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About xxDominion

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    I'm right here!
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    I'm a rooting tootin, zombie smashing, player bashing, interaction cravin, survival maniac in the harsh world of DayZ.. Hit me up!

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  1. xxDominion

    DAYZ destroyed by 1.08

    I play on US servers as I live in the US and I have also been getting kicked every 5 mins or so, sometimes its longer. If this is something that the devs have done to reduce the hackers from coming in, then ok, but I cant drive a car or party with friends as I get booted due to high ping so often it makes it near impossible for me to do anything but stay in one area, which is boring as F. I too am I Wi-Fi, so I hope this issue can get fixed or figured out soon, cause the Wi-Fi isnt going anywhere, but DayZ just might if they dont unfuck themselves ricky tick!
  2. xxDominion

    Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

    I have sent multiple messages to BattleEye over the Hacker problems in DayZ. I did not get a single response. not one single time. Seems my cries for help are being ignored there as well. I stopped playing DayZ, waiting and hoping for the magic fix or patch or for BattleEye to step up there protections. but nothing... I hate it when the Community Elitests who (oddly enough) own their own servers and are trying to funnel people into "their" brand or vision of DayZ, into them. I laugh intheir face, cause i dont want to play on THEIR community Servers. i want the core vision of what the Official DayZ servers offered once. I will not settle for anything less. Lex, Bravo to you my friend for stating my points so precisely. My Solution for my own sanity was to stop playing for right now. i still have DayZ, in the hopes that one day i can play again. but for right now... No..
  3. xxDominion

    Delicious Stews

    I could of sworn that we had the ability to combine raw vegetables with raw meats to make Stews, which would in turn feed and water you for much longer periods of time. I thought this was implemented on the Official servers, but I recently tried it on an Official Livonia server and I was not able to make the Stew... Is this a modded thing, that i am just forgetting about? I honestly am confused..
  4. xxDominion

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    I play on 3PP Official servers and I am still getting worked by hackers. Yet, ANOTHER case in point for the Devs who obviously dont care about this issue, to even respond with the slightest post about any answer... My friend and I were in Gliniska, low crawling across the field... ON OUR BELLIES!!! Across the entire field in an attempt to NOT get shot... but we did get shot.. But the odd thing was that we both got shot and killed at the exact same time. No sound of a shot, no crack of a bullet.. We both had tactical helmats on with plate carriers.. not saying that this is a end all for protection, but i have survived direct head shots with a tactical helmat and been shot in the chest mutiple times from a high caliber rifle and survived. This is a fucking problem and needs to be addressed.. and if I have to continue to bang this gong.. I will until BI takes note and makes battle eye do something..
  5. xxDominion

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    Well, I am going to have to try those servers. I am familiar with the runningman.. and I have heard of the underground. maybe one day we will cross paths and have some fun1 😉
  6. xxDominion

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    Well, that's anti-climactic and disheartening... not to say a little softening as well.. 😞
  7. xxDominion

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    May I ask what Private servers you play on?
  8. This may be true, but what the consoles DO have is MASSIVE Duping issues, that personally I feel that are just as disruptive as hackers..
  9. xxDominion

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    Thank you for your response and I couldn't agree more. Bohemia has turned a blind eye to this long enough. I'm afraid if they don't start being more interactive and PROACTIVE against this onslaught of hackers from China and I have heard some from Russia as well, then it is going to completely kill DayZ as a viable product. But maybe Bohemia isn't really concerned if DayZ dies off, because they have so many other Arma titles floating around out there. You're also very right about the Steam Moderators deleting the posts about hackers. I posted twice on their forums only to have my post deleted as soon as it started to gain traction and a lot of people commented on it. I have also had players tell me the same thing.. if you don't like it, play on a private sever to avoid this. I have two problems with this line of thinking. 1. I don't prefer to play on a modded private server, as I am looking to play in the vanilla experience they way the game was intended to be played. Not based on a single player who owns the server decides how they "think" I aught to play based on their personal play style. 2. I shouldn't have to!! Official servers are supposed to be there for players like myself who want to play the game how its creators intended it to be. No muss, no fuss, no extras.. Just a beautiful, harsh survival world called DayZ. Having the only solution to be pushed off Official Servers is just not an option for me. I AM now on Bohemia's Forums.. I am calling for help... I am asking... no begging for them to do something... ANYTHING!! Clearly, battle-eye is not working at all. I have over 1300 hours in the game and I can tell you , while I had heard a lot about past hacking.. I have never seen any hacking until the last two weeks personally. and it is so rampant and often that it is slowly sapping my desire to even play anymore. This sucks because I have loved DayZ for a very long time and I want the absolute best for the game and its developers. Surely there is a solution out there that doesn't mitigate me to a private server and having to abandon the Official servers all together. Bohemia, If any moderators read this, I am willing to step in as a Moderator on any Official Server I play on. I have been a Moderator in times past on other games, where my job was to monitor the player base and insure they were following the rules. Back then we were called a SysOp, short for System Operator. Aliens Online was one of the first online FPS style shooters in the 90's. That being said, I am volunteering my time to step into a Moderators role, on any an all "Official" Servers that I play on, so that I can help to combat these hackers and clean up the Official servers so that the good players can once again enjoy the game with as little hacker interference as possible. Please let me know if this is an option, or if I have wasted my time in writing this novella here. But seeing as to the length of my post, i would think one see's my passion for the game and desire to bring back some sanity against this hackers plague. Thank you for your time in reading this.
  10. xxDominion

    Chinese Hackers paradise

    Last Night while playing with my squad on an Official Server, "again", We got killed by Hackers.. Two different times by someone using a speed hack and also what I can only describe as a universal kill button?? My squad and I were engaged in Brena, fighting another group... Someone thought they heard them speaking "Mandrin".. but regardless, fun times were had... UNTIL... My buddy and I fell back into a two story house. I was prone facing the doorway.. Suddenly, the door opens and both my character and my buddies were tossed around inside the room, bouncing around like the cars do in DayZ... then without a sound, we both died simultainously.. Right after the death,I was respawned near Brena, I ran back to my body... along the path and out of no where, I was rushed up on by another speed hacker.. this one was blatant and obvious.. He speed hacked , running at blinding speed glitching all over. I spoke to him, and he spoke very clearly in Chinese and some english. He spouted a bunch of Hateful Anti American language, which I will not repeat here... then killed me again... At that point I had enough so I stopped playing. These hacking issues NEED TO BE ADDRESSED!!! DayZ is a wonderful game with its fair share of issues.. But this hackers plague is really making DayZ NOT FUN anymore. I hope someone... anyone... from BO reads these Forums and addresses these hacking loop holes very soon. This is out of control.. Please do something... *UPDATE* I logged in tonight and spawned in near a remote spot west of Gliniska.. I randomly came across a player, who, when i talked to them, spoke Chinese and was a female. I punched her in the head and then hide in a hunters shed... She ran off into a certain direction. Literally 10 seconds later, I am getting shot at, then two geared chinese players burst out of the tree line and begin firing on me. This is yet another example of the cheating that is going on in the official servers.
  11. xxDominion

    Concerns for DayZ

    Hi Guys, I just wanted to voice a concern, and I hope a Dev might address it. Its with the upcoming Survivor Games. It is my hope, that BI is NOT pulling assets away from the development of DayZ, in order to push out this Survivor gamez.. I like the idea of the gamez, but I like more then anything the idea of the Dev Team, continuing to further develop and flesh out this great game we love called DayZ. So, any info would be appreciated... Thanks..
  12. xxDominion

    Camo nets and you?

    Very good! Thank you 🙂
  13. xxDominion

    Camo nets and you?

    So in the description of the Camo net, it states, it can be used for base walls, (which we all know) and then a little somthing about it being able to be combined with something else to makew a "Personal Shelter".. Does anyone know the recipe to use the camo net for personal use, beyond the car tent and / or walls to bases?? Any feed back would be helpful.. thanks
  14. xxDominion

    Ladies of DayZ??

    I was wondering, where are all the ladies at in DayZ? I'm interested to see how much better the Ladies in the community are then us fellas.. Hit me up for some survival fun!