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Jappe Hallunken

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Everything posted by Jappe Hallunken

  1. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.21 (Change Log)

    Sounds more like "normal" behaviour of a server crash, I experienced this in the past on non exp servers too.
  2. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.21 (Change Log)

    Seems to be fixed!
  3. Jappe Hallunken

    Stable Update 1.19

    Chill, they tweeted they have some delays.
  4. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    You can also find US helicopters and US military weapons. Did you ever played the game? 😉
  5. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.19 (Change Log)

    "Brake strength can be adjusted by combining it with Ctrl (light) and Shift (strong)"
  6. Jappe Hallunken

    Stable Update 1.17

    maybe this is not the right game for you. What about Rust, or Scum? 😂
  7. Jappe Hallunken

    Stable Update 1.17

    "Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update"
  8. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Ok I thought a while about this and searched online for the 0.62 crosshair and now I realized that you are talking about the crosshair when you're hipfiring in TPP? (I didn't know that bc I only play FPP) So you are already in 3rd person and now you still want more assistance? I think this is a nice feature to make it more difficult, bc with the dynamic crosshair it would even more OP than TPP already is. Let's be honest, in TPP the players camp more bc they can overwatch the area from safe cover. What about auto aim, maybe this is also a feature you want? 😄 Sry, not sry.
  9. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    What do you mean by that, what is not working?
  10. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Make a bug report, it is useless to write about here.
  11. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    But a hiccup is not a good connection and I can only speak for experience I had. So what could be a countermeasure against this "non physical" behaviour (from a laymans perspective)? There is already a protection against speed hack movement, maybe their could be a similiar mehod to detect rapid movements of cars to prevent this? Does anyone know how other games handle this, especially racings sims?
  12. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Should be fixed with the 2nd update of exp 1.17
  13. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Got ya, but this is the limitation of the sandbox. A workaround would be to limit the loot drastically, so it's a real day #1.... But then you have to wipe almost weekly? xD
  14. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Ok, but what exactly do you mean with broken? I played a while ago on a RP server with lots of cars. And when my connection was stable, driving cars was fine. Ok with a high ping it is a pain in the ass, but IDK how hard it is to work around bad network connections.
  15. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Maybe this is because base building and cars are not the core part of a survival game. Imagine the apocalypse, who wants to drive cars and build new buildings? xD You can maybe drive for some weeks, until the petrol storages are empty. And in such a apocalyptic event you would use already available structures and building and don't build an enterily new one.
  16. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Can you please submit a bug report https://feedback.bistudio.com/maniphest/task/edit/form/5/
  17. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    This is the right place for suggestions: https://forums.dayz.com/forum/128-suggestions/
  18. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    It is what it says. The behaviour is now non-linear / exponential. Before the patch: Imagine you divide the sensitivity slider into 10 equal parts. At point 1 the sensitivity is 10%, at point 2 it was 20% (of the available sensitivity spectrum), at 5 it was 50%, at max it was at 100%. In this example it is y = 10x. Now we have an exponential connection like y = x². On an exponential function the slope / gradient rises with higher values of x, but at the beginning it is more flat then a linear. Assuming y = x² the values would change to 1 is 1%, 2 is 4%, 3 is 9% etc... the former 50% would now be (5²=)25%. But at max (10) it is still (10²=)100%. The curve is just another, the range is the same. Now you have a higher "resolution" in the lower sensitivity spectrum, which makes sense because everything in human bodies works exponential or logarithmic. (And nobody really need more sensitivity, most players use lower values, I guess). A nice example is how we feel temperatures. You can easily tell the difference between 10°C and 40°C ( The difference is 30°C), but you can't tell the difference between 200°C and 230°C, but the difference is still 30°C 😄
  19. Jappe Hallunken

    Experimental Update 1.17 (Change Log)

    Just use middle mouse button for workaround ffs?!
  20. Jappe Hallunken

    Ban Russian Servers

    It depends how manifested the propaganda and the oppression already is. Sure not everybody realizes what's going on, but especially the younger generation knows more and more about. Resistance is already rising, in every social classes. Many people already leave the country, others ask questions about their sons, of which they don't heard something for a while. Some got messages from their sons from the front. And even the upper class is not amused. And most of them have better access to information and they know what is going on. >Maybe they act out of egoism, but the end justifies the means 😉 And when you watch some meetings from the kremlin you can even see how amazed and surprised even of Putins inner circle are. Sure, a coup or revolt will be difficult, but thought some months ago it would be possible that russia attacks ukraine?
  21. Jappe Hallunken

    [00040031] WaitAuthPlayerLoginState

    Do you use VPN or proxy or something like that?
  22. Jappe Hallunken

    Developers, please read this.

    Maybe you should write in BattlEye forums, bc they provide the anti cheat software?!
  23. Jappe Hallunken

    I need help with an error code, i cant solve it!

    Do you use a VPN or Proxy or stuff like that?
  24. Jappe Hallunken

    Help with server please

    Loot which spawns inside other things (Like food inside the clothing which a zombie is wearing) has to be adjusted in cfgspawnabletypes.xml, I guess. Or you can set the chances for spawning to 0 in cfgrandompresets.xml I have no idea how to disable the fruits from the trees.