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Jappe Hallunken

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Posts posted by Jappe Hallunken

  1. On 9/22/2022 at 9:10 PM, radamantyz said:

    I like the new character move configuration, feel more real and smooth for this kind of Game, i think we need understend this is a survival game and we can't get the ireal mobility like other Game like cod. This step improve the tactical over the rushing in PVP situation, I admit that it takes some time adap to the new increased inertia but it seems fine to me.  In other matters the cars still jump and wobble, I think it's less and more controllable than before but obviously more polishing is needed, the braking thing has changed a lot, the car seems to have less braking force and makes it easier to crash Comparing it with the previous version, it may be a matter of habit which seems to me that in the first instance the community may not like it because they feel more difficult to control.

    "Brake strength can be adjusted by combining it with Ctrl (light) and Shift (strong)"

  2. On 4/19/2022 at 5:18 PM, Milk_With_Donut said:

    When i launch the game i cant connect to the server i want to play am i missing something?

    "Consider using the Steam client option to verify the integrity of the local game cache to avoid corrupted data after downloading this update"

  3. On 4/16/2022 at 5:08 PM, Wrench_ said:

    Your crosshair use to fully line up were your weapon was pointing.   

    Now its just a static PNG placed on a screen that i can better line up with reshade,   I feel the option for the crosshair should be turned off due to it being an insult compared to 0.62.

    Ok I thought a while about this and searched online for the 0.62 crosshair and now I realized that you are talking about the crosshair when you're hipfiring in TPP? (I didn't know that bc I only play FPP) So you are already in 3rd person and now you still want more assistance? I think this is a nice feature to make it more difficult, bc with the dynamic crosshair it would even more OP than TPP already is. Let's be honest, in TPP the players camp more bc they can overwatch the area from safe cover.
    What about auto aim, maybe this is also a feature you want? 😄
    Sry, not sry.

  4. 22 hours ago, DefectiveWater said:

    Mate... if you can't see how cars are broken, then I've got nothing else to say to you. It's literally a meme anywhere in DayZ that DayZ cars are space shuttles.

    If cars don't work 100% of the time on perfect server and good connection, then it's broken. One single network hiccup shouldn't send your car flying to a certain death.

    But a hiccup is not a good connection and I can only speak for experience I had.
    So what could be a countermeasure against this "non physical" behaviour (from a laymans perspective)? There is already a protection against speed hack movement, maybe their could be a similiar mehod to detect rapid movements of cars to prevent this? Does anyone know how other games handle this, especially racings sims?

  5. 5 hours ago, steam-76561197960925287 said:

    there are any problems with the fruits from trees ? i cant find some fruits on the ground from a Tree... 

    Should be fixed with the 2nd update of exp 1.17



    Fixed: Central Economy was not spawning mushrooms, fruits and stones


  6. 3 hours ago, lemmac said:

    Assume it is only the day after everything went to sh*t every time you play and then there's no problem comprehending how so much loot is readily available everywhere. Every time you die you start again on that first day with a new character.

    Got ya, but this is the limitation of the sandbox.
    A workaround would be to limit the loot drastically, so it's a real day #1....
    But then you have to wipe almost weekly? xD

    • Sad 1

  7. 3 hours ago, DefectiveWater said:

    Fair but, why even add a feature that is broken? This game isn't in Early Access days anymore... or is it?

    And regarding petrol, yeah it never made sense to me that somehow every gas station has gas in it. But I suppose this is that "game element" for the sake of gameplay, so I'm fine with it.

    Ok, but what exactly do you mean with broken?
    I played a while ago on a RP server with lots of cars. And when my connection was stable, driving cars was fine. Ok with a high ping it is a pain in the ass, but IDK how hard it is to work around bad network connections.

  8. 21 hours ago, THEGordonFreeman said:

    I take so much flack for constantly bringing up vehicle physics or security issues.  I'm constantly told they are working on it.  Yet, over the years, we have seen no results.  As stated above, what we HAVE received are fewer features since .62, fewer guns, etc.  Some have trickled back, while that is commendable, it doesn't  make up for the obvious glaring issues the game has been having for years.  This is a serious question... is this development through low hanging fruit?  Again, I have tens of thousands of hours in this game, and other BI games.. I want it to succeed, but how can it when the very basic issue of player security hasn't been addressed in YEARS and completely destroys servers and communities?

    I'm glad we have updates on a regular basis, but when do the REAL updates, the ones that ACTUALLY matter happen?  Setting a damn broom on fire has to rank at the bottom of stuff that needs to be addressed.  That is purely for those that RP.  I mean who really gives a damn about setting a broom on fire when you can lose everything including your base by script children?  Who really gives a damn that you can improvise clothes from rags while the server can be flooded or lagged out because some child sends bogus logins or junk data that causes the server to lag or freeze?  Who gives a damn female characters hair clipped through the NVG strap when you can be insta killed through no fault of your own when driving a vehicle because the physics implementation sucks harder than nearly any $2.99 game ever sold on Steam.

    When will the real issues that matter get resolved?  Will they actually get resolved or will we just continue to receive maximum lip service?

    Maybe this is because base building and cars are not the core part of a survival game. Imagine the apocalypse, who wants to drive cars and build new buildings? xD
    You can maybe drive for some weeks, until the petrol storages are empty. And in such a apocalyptic event you would use already available structures and building and don't build an enterily new one.

    • Sad 1

  9. 23 minutes ago, Pipsters said:

    Its good to see a couple of crafting items appear but why not look at crafting items like weapons, clothing, medical supplies. Work benches to craft different items, different minerals and ores that you need for crafting. Not stone knives and spears. Make the game more diverse not more stagnant, Building bases could do with a upgrade, wooden towers and fences are old boring and needs major upgrading. 

    This is the right place for suggestions: https://forums.dayz.com/forum/128-suggestions/

    • Confused 1

  10. 6 hours ago, pab-ababc74b501bd1bc said:

    ''Sensitivity settings is now exponential instead of linear''

    What is this? Please tell me you didn't just force mouse acceleration into the mouse sensitivity? This is refering to the controller sensitivity right?

    It is what it says. The behaviour is now non-linear / exponential.
    Before the patch:
    Imagine you divide the sensitivity slider into 10 equal parts. At  point 1 the sensitivity is 10%, at point 2 it was 20% (of the available sensitivity spectrum), at 5 it was 50%, at max it was at 100%.
    In this example it is y = 10x.

    Now we have an exponential connection like y = x².
    On an exponential function the slope / gradient rises with higher values of x, but at the beginning it is more flat then a linear.
    Assuming y = x² the values would change to 1 is 1%, 2 is 4%, 3 is 9% etc... the former 50% would now be (5²=)25%. But at max (10) it is still  (10²=)100%. The curve is just another, the range is the same.
    Now you have a higher "resolution" in the lower sensitivity spectrum, which makes sense because everything in human bodies works exponential or logarithmic. (And nobody really need more sensitivity, most players use lower values, I guess).

    A nice example is how we feel temperatures. You can easily tell the difference between 10°C and 40°C ( The difference is 30°C), but you can't tell the difference between 200°C and 230°C, but the difference is still 30°C 😄

  11. 2 hours ago, etwas said:

    thats not how it works dude. the russian people will blame the western world for this sanctions and not putin. they still support him and his war, probably even more with more sanctions coming.


    It depends how manifested the propaganda and the oppression already is.
    Sure not everybody realizes what's going on, but especially the younger generation knows more and more about. Resistance is already rising, in every social classes. Many people already leave the country, others ask questions about their sons, of which they don't heard something for a while. Some got messages from their sons from the front. And even the upper class is not amused. And most of them have better access to information and they know what is going on. >Maybe they act out of egoism, but the end justifies the means 😉
    And when you watch some meetings from the kremlin you can even see how amazed and surprised even of Putins inner circle are. Sure, a coup or revolt will be difficult, but thought some months ago it would be possible that russia attacks ukraine?

  12. Loot which spawns inside other things (Like food inside the clothing which a zombie is wearing) has to be adjusted in cfgspawnabletypes.xml, I guess.

    Or you can set the chances for spawning to 0 in cfgrandompresets.xml

    I have no idea how to disable the fruits from the trees.
