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About UniformHyperon_AUT

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    Austria, Vorarlberg

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  1. UniformHyperon_AUT

    Can we please add character selection to xbox

    there is one way to change your character. try to logg in on a full server, when you are in the "position in queue" screen, abort the process. you will then have an other random character. i found this one out by accident^^
  2. UniformHyperon_AUT

    where to find them?!

    may works for pc, but not on xbox. just was at tisy this WE....nothing. absolutely nothing except clothes and ammo 😞
  3. UniformHyperon_AUT

    where to find them?!

    lucky you. since full release i found one SVD on a crash site and that's it about high tier weapons. at this stage, the game is just a pain in the a** 😞
  4. UniformHyperon_AUT

    where to find them?!

    please, can anyone tell me where to find an AR on any EU-Server?? I've been in every single military site on the map, checked every green container i've seen...nothing. where the f r they?!
  5. UniformHyperon_AUT


    if you wanna play m&k, get it for pc...sry but why playing on console with a controller when you want to play with m&k? maybe i'm just too dumb to get it or what ever...
  6. UniformHyperon_AUT

    Watch out if you use game chat

    Just had this on monday... Fully geared now bambi again
  7. UniformHyperon_AUT

    Chopper Crash Sites

    Just found one at south west camp at sg7222 on monday night est. Got an svd and an sk59/66 and some clothes. After i found the stuff my game freezed and with my next login i was a bambi again 😭
  8. UniformHyperon_AUT

    game freeze

    dear devs, yesterday i was on my way to the south-west military camp, found a heli crash there and picked up the vsd and also found an sk 59/66. then i helped a friendly survivor at the camp down with some zombies, game freezes and my only option was to turn off the game and restart it. when i logged back in...i was a freshie...wow...that was great. just found some good guns just to rejoin as a freshspawn?! is there any way to get my char back?!
  9. UniformHyperon_AUT

    WAR in Chernarus, 03/26/19

    Winter is comming to Westeros, WAR IS COMMING TO CHERNARUS, get yourself rdy for the last massive fight along the coastline of Chernarus.
  10. UniformHyperon_AUT


    R u online tonight? May we can meet up and trade? What's your gt?
  11. UniformHyperon_AUT


    Only got 2 small tents 🙈
  12. UniformHyperon_AUT


    Hey guys and friends of dayz, me and my 5 mates trying to build a base and our problem for a week now is that we haven't found any nails in a 10km radius from our basepoint. not even in sawmills or construction sites. anyone having the same problem with no nails on the map?