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Everything posted by tandwan
You're probably coming into this thread thinking this is some whine about someone who dropped game after I shot at them or some such. Well, that's a bit far from the truth to be honest. I'm playing on the Survival Ops server, home of the UO crew and coincidentally the server DevilDogGamer plays on. I must confess that I do love his videos and enjoy listening to his team work so I decided to go to this 'private hive' and check things out. Day 1. Spawned in near Balota (absolute luck there) and the game is pitch black. I don't have a watch so I assume it's somewhere around 2 am. I make my way to the airfield and with the use of flares (I had nothing to lose, so why not?) I scout around the airfield itself hoping to find some equipment. Loot found : AK-74 Kobra / Magazines x 6 I moved to Chernogorsk as quick as possible because I really needed to get a compass and some other survival tools. As i'm moving to the town I found a survivor corpse on the road with the basic supplies you start with. This became a constant theme as I moved along and found various bodies in different states of gear, none with a weapon or anything that could be used as a weapon. I took the food he had on him and made my way to the market. Moving into the market it sounds like a graveyard, so without a care in the world I push in and scout around. Loot found : Box of Matches, Map, Watch, Alice Pack, Water Bottle (Empty) x 1, Water Bottle (Full) x 1, 6 Cans of Food (Various) 'I'm ready now. O.k, time to get the fuck out of here' I mumble these words to myself as I make my way north out of Chernogorsk, moving through the industrial complex as carefully as I can. Lots of zombies are roaming around and the number of them on this server leads me to believe absolutely everybody is in some town or another. This does not calm my nerves one bit, neither does coming across corpse after corpse in this hell hole. From the Market to the Apartment complex alone I came across seven corpses, some with weapons and some with not. Loot found : M1911 / Magazines x 4, Bandages x 4, Blood Bag, Painkillers x 2, Morphine x 2 (Going for hero skin, so took the blood) I'm at the apartments, the corpses have been non-stop all the way here. Here I am thinking life just could not get any better and oh look, another corpse. Loot found : CZ550 / Magazines x 3 After a lot of time spent playing inventory manager 2012 I manage to walk off with a good amount of food, water, supplies, both my rifles and a pack of chemlights. Completely foggy with what I have found I make my way out the north side of Chernogorsk, move along the road to an industrial, go into a room, lock the door and slump into the corner to get some sleep. What will day two hold?
Current equipment as of Sept 06, 2012 (12:06 EST) Night Vision Goggles Binoculars Primary Weapon : L85 AWS 30 Rd. STANAG x 9 Secondary Weapon : DMR DMR Mag x 3 All tools except : GPS, Radio (Won't be getting due to legit server spawns) 2 M67 Frag Grenades 1 Green Smoke Grenade 1 Blood Bag 2 Painkillers 2 Morphine Auto-Injectors 1 Heatpack 2 Cooked Meat 3 Water Bottle Side-arm : M9SD M9SD Mag. x 3
Day 3. I wake up with a start thinking that I heard something nearby and the L85 comes into my hands without a thought. A quick scan and yeah, there's a thermal signature over there... come here you son of a bi.... *sigh* damn rabbits. Oh well, at least i'm awake now, granted I think i've lost a few years of my life because of that damned rabbit. .... Sounds like a good time for breakfast. ___ After a breakfast of rabbit stew, some mushrooms, something that looked like carrots and some pasta I still had from Chernogorsk (last can, need to do a food run) I make my way from where I ended up last night. I know I wrote I would go to sleep outside Stary Sobor but I changed that up and moved north-west, way North-west. I'm up near Skalka mountain and my train of thought here was that I could sweep back down to the airfield and look for some more ammunition and maybe some more supplies. I make my way to the north-west and even though it's a little before four a.m. I don't dare let my guard down. Interesting. On my way to the Airfield I come across something in the old lumbermill on the east side of the road. Curiosity gets the better of me so of course I go to check it out after I do a quick thermal sweep of the wood-line to ensure i'm the only person out here. Thermals show negative so let's see what we have here : Loot found : Bus / Engine, Hull, Wheels (driver side missing two), Fuel Tank This old thing is in pretty bad shape, and I don't think I would feel very safe puttering around in a big rolling sign screaming shoot me. It's seen better days, so I think I will leave it to get some rest. If it's still here and I come across a few parts I will worry about it but for right now I will continue on. I'm traveling south down the main road from that lumbermill, there's a few areas I can check along the way to the airfield that may have a few parts I can ferry back but i'm not holding my breath. There's a large industrial area in Lopatino. It's my hope that i'll find something useful there and be able to bring it back. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to ride in this bus during the day time, but I could use it to move around quickly during the night. It's not a priority for me though so don't get your hopes up of your story teller running around in a travel guide bus. This is Chernarus, not a tourist attraction. I actually bypass Lopatino simply because after giving it some thought I just believe the bus would be more trouble then it's worth. Hiding it would be impossible and getting the parts for it would take the better part of the day especially since I am alone without a way to transport it around. If I find something smaller and less bulky I will take it but for now i'm just going to pass it up. On the dirt road heading east into the Airfield there's a deer stand I want to take a look at, still hoping for something useful but again not holding my breath. Loot found : STANAG magazine x 1, Bandage x 1 O.k. well not a total loss, some more ammunition which I will never turn down and a bandage in case I get hurt. I mean, i'm carry plenty of bandages on me as is but really you never know. I can always get rid of them if I need the room for more important things in the future. I'm moving into the south barracks area now, so here's to hoping I find something that will end up being useful. Loot found : DMR magazine x 1, Heatpack x 1, STANAG magazine x 5, Entrenching tool, Smoke Grenade x 1 (white), (Various food / water which I ate on the spot to keep food / drink levels high) Nothing really amazing came out of this airfield run, a lot of ammunition which what I spent was replaced with this. I actually left once I noticed there were people coming on, forgive me for being a coward but i'd rather be safe then sorry. The straight issue right now is that I am running low on sidearm and I still have not found a GPS which is a bit painful. If you're looking at this from a straight forward view you probably notice I pick up a lot of STANAG ammunition, it's not that I am hording it, it's just that I go through it quickly due to the huge amount of zombies I encounter. Mistakes happen, and they get wind of me with or without me hurrying through an area so it all gets replaced as I move along. The DMR ammunition on the other hand won't be gathered quite as much, I only carry three magazines on me at any given time, mainly because I know I can (swap to M24 and back) but I just won't be doing that. So far the really bad part has been the complete and utter lack of M9SD ammunition. I've found lots of ammo for everything else I have but the M9SD is going to be a problem. Ironic that i've actually found more MP5SD ammo then I have M9SD, you would think it would be the opposite but I guess it's easier to find assault rifle ammo then it is side arm. I actually stayed at the Airfield for a lot longer then I thought I would, nobody was around on the server so I took that time to gather what I could (about 2 hours actually). I knew once light hit it would be near impossible to come back up here and get anything due to there just being a lot more people moving about so I took the risk now and stayed. I want to make something perfectly clear to you dear reader, I have no intentions of going completely 'bandit' on this server. Mind you I do not find a problem with a person going 'bandit' but it's just not the style I want to do with this 'image of me'. The Survival ops server is a very hostile server and there are not many friendly people here mainly because as I mentioned in the first post on day 1 this is DevilDogGamers' home server. A lot of people play here simply to get a chance to shoot at an internet (Youtube) star. Out of all the encounters I have seen or heard about, 9/10 of them ended up with someone shooting at someone else or one person stalking another. I won't hesitate to defend myself, i'm not a pacifist or stupid but I will give a person every chance to leave me be and / or not start a firefight. So what it all boils down to is don't come here expecting stories of huge firefights and big throw downs in the middle of some random city. I am trying to stay alive, not build a reputation of being a bandit. With that said, at the end of every thread I will update my Debug monitor so you can see where I sit in zombies, players, bandit kills. Should give you an idea of how a 'hero' player makes it through the day. Not going to sleep just yet, I will continue to move around but I will update this if anything important happens that I think you should all know about. Zombies Killed : 174 Headshots : 118 Murders : 0 Bandits Killed : 0 (Note for future reference: Due to a server bug, I died. I just upped and died for no reason at all, middle of a field, nobody on the server. splat. Don't worry though, i'll keep on plugging and I am headed to get my gear since nobody is on yet.)
.. / .-- .- ... / .... --- .--. .. -. --. / - .... .. ... / .-- .- ... / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / -... ..- - / .. - / - ..- .-. -. ... / --- ..- - / -.-- --- ..- / .--- ..- ... - / .-.. .. -.- . / - .... . / .--. . .-. .. --- -.. / -.- . -.-- / .- / .-.. .. - - .-.. . / - --- --- / -- ..- -.-. .... / --- .... / .-- . .-.. .-.. / .. ..-. / -.-- --- ..- .----. .-. . / .-. . .- -.. .. -. --. / - .... .. ... / --. --- --- -.. / ..-. --- .-. / -.-- --- ..- / ..-. --- .-. / ..-. .. --. ..- .-. .. -. --. / .. - / --- ..- -
I thought it was him giving out some code in between every other word.
Day 2. I wake up finding that i've slept for a while and then wondering how someone did not break the door down and gut me. I've got work to do, so I push this out of my head and make my way north. Once again, it's pitch black but at least it is a full moon and I can see a little of what's around me. Remembering that the town to my south was the wild west and that there is probably going to be people there more then happy to remove all the equipment I have I make my way north towards Mogilevka. I know there's a good chance I will come across a downed chopper along the way and I can also make my way into Stary Sobor for the military spawns on the north side. I'm looking to replace the AK-74 Kobra with a M4A1 CCO because I prefer the CCO over the Kobra in tigher quarters. Loot found : Hunting Knife, Hatchet The military tents were a total bust and the only good thing that came out of it were some more supplies. Kinda disappointed in that so I make my way out the north end of Stary Sobor and think that it's probably a good idea to move to the Northwest Airfield and see what I can come across. As i'm moving out I notice off to my right a large light source in the treeline. "Ok, that's either some idiot who lit a fire, or it's a downed chopper. Let that please be a downed chopper." It's a downed chopper, my hearts pumping now. The server just reset not more then fourty-five minutes ago so there's a very good chance this is a fresh spawn. With fingers crossed and eyes wide open I creep up the chopper in hopes it will be worth my time. Loot found : Night Vision Goggles, L85 AWS / Magazines x 1 (SD), AS 50 / Magazines x 3 (Nato), Camo Skin I feel like a little kid who just found out where his family hid the candy in the kitchen cabinets. I'm practically bouncing in my chair but quickly pull my head out of my ass and get to the treeline. So my biggest issue is that the L85 has little ammunition, fair enough, i'm headed to the northwest airfield anyways. I'm ready to take on Chernarnus now, so I had to the Northwest airfield with renewed hope that things are going to turn out o.k. I move into the airfield, nobody else on the server except me and four other people but the zombie count is fairly high. I scan the airfield, nothing, alright... let's get to work. Loot found : DMR / Magazines x 2 (replaced the AS50, I prefer the DMR), STANAG magazines x 7, M67 Frag Grenade x 2, Coyote Backpack, M9SD / magazines x 3 Life is good, and I am out. I run like hell out the south wall directly south of the south barracks and play a little inventory management. I eat some of the cooked meat i'm carrying and shift ammo around to clear out the main and give me six slots to play with just in case. I'm in good hands as I make my way south of the airfield and into the fields... which i'm terrified of. I'm in open ground now and running like hell west of Vybor hoping to get clear of all this and the chance someone could pick me up out here. I know i'm not the only person on the server with NVG's, i'm not that naive. I think I am going to go to get some sleep in the woods to the north.
04.09.2012 09:13:17: Can Of Beans- 0344101e40a6023abfc613338c92978c
tandwan replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I admin on a sever that has a 600+ ban list. I know what it takes to ban a person from a server, apparently you do not or you would not be posting an entire log on the forum. This the cheat report forums, not the admin forums, therefore you continue to make yourself look stupid. These forums are here so people can post a report of a person cheating and what they saw happen, when, where and so forth. There is nothing in the description that specifically states that an admin is the only person who should be allowed here. In reply to Gogster, i'm done. Bravo. You've won sir, you won an arguement on the internet. Not because I was wrong and you were right, but because I won't be dragged into more troll debates by you. You're a troll, nothing more. You spam the F5 key praying that someone gave you the attention that you so desperately crave and when they do you write up ignorant things such as this. It's almost like you don't even think about things before you type them out and then act like you're not completely ignorant. I pity you, I really do. Enjoy your victory while I just ignore any further remarks or replies from you. I won't be dragged into a debate with a troll (you) again. -
04.09.2012 09:13:17: Can Of Beans- 0344101e40a6023abfc613338c92978c
tandwan replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
So you're saying it's the job of a mod to stay on the forum 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and go through every single thread that may pop up, go through every line and clean up stupid shit people post? Wow.... seriously... just wow. -
Was this hacking on my server? US 2842
tandwan replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Can a admin please explain why posting an IP address on a public forum is about the most ignorant thing a player can do? I give up. I seriously do, it's like trying to explain breathing to a rock. -
04.09.2012 09:13:17: Can Of Beans- 0344101e40a6023abfc613338c92978c
tandwan replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
First: I've never hacked or scripted. Never sure where you got that little bit of information from but whatever. Second : Calm down, the both of you. I report things for different reasons then you think. Not because I have an issue with either of you but that posting an I.P is wrong, period. Now I don't know what crawled up the ass of both of you, but it's not me. I'm terribly sorry you got a script run on your server which was malicious to the players there. Honestly it's not the first time nor will it be the last time something like this happens. All you can do is post using the guidelines they provide for us and nothing more. Helping the forum mods is part of the reason I help them, the second is (and Gogster should know this) it's near impossible to moderate a forum this large and key in on EVERYTHING that is put up there. You're basically saying it's the job of the admin to search every forum post that comes up on these forums and for them to check every line and paragraph. Some of them like to have a social life outside of cleaning up bullshit like people posting I.P addies on the internet to the general public. -
I'm actually going to just start ignoring your posts as you're just trolling now.
04.09.2012 09:13:17: Can Of Beans- 0344101e40a6023abfc613338c92978c
tandwan replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Not a lot? Wow, it never ceases to amaze me how people post things they are completely clueless about. I'll leave you in your ignorance but needless to say one of the FEW things a person could do with your I.P. is make it so you never connect to DayZ again until you get the issue fixxed. But that's a petty thing and minor. Next you'll be saying giving out a social security number is pretty harmless because nobody could do ANYTHING with that information. But what would I know, i'm just an 'ungrateful cunt' who got under someones skin and now they have a digitial stick up their ass for them. -
04.09.2012 09:13:17: Can Of Beans- 0344101e40a6023abfc613338c92978c
tandwan replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
It's neither you ignorant child, it's the fact you're giving out someones I.P address on a public forum without knowing exactly what can be done with an I.P address. I don't defend hackers (script kiddies, calling them hackers is giving them too much credit), I defend a persons privacy and by giving out an I.P you have breached that privacy. Why don't you give me YOUR I.P. address and I will show you why you don't give out I.P's on a public forum? I'm not a forum admin, I don't want to be nor do I care to try to become one. I am showing them where ignorant individuals like yourself do things that are completely stupid and don't think before you act which forces them to come clean up this garbage. -
04.09.2012 09:13:17: Can Of Beans- 0344101e40a6023abfc613338c92978c
tandwan replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Since the forum admins are cleaning it up? Do you know how much damage can be done with someones I.P address? It's generally bad manners and a security issue if you're going around posting I.P on a public forum. I could easily get into someones computer, bypass their firewall and get a lot of wonderful information if you only give me the persons I.P. Furthermore, you don't NEED a persons I.P to ban them off your server or even to global ban them. Bans / Global bans are not for an I.P address (although yes you can ban for them but you're stupid if you do since you can get a new I.P. easily) they are for the GUID of the person it is attached to. -
He doesn't need evidence. Forum guidelines specifically state in order for you to post a report on these forums you must list the name of the hacker, server, time it happened and what took place. Video evidence and screenshots are not required but are nice to get. Thread 2 (sticky) as soon as you enter the cheat section of the forums. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5297-cheat-report-guidelines/
And you apparently can't read the guidelines for posting on these forums. Read them and try posting information again there detective.
Was this hacking on my server? US 2842
tandwan replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
That much is obvious considering you posted this guys I.P address on the internet when the forum rules specifically state you do not post an I.P on the forums. Reported for deletion. -
04.09.2012 09:13:17: Can Of Beans- 0344101e40a6023abfc613338c92978c
tandwan replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
You also posted this guys IP address for some fucking stupid reason. Reported. Note to the stupid : YOU DO NOT NEED THE IP TO BAN A PERSON JUST THE GUID. READ THE FUCKING FORUM RULES BEFORE YOU DO STUPID SHIT LIKE THIS. -
"e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" Just saw this come up in cheat-finder but I don't wanna ban because i'm not sure what it is. Anyone care to take a crack at it?
Hacker on CA 21 [xf] magikh0e, [xf] sluth0e
tandwan replied to Mooseyfate's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Video logs,screenshots, and server logs are not required. All that is required is a post here with the name of the server, names of the people in question and the time it happened. -
I'm going to just step back and try to explain this mainly in the hopes that you're not an admin and you've never, ever used Cheat Finder. Yes, i'm very aware of what Cheatfinder is, had you read I stated and I quote : I don't want to ban for this until I am aware of what this string is trying to do. I didn't mention anything about AA12 in the first post, at all. It wasn't until the second post that I said anything in regards to cheat-finder listing it as an AA12. Hence the confusion, an unknown line and an unidentifiable string that I wasn't completely sure of it's actions. Again, since you're tanking your post count i'm going to simply guess that you went to the last post in the thread and saw a random word and threw your (2 cents) into it. I am very aware that cheatfinder is finding things in the scripts list and pointing them out, unfortunately the GUID did not have the letter number combination of AA12 in the players GUID, thus, the question. Cheat finder is a parse program, nothing more and nothing less. Was it something simple as "The letters AA12 are in their GUID!" I wouldn't waste my time with this. Have I cleared this up for you any? Try to stay on topic, if you want to vent, do it in PM.
Only that it wasn't in their GUID, it's not refering to it in their GUID, it's refering to something that it found. I searched for AA12, it didn't refer to anything in regards to these players. Since you're posting random things in various threads just to tank your post count i'm going to ignore the post and say you're trolling. Anyone else have a clue about this or know what the code is actually trying to do?
Yeah me either, haha, hence why I came here. This came up three different times in the log and I couldn't identify what it was doing. The other two bits of it are: e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" and "e >> _type >> _classname >> "displayName"); null = _holder addAction [format[(localize "STR_DAYZ_CODE_1"),_name], "\z\addons\day" Cheat finder is listing this as an AA12, if that helps anyone looking at it.
Having an AS50 TWS doesn't mean you hacked it in. He could have found the weapon on a corpse and picked it up, this does not mean he is a cheater only that he is carrying hacked in weapons. See Rockets post on this, carrying hacked in weapons is not illegal, only scripting them in is.