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Everything posted by tandwan

  1. tandwan

    Scripter/Cheater in ANZ1

    Scripters get caught if the admin doesn't have a thumb up his / her collective asses.
  2. I currently am kitted out with the following : (All the tools, for simplicity sake) G36C SD CAMO (9 mags, but it uses STANAG SD, so no worries) AS50 TWS PDW SD (5 Mags, but uses 9mm SD mags) Soldier skin in the tent, currently in Ghillie but i'm also Hero skin. I used to hate hacked weapons and I used to be a supporter that this shit should be banned off a server but then I said, why? Hackers will bring this stuff in constantly and it will never be taken out of Arma 2 because it's a weapon in the main database. What people fail to realize is that THIS IS A MOD OF ARMA 2. WHICH MEANS THE WEAPON DATABASE IS AVAILABLE IN THIS GAME REGARDLESS OF IT BEING DAYZ. Arma is a heavily modable(sp) game and thus allows this stuff to be brought in. No I want you to note, I do not advocate hacking or scripting rather in this game nor do I support these weapons being given out, but I will use it. Just like I use everything else I come across I am gonna use these rifles until I die. Then when I die (not if, when) I will go back to the coast and grab some randoms shit and start all over, it's the way of the game. I don't care if the weapon comes into the game, they don't make you a god because unless the person is hacking then they can be killed. What bothers me are the people who say 'Oh you use a hacked in weapon, you're just as bad as a hacker!' because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I'm not as bad as a hacker because the hacker scripted these items into the game, I just blew the back of his head off and looted the item just like I would anyone else I saw with a bandit skin. The big difference between me and a hacker for having these weapons is I didn't cheat to get them. Now if you want to play the pot meet kettle game let's talk about how most of the people in this thread have had their ammo reload on them while logging in and out. Accidental duplication of gear, backpacks when switching skins and all the other easy to recreate bugs that are in this game, are bugs and exploits. We all do them, we're almost all guilty of it, so thus does this make us all cheaters? Taking stuff out of tents now that 2.5 doesn't save tents vehicles? Getting off bikes to completely repair them and getting back in? Yeah, we all cheat in one form or another.
  3. tandwan

    Scripter/Cheater in ANZ1

    Read the first thread on this forum about posting guidelines. Wasting time with this.
  4. Read your forum thread title, Don't play on AU50. Why would you say this? You are telling people don't play on this server because a hacker showed up. Hackers happen, post the information, shut the fuck up about your opinions and move along. Don't like it, bugger off.
  5. Thread reported. Why are you posting I.P.'s of players on this forum? Did you read the first thread about what you can and can not post on these forums? You do know they specifically say - DON'T POST I.P. ADDRESSES ON THIS FORUM - right?
  6. Almost all of the things he said can not be done by an admin but yet they're blaming it on an admin. They stopped zombie spawns? Really? Lol. He was killed in the middle of nowhere? He was teleported? It was a hacker in their Rcon probably, not an admin.
  7. Server banned you because you didn't follow their rules. Tough break, get over it and pick another one. We set rules in addition to the ones set down by Rocket, you don't like it then I point you to the 4k other servers which are out there.
  8. Why would you tell people not to play on a server because of one hacker? FFS moron....
  10. tandwan

    amigo on US 1346 - Video evidence

    I'm sorry Awesomeman, I wasn't aware uploading a file to youtube would be so complex and tedious for you.
  11. Way to give out the IP of players there champ. Reported.
  12. Why do you sign your own forum threads when it clearly says your forum name tag on the left? Is it because you forget what your name is on this forum? Furthermore, why do you type in pink like you're some wanna-be forum mod?
  13. Get the admin to check the logs is my best advice here bro.
  14. tandwan

    Hacker caught red-handed LU461

    I'm confused at the part where this guy is hacking? What do these scripts show other then you giving away this guy and another guys IP?
  15. tandwan


    This is coming up in the create vehicles log quite a bit. What is it? I assumed it was someone logging in with a Soldier skin on, how would I know if they are spawning them?
  16. Fraggle weren't you the person stereotyping people because of some stupid things you came up with? Americans dont like wearing the Shemagh because it makes them look like taliban? Why are you still a mod?
  17. I want to again make a disclaimer here because it seems if I don't people get their underwear in a knot thinking they can tell other people what they can't do instead of contribute to a thread. With that said, if you don't have an answer here, I don't really give a fuck about your opinion on this topic. Really. Honestly. I don't give a shit if you think me banning people for barracks hopping is bad because you don't play on my server. If you did you would applaud and thank me for trying to keep people from using your barracks and other valueable loot spawns like an assembly line. For those of you who don't know what server hopping is, let me explain : Server hopping is the act of a player going to any high yield spawn, looting it, logging out and then doing it on another server. It's frowned upon, but there's nothing done about it and there's no rule saying it's going to get you banned. I'm going to change that on our server but I have a question. I'm an honest admin, we treat our players fairly and we give them what they want. A hack free (most of the time) well run and running server where they can spend their time and enjoy the game we love. We know we need players because without players the fucking server is useless so we do our best to ensure their time spent there is enjoyable. One thing that has plagued us heavily as of late is server hopping players who are loot whoring on a lower patch then 2.5 and jumping from server to server to gather up their precious loot. I hate it, because instead of getting it like we did, you just go to another server and steal all their shit then rinse and repeat. This gets me a little annoyed and I want to do something about it. Is there a program where I can traack where players have spawned in at? Other then hacks. I have no intention of using it to track tents and players, I just want to catch server hoppers and ban them off my server.
  18. I snipe. It's what I do. Prior to 7.2.5 I was shooting mostly only people who were hostile towards my group while we were clearing Northwest Airfield. Now, we don't have to kill 'everyone'. I have the hero skin, not because I was the medic but because I didn't run around shooting the shit out of every Tom, Dick, and Harry I came across. Bandit skins mean one thing for me now, I know when to shoot first and ask questions later on some people. I know when a hostile is coming up because your skin is different. Personally, the people I was running with prior to this patch said this change did fuck-all to their playstyle mainly because everyone outside our group was KoS prior to the patch and still is after it. Now, honestly i'm not sure how Bandit skins made that fucking big of a change in your playstyle if you were a hardcore bandit before this patch. You got a shemagh on your head, whoop-dee-(fucking)-doo.
  19. I'm not insulting 'everybody'. Facts, get them.
  20. Are you just having difficulty with this thread or is this some kind of weak trolling attempt? You're doing it wrong because good players don't sit in Cherno except to kill stupid people like you. At least you accomplished one thing in this thread, you motivated me to change my signature. Thanks for that :D
  21. There, fixxed that for you.
  22. Because you were too stupid to realize that parts of your body stick out of the wall because you don't know how to fucking free look pan so you're busy moving left and right all the time? Stood up too long and your ass blown off because you're sitting in the same spot sniping for hours on end and someone decided to wait for you to stand up (which they knew you would, because you aren't moving, ever)? I dunno, I don't snipe in Cherno.
  23. Lol, this is so adoreable. Where did I say I am promoting hacked weapons? It's a quote. Rocket said it. Look up one post where I said "I support the use of hacked weapons." I'll save you the trouble, you won't find one. What I quote is a common misconception where admins are banning people for using hacked weapons. Admins are not supposed to be banning for this, and thus, the quote. And to the person who said - They made this because it was a part of the game - You are correct. We have to dumb this game down for the dumb mother fuckers who can't play an FPS if their life depended on it. Thus the ability of players to sit on roof tops with 100% security and shoot people who don't even have a weapon, then post a screen shot of their latest kill in a thread about how they have negative one million humanity from doing this shit all the time. Cherno sniping, because hey, some people just like the level they're on.