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About rackinglad27

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  1. rackinglad27

    Christmas & 10th Anniversary Event 2023

    You guys at Bohemia interactive have made me really happy with this. Much love to you and the team ❤️ and yes ill be sure to come back and post the 10th anniversary things here when I find them. Thanks again guys and have the best Christmas EVER. 🎄 ❤️
  2. rackinglad27

    New respawn

    Well it works whether I'm a freshie or geared. I was just saying that we like it and it works well.
  3. rackinglad27

    What do you want to see in DayZ 2024?

    Can't lie that would be pretty brilliant.
  4. rackinglad27

    New respawn

    Me and my mates do it on chernarus if I spawn in a town then they will be in the woods close by or in a field close by. We just pop a shot off and see if we can hear each other and yes we can so it works great.
  5. rackinglad27

    Experimental Update 1.23 (Change Log)

    I had this a few times on exp. After I'd say 4 or 5 times finding the green OKZK cap it just corrected itself and actually showed me I had the green one on instead of beige.
  6. did they add sun rays into console now with the new skybox?
  7. rackinglad27

    Opening and closing doors

    it's all just practice man
  8. I spammed the hell outta the join button on pc and finally got in on day 1 of exp release. tried last night 20+ times and couldn't get in at all, I just gave up.
  9. rackinglad27

    Console Update 1.22

    nope that's just weird.
  10. rackinglad27

    Console Update 1.22

    It's not a bug they changed that purposely because IRL suppressors aren't meant to be silent, they can be heard but less. You'd have to be a fair distance away for a silencer to be silent.
  11. rackinglad27

    Can't open certain tinned foods

    You are very kind sir. We all start somewhere in dayz haha I'm sure I was having issues but with loading my magazines for weapons. 😅
  12. rackinglad27

    Can't open certain tinned foods

    tap R2 to open them, don't hold them.
  13. rackinglad27

    Anyone getting these bugs?

    Audio will sometimes cut out meaning you have to restart the application entirely. Getting stuck in animation bug where after building walls it makes the player glide around as if on an ice rink. mags will sometimes desync in the inventory meaning you can't hold triangle (ps5) to quick swap mags, you have to go into inventory to press X to combine then it fixes it. After exiting the in game menu it's as if a brick wall is in front of you forcing you to go around it. Player desync where it shows other players with different objects in their hands to what they actually have in their hands. we got a tonne of bug fixes with 1.22 but it seems that some older bugs have risen again, these things were not happening to me or my friends on version 1.21 🤷‍♂️
  14. rackinglad27

    UK players?

    you can run with us if you want. literally just getting home from work now. leave your PSN and ill add ya. I'm 31 and my other mates are in their 40s and 30s but we have a mississippi lad who is 28.... oh and a German that is pretty weird. it works though hahaha 😆
  15. man I feel for ya there 😪 😕 I mainly play modded servers bit from time to time I do like to hop back on vanilla. in my time playing day z on pc I've been killed once to a hacker as far as I know and that was on a modded namalsk server, I believe it was on ZERO NAMALSK. now I either play spaggies or dayone servers. if you'd like to go on a journey sometime like to fully complete namalsk or deer isle or iztek etc etc just drop me a reply on here and we can add each other on steam.