gun shooter is a bit silly. The entire argument you made was totally biased with no proof whatsoever. The only thing I said about third person servers is the fact I feel that third person is a bit of a cheat because it gives you vision you normally would not have. I have never claimed to be better then anyone else in DayZ nor will I ever do so. I will stand by my previous words : People play on third person servers because they are generally easier as third person is a crutch. You don't have to like the statement as it's my opinion, much like your entire post above mine. I think you should take your own advice here, stop arguing this topic because the your 'opinion' is not 'fact'.
Touche, and as to the 1st to 3rd performance? I personally have never seen a difference. I seem to get the same chops and such on both servers and have to log out after a long game-play due to the same reasons.
A good question and one that I will answer. I love DayZ and unfortunately it comes to a point where I am forced to play on a 3pp server because I like interaction with players as much as I like 1pp. Unfortunately at certain times of the day the servers become completely empty and I won't avoid the reasoning behind this either, it's easier. People would rather play on a 3pp server not because it's much more fun, they play there because 3pp makes it easier. In my honest opinion that answer can't be denied because you can't say it's not fun on 1pp servers because it's the same game. There's absolutely no difference in game-play between a first person or a third person server as nothing has changed but perspective. Granted I won't deny there are people who enjoy watching their character wander around and loot things or maybe hold a gun in a certain way but I just can't avoid the truth : Third person servers give a person that first person does not, third person perspective. Now I won't drag that particular horse out of the shed and commence to hammering on it with my stick, to each their own, if you want to do 1pp or 3pp then enjoy the game how you want. However I won't give anything other then a justified reasoning behind why 1person servers are empty. People enjoy having the advantage of being able to third person over walls and such over having to rely on first person. Otherwise we get answers like the second person in this thread, I like third person because my character needs to be pretty in a zombie apocalypse.
Apparently, I can't read and for that I apologize
Please link to me where I have ever posted an argument over third person servers vs first person in a thread created by me. I challenge you to do so because I know you will not find one. Search feature is your friend and if you use it for me you will find the only thread I have posted was in regards to locking variables such as gamma, steam requests and FoV.
This, right here. Not having third person does not keep me from actually worrying if my character is going to stand out like a sore thumb if I wear a pink raincoat or not. I actually go to fairly deep lengths to ensure my characters 'color' looks natural to the surroundings I am in. Checking to see if colors clash or not look natural and seeing if they stand out fairly strongly depending on my environment are a massive factor when I play on a first person server because I can't just slap the numpad enter key to see if those leaves disguise me as a bush or not.
I'm sorry, this doesn't seem like a good argument for why to have third person over first person. You can just as easily hit tab and see what your character looks like at any given time of running around. Hell, you can even log out and spin your character around on the login screen all day long if this is your thing to do in game. And yes, I could just play constantly on a first person server however they die, fast, at certain times of the day. The population on first person servers goes to a crawl when I play and sadly I know this is because people just are so weened to third person they can't stand not having that edge.
some ideas for "signs of the apocalypse" to be added
tandwan replied to d.walker43's topic in General Discussion
http://www.videodetective.com/movies/28-days-later-scene-hello/705158 Almost a month later. -
Seeds... are these like super rare now? Being a survivalist I can't find seeds to save me. Cooking isn't working, so growing food seems to be the best way to do it. The problem is, I don't see seeds anywhere at all, even in Industrial areas.
I'm one of those people who absolutely despises third person because it feels like it actually takes away from the game when you allow it. As an old school Arma player who has only played on 1st person servers I have to admit it makes it alot easier for people to corner camp, hide behind walls and generally easy mode their way through fire fights with very little danger when they can simply corner peak their way to safety. WIth that said, I feel some variables need to be given to server admins to make their servers how they want or set them up in certain aspects. Field of View : Currently as a person who gets motion sickness and uses this, I feel it should be locked after a certain ratio. Anything higher then 80 should be considered as a player just using it as a poor mans zoom optic. Gamma : Gamma should be allowed to be set to a certain aspect and not allow for people to soft-gamma hack their way through a game. DayZ is a survival game and light is important because it gives you an idea of what's around you. It should be scary to use it because you're giving your position away when you use it and it can / will get you killed. Allowing people to crank their gamma up on dark servers completely removes this and in some cases is a poor mans NVG. This is another item that should be locked to a certain ratio, allowing people to adjust the game slightly for their game texture but not to the point you suddenly aren't bothered by night. Steam requests while in game: I am absolutely sick of sad little bandits who try to dupe you into thinking they want to be friendly because they can access my steam page. I've had to put this as private now because it's crazy how many times I get messaged IN GAME (Hey bro, wanna team up?). I learned my lesson the first time and it cost me, we're months past that episode and it's gone from humorous to annoying now. I'm a bit torn about this because on experimental I use it to test bugs with players on the server, but on live it's not even slightly useful to me except for newbie bandits trying to bait. That's it, I don't expect a miracle but my arguments are my own and my opinion. I know there will be snide, sarcastic remarks but maybe, just maybe a dev will peak at this and give an opinion.
I don't know but it's not uncommon for me to get an invite on every server i play on at least once. I recently set my profile to private in hopes that will fix it = /
So I am going to do a loot list of what i've found and where. I know people have found things places and have found loot in random areas but I am more concerned about where I find it and where it's going to spawn. So this will be a basic (or not) guide to everything I find in DayZ and where it comes from: College building : (This is the large three story building in Elektro that has research rooms, an open bottom area and what looks like a basketball court) - Mostly hunter pants here, I have yet to find anything in regards to clothing tops but there will always be hunter pants spawning here in abundance. I have found other clothing here, random things like raincoats and jackets but they're random and rare and I feel they were left by players. Gaurd shack / entrance shack : (http://img.dayzdb.com/img/buildings/land_mil_guardhouse.jpg) - This seems to be the high end military loot spawn since barracks are dry. You can find everything that would normally spawn at barracks coming up here so I won't go into detail. I have even found some rare gems like 300 rd. ammo boxes and AK-47's. These loot spawns should be a first priority over going to a barracks because these will contain everything military you could want. Destroyed BMP : (http://img.dayzdb.com/img/buildings/land_bmp2_wrecked.jpg) - While I have found quite a bit of loot around these one that always strikes me as true will be the one near Vybor military base. This is the base located at 045070 and while it has three barracks and a police station I will often as not completely bypass the barracks or go there last for this loot gem on the west side. Of all the destroyed BMP I have seen in this game this one is an absolute treasure where I have found AK scopes, SKS, AK-47 and even the rare landmine. This spot actually outshines the rest of the compound which usually carries a few stoves, sometimes magazines for makarovs and what not. Don't forget on the eastern side there will be a Guard shack worth checking as well. Chopper crashes - There are three, and they are static however they do shift slightly. These three chopper crashes will vary from what type they are to where they are placed however they will always spawn in the following general areas below. The problem with these chopper crashes is they are almost always looted and there are people who watch the clock and login directly on a server restart to check these crash sites. It used to be these chopper crashes spawned loot on a long cycle but this doesn't seem to the case anymore as they will always spawn new loot on a server restart. I usually log out at a chopper crash when I know a server restart is coming and then kill the server hoppers for a good 15 minutes then move in to loot. This usually nets me the good gear and all the server hoppers gear as well. 023 051 - West of Lopatino in a fairly open field. You should see an industrial building to the north if you are in the right spot. 062 069 - North of Stary Sabor. This is an open field again with very little cover. There should be a farm building to the west if you are in the right location. 040 073 - Southeast of Vybor. Open field with sparse cover. Bushes all around and Vybor military should be directly northeast if you are in the right location. Prison Island : 027 140 - The prison island is your one stop shop for all clothing military. I have found random weapons but they are very, very rare. The prison island will always have various sorted military clothing that you can get such as Orel Uniforms, TTSKO uniforms, Gorka uniforms, Police Uniforms, Prisoner Outfits and rarely some varied common clothing. You will still find handcuffs, stun batons and other items here but they are rare. I have seen weapons spawn here but they are extremely rare and hard to find. There will always be more to come, however if you are looking for a specific piece of loot then please post below and I will do my best to go out and confirm it. I play on a very low population server and I do my own lists of what spawns where so if you are looking for help, i'm willing. Thank you.
Just my personal experience, I emptied an entire AK clip into a guy last night while hunting server hoppers. Quite literally an entire clip on a pristine weapon. Granted, I may have missed two to four shots... but I emptied that clip into his back. After checking his inventory every single item was ruined on him, clothes and all. I wasn't even aiming at his legs and managed to ruin his pants and everything in there. The damage models are kinda wonky right now and I don't have any good input into how to fix it.
First off let me say this. I play a hero or at least a friendly player and in truth I have never run into anyone in this game with voice and such. I usually just avoid players and leave them food / water behind with a letter saying - This will help, sorry I didn't stay - OPF Sleepy. This time I was at the North West Airfield and snooping around when this player came running headlong into the industrial building by the northern barracks. I was on the top level and immediately took off and hid in the corner. He stayed on the bottom floor and I started screaming "Friendly! Friendly! Friendly!" I then turned, sighted in on him and instructed him to drop his weapon and sadly, he never did. A single shot to the head and he died, but some things I noticed after I killed him. He had ammunition enough for three different people, AK ammo, Aug ammo (which was his weapon) several vests and stuff... He BARELY had in any food on him and 1 bottle of water. The rest of his inventory was filled with ammo, medical supplies, an ammo box and a vest in his vest with an M65 jacket. If you're reading this guy, I couldn't see your name... game would not let me... but man i'm sorry. I didn't want to have to shoot you but military training took over for me. Told you drop the weapon, you refused and kept it out... i'm sorry. But if you are reading this.... why did you need all that ammo? You had magazines for an AK and you didn't even have an AK. You had at least 300 rounds of ammunition for your Aug including more AK ammo in the ammo box. Seriously, man, you don't need all that stuff.
Thank you, this is actually my favorite song... me and my friend, Scott Metcalf who died deployed to Iraq used to listen to this all the time. Good memories.
Second. Give me more Arma 3 type stances and i'll be quite happy.
Do Zombies Dream Of A Good Nights Sleep? (Zombie feedback)
tandwan replied to SmashT's topic in General Discussion
I don't like the fact zombies run faster then you as zombies have always been depicted as slow and mindless creatures. World War Z (The book, not the movie that was so much vomit) has said zombies were slow and attracted to noise. I don't mind zombies running so much as them not running faster then humans. Let's be real, dieing didn't make a rotting corpse move faster. It did however make them more resistant to damage because they're already dead and shots to the head are the only thing that could kill them. Granted that's a bit difficult but I still feel zombies shouldn't die to one M4 shot. They can already leap at you, so speed them up? As for the detection zombies have, I feel zombie detection needs to be lowered from visual range. The one thing that always got me in Day-Z was that zombies HAD a sight range, and anything beyond that you could simply move around them. The hearing range was much more acute and they did come swarming to gunshots a lot more. So maybe lower visual range but increase sound traveling range? Not so much for footsteps but for gunshots and such. Footsteps are fine as is. Damage: I believe zombie overall damage should be increased, this is a human being literally clubbing and clawing at you with no regard for its own safety. It is hammering you with its hands and nails, biting you, chewing you and acting like a wild animal. Zombies clubbing a person should do a LOT more damage then they are right now and I feel it should be 2-3 solid hits before you're knocked unconscious.