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Everything posted by aux7

  1. aux7

    Stable Update 1.24

    As with everything . . .you pays your money & makes your choice Xeon w9 3495 - 6229.58 euros i9 - 14900K - 611.57 euros xeon w-1390P - 459.67 euros xeon e- 2488 - 694.00 euros xeon e-2286G - 711.31 euros
  2. DayZ & Arma are connected, DayZ would not of existed if Arma did not exist .. . DayZ is the child of Arma . . . & now surpasses it relatively DayZ standalone is approaching the condition it was in as DayZ mod
  3. aux7

    The value of the server fps icons

    serverDZ.cfg path
  4. aux7

    The value of the server fps icons

    default settings in server config file
  5. aux7

    How to spawn new M1025 on private server?

    these (oil & brake) dont exist anymore, & coolant isnt required for the humvee
  6. aux7

    Im having Modding server issue

    made a mistake . ..
  7. aux7

    Server performance and tick rate.

    I have an event server. These are my specs soft - Intel win 10 - You dont need win server unless you are running multiple VM CPU - i7 8086K min 4GHz max (single core) 5GHz - DayZ is a single core game, So you need a CPU with a fast CPU speed. It may be win 11 with its Perforemance CPu & economy CPU with tasks scheduling to specific CPUs, will improve this. I dont have a win 11. RAM - 16 GB DDR4 3200MHz - fasterlower latency ram is better storage - M2 970 pro - faster is better Intel Gigabit ethernet 1 - happens, see attached performance curves. more mods/events makes it worse 2 - see curve 3 - more dependent on peoples ping (in my opinion) 4 - Happens, even for me, & the server is sitting in front of me 5 - DayZ is a single core game maybe just a bit arcane This is my 8086 server performance. (lightly modded) Orange line is average of my i7 6700k. Over 30 players was getting problematic. More mods got problematic Grey line is an extrapolated expectation of the performance uplift for when I moved to the i7 8086 Blue line is actual performance. Note the framerate fluctuation. Interestingly, my prediction didnt quite fit. The framerate dropping to zero is only during server start up. Once up & running, it is up around 10K - 12K But I had no issues with this & no issues were highlighted to me or seen. A large number of streamers were also streaming, so I could see the "playability". Moving up to an 19 12900K would improve this further This is my i7 6700k. Note the frame rates approaching 0 as the players increased. This was causing problems. Observed through streamers outputs As long as the framerate doesnt go below 100fps on the server, things generally seemed ok .. . but more mods & cars, doesnt help never saw any benefit from this Hope this helps
  8. aux7

    BEC Scheduler.xml doing restart on wrong time

    the "scheduler file" is run inside the BEC program available at this link https://github.com/TheGamingChief/BattlEye-Extended-Controls the scheduler shuts dayz down, then you have a .bat file running that restarts DayZ, an example is in the link below These are pretty simple versions, there are other more complex versions available, if you search for them https://write.corbpie.com/the-ideal-dayz-server-start-bat/
  9. Hi you need to raise this as an issue for assistance set up an account here - https://feedback.bistudio.com/project/view/2/ or also with battleye direct - https://www.battleye.com/contact/
  10. aux7

    DayZ Update 1.15

    Through your server.cfg & other files details available through these links gameplay https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=DayZ:Gameplay_Settings weather https://community.bistudio.com/wiki?title=DayZ:Weather_Configuration
  11. aux7


    eight hours, contents do not affect the time . ..
  12. aux7

    list of known bugs?

  13. aux7

    1.14 Experimental Release

    lifetime is 1500 seconds by the look of it, so 25 mins
  14. aux7


    Important information for players on my, Derleths, Tarkules & other servers Tarkules has raised this as a ticket to Bohemia T159840 Players As of the 1.13 update, it is now possible for Battlemetrics & Gametracker to see your player names, joining & leaving times - time durations. So anyone can see when you are online on any specific server This information used to be only available to server owners but now this information is available to anybody watching. This has an impact on player privacy, but it is also enabling a new form of stream sniping. I would recommend that you no longer use a name on DayZ servers, to be anonymous leave the name field blank This will be pain for server owners, but as its a major privacy issue, I cannot see another option Unfortunately I do not think this will allow you to stay anonymous for long, as it will be possible to code for your steam id. For players in my events, this should not be an issue as the events are all password access only so please continue using names - in the events Thanks
  15. aux7

    Server shutdown message

    Try the following . . . . but note that this will only stop your server, you will need to restart the server through another program . . .your batch file for example . .. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <messages> <!-- See https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DayZ:Server_Messages for more information Example messages: 1) following message will be displayed to every player in countdown manner and shuts down server in 5 hours from its start --> <message> <deadline>298</deadline> <shutdown>1</shutdown> <text>El reinicio será dentro de #tmin minutos</text> </message> <!-- 2) following message will be displayed every 15 minutes to every player --> <message> <repeat>15</repeat> <text>You're playing on my server (#name). Thank you .)</text> </message> <!-- 3) following message will be displayed every 30 minutes to every player and 5 minutes after player connect --> <message> <delay>5</delay> <repeat>30</repeat> <onconnect>1</onconnect> <text>Visita nuestro DISCORD: discord.gg/KVryPCUTPy</text> </message> <!-- 4) following message will be displayed once and 1 minutes after player connect --> <message> <delay>0</delay> <onconnect>1</onconnect> <text>Bienvenid@ a Zurrupios Land</text> </message> <message> <delay>0</delay> <onconnect>1</onconnect> <text>Los reinicios del servidor son cada 5 horas</text> </message> </messages>
  16. aux7

    1.13 rcon problems?

    Are those ports open? You should never switch off your firewall Mine (two server instances on the same pc) are running fine
  17. aux7

    1.13 rcon problems?

    is port 2705 open? I have no idea with the Dart tool
  18. aux7

    1.13 rcon problems?

    you need to edit the port to server port +3 so if your server port is 2302, set bec & bercon to 2305 in their respective configs and start up bats bec config bercon bercon bat entry https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159179
  19. aux7

    PC hosting for X Box

    you would probably pay that in electric bills to run the server 24/7 also the room where I have my server is around 28 - 29 degrees C If you really want to run a server and not use a provider, why dont you just get a pc license and keep running a pc server?
  20. aux7

    PC hosting for X Box

    no you have set up a Dayz pc server. Only PC servers are available You have to go through Nitrado or some other xbox provider to set up a server for xbox
  21. aux7

    Aux7 PVE/PVP DayZ Server

    Event 10 - race 3 Demonstration drive of route around Mt Katahdin https://youtu.be/D_WlWDgMZUQ
  22. I am hosting a Dayz Community on a dedicated server and am looking to expand our community to other like-minded Dayz enthusiasts. About the server: The focus is on community and PVE with PVP in specified locations: we aim to cooperate with each other, maybe help each other build each other's bases (or not...but you WILL NOT destroy/raid other people's bases, if you find a base you will leave it as you found it) There will also be activities as a server with two other affiliated servers. As it stands right now, I have a 20 slot vanilla + light mods server which is located in Europe I run a 4 hour day, 1 hour night on a 6 day cycle before cycle reset (25 hours between server restarts) Basic Rules 1 - This is a PVE/PVP server 2 - KOS/PVP only in Tisy, NW Airfield, Troitskoe, Pavlovo, Zelenogorsk, Dichina within the fences only 3 - NO Baseraiding - Leave them as you found them 4 - Abusive comments/behaviour/spam of any form will NOT be tolerated more detailed rules in the Discord I also have mods, to help accentuate the play experience. - Zombies vs Wolves (server side only) - No Shoe Damage - Better Suppressors - Build Anywhere v3 - Easy Map (using the ingame map) COT & CF Admin tools are on too We do not want to change things too much, but there might be some mods that significantly better the game. All proposals from the player base will be considered. These are still early days yet, but if this sounds something you might be interested in, feel free to join us! There is a Twitter channel (https://twitter.com/Aux711) & Discord (https://discord.gg/s7nqM2K) for server information. Discord for more player chat and interaction. I will also consider Whitelisting for increased security for your play experience. The server is currently open to access for all For more information, please contact Aux7 here on the forum or through the discord