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About juggernaut9631

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. juggernaut9631

    Moving into 2020

  2. juggernaut9631

    Let's talk about recoil

    ever since .63 gunplay has been shit it went from arma realistic to call of duty realistic
  3. juggernaut9631

    DayZ in 2020

    keep arma 3 out of this its about dayz BI as company isnt out of money however dayz money bag is empty dayz on consoles isnt THAT big so they didnt make much not enough at least to keep development going for years to come
  4. juggernaut9631

    DayZ in 2020

    dayz is waste of resources for BI their staff has been reduced (dont tell me 60 people cant get more than 2 guns per update in and other content) the engine switch was huge mistake they lost tons of money, time and got subpar game engine in result now im just waiting whats up with arma 4 because this pos engine cant handle 5 fucking cars how will it work with 150 vehicles on the map and ai i used to defend dayz too but once i saw .63 i knew it was gg from that moment on
  5. juggernaut9631

    DayZ in 2020

    mate everyone who worked on dayz when it was great and they had ideas is gone now brian eugene peter all gone the game is f*cked what they talked about years ago aint happening they are out of money (look at livonia dlc recycled a3 map) and lead devs knew that shit is going to be bad so they left. for how many years they hyped up "we can't wait till engine work is done so we can finally start making the game" and once engine is "done" they all leave BI hmmm 🤔 its lost cause and not even mods can make this game great, they can improve it for sure but it will never be better than the mod
  6. juggernaut9631

    DayZ in 2020

  7. juggernaut9631

    Moving into 2020

    will you revert back to rv4 in 2020? your "next gen engine" cant handle 5 god damn cars on 60 pop server just go back to old engine which actually worked also plz take dayz off of consoles its holding pc port back since everything needs to be dumbed down for controller. you released vigor on cosoles why ruin dayz i want complex gun mechanics i want complex controls i want dayz mod but expanded upon but i wont get that since your xbox noobs cant play dayz with their 2 sticks and 4 buttons so me on pc i get dumbed down version of dayz mod great amazing and you start selling dlc before game even left alpha.... may god be with us for arma 4
  8. plz give us back proper bullet penetration and ragdoll thx bye list features you want to see but won't because of new SUPERIOR!!!! engine
  9. juggernaut9631

    New map shouild be free

    well maybe they shouldn't have wasted all the money on downgraded engine? also the game is still in alpha so I have no idea how someone in their right mind can protect the game AND the company instead of working on worse engine they should've improved upon rv4 and fixed bugs (and for people saying the engine was way too outdated look at arma 2 and then at arma 3, arma 3 improved upon 2 in every way smoohter character control, better graphics, REAL physics etc etc.) instead they got lazy and greedy so they spent years working on worse engine so the god damn consoles could pull 30fps so the thumb sucking babies are finally *sort of* pleased and give bohemia more money to play a game WHICH NEVER WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED ON CONSOLES look at arma 3 and how well tanoa split the playerbase LMAO this dlc is already dead in my eyes they didnt even bother making new recycled map on new hive ROFL