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Everything posted by aux7

  1. aux7

    DayZ free weekend

    thurs feb 13th 10am pst should be from tonight 10am pacific standard time
  2. aux7

    DayZ free weekend

    I dont know about satisfied with the release, but they must be satisfied with the player numbers improving. sure I would have thought that its more of a data fishing expedition, looking at the number of new players playing, to check on interest in the title
  3. aux7

    Stable Update 1.07

    the problem is the consoles, the game has (in my opinion) been cut back for them. The light in the game is allocated by the programmer through rasterisation and programming, and the consoles do not have the horsepower to calculate that. Current consoles are equivalent to pcs from 2012 and not particularly powerful ones. (cpu - ps 4 = approx amd fx 8320, xbox = approx amd fx 6100 gpu - ps4 = approx gtx660, xbox = approx gtx 750) So the game was scaled back from the original appearance to a more simplified version, and so we lost the moonlight and darkness people preferred. I dont think this will significantly change until the new consoles accept a new version of Dayz and ray tracing becomes commonplace, potentially in two years. some reviews on ray tracing etc https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2018/03/19/whats-difference-between-ray-tracing-rasterization/ https://www.techradar.com/news/ray-tracing
  4. aux7

    Stable Update 1.07

    dayzsa launcher? needs the steam port +10 opened
  5. aux7

    Stable Update 1.06

    loading to stable servers now . ..
  6. aux7


    usually a couple of hours
  7. aux7


    servers are updating now to 1.07
  8. aux7

    Experimental Update 1.07

    no problems - без проблем
  9. aux7

    Experimental Update 1.07

    if you are on a public server, not usually. Community servers, its up to the admin . .
  10. aux7

    Experimental Update 1.07

    yes, servers have gone down for the update . .
  11. aux7

    four by the look of it . .. but one dead . . .
  12. as far as i know, its only possible on pc, or do you have access to your server files now on xbox?
  13. aux7

    My Car Experience

    the car should right itself on the next server restart, or if it has badly damaged itself, it will despawn
  14. aux7

    Cheating admins?

    so an official server no admins there
  15. aux7

    Cheating admins?

    an official server, then there are no admins. No public hive server has an admin, only community servers whats the name of the server?
  16. aux7

    Cheating admins?

    sure with COT and the others you can teleport to a location, but why would you. There is so much other stuff that you have to do as an admin, you just dont have time to chase after individual players. I can think of one player who I thought was duping (he wasnt), it took me a week to find the time to investigate him in depth. Even the vaguest suggestion to players that the admin is being an ahole can kill a server, and I assure you players discuss the admins what were the rules on the server, no base raiding or? what constitutes an abandoned base to you (if raiding allowed)? The admin will try (ok, its what I generally did) and tell you not to raid a certain location . . . . . if not directly then by messages in the game. Pissing players off does not work. if the admin wants you gone, you will be dont give up, its a great game, there are loads of servers out there, plenty to choose from if the admin is being an ahole but from my experience with cars they can and do despawn at will on server reset. Ive lost more than a few cars to the game . . . .. .
  17. aux7

    Cheating admins?

    the admins know mostly what you are doing and know exactly where you are they cannot cause a car to despawn Cars despawn for a variety of reasons - being badly damaged (heavy scratches on car) or on server reset the car decides to go flying and destroys itself. Or you parked a car somewhere that the game decided was no good players can cause a car to despawn if they shoot it As an ex admin, its too much effort to chase around after players and make their play crap and I mean why even be such an ahole. Its just so much quicker just to ban them. If they (the admin) want you gone they will tell you or just ban you. Generally I tried to contact players who were breaking rules to say hey. . . I will ban you . But more often than not the player wasnt interested in a discussion and would not engage And I never used the community tools etc . .. . to get an advantage or what ever
  18. aux7

    Starting to give up here, KINDLY help.

    from my personal experience, 80% of players will kill you, either on sight or after a period of time. The 20% you meet who dont, make it worthwhile. you could look for a private low pop PVE server with active admins. These servers are usually run by and for groups of friends. Or you could set up your own private server, on your pc, and have it only on your lan so only you play or invite your friends to play on it.
  19. aux7

    Zombies surrounding a heli crash

    The infected are automatically spawned into a heli crash area on vanilla, with between 2 and 4 infected . . .
  20. aux7

    types.xml need explanation

    ak101 black is not in the game "yet" You basically mod an ak101 with paint. same goes for any black or green weapon. Paint has not yet returned to the game . .. . for the mods you have added there should be an associated file that you paste into your servers types file. Otherwise nothing from your mod will spawn
  21. aux7

    types.xml need explanation

    another example bat file and server stuff https://write.corbpie.com/installing-and-setting-up-a-dayz-standalone-server-on-windows-server-2016-guide/
  22. aux7

    types.xml need explanation

    Dayz server how to from reddit. Also shows how to set player loadouts and clothing on spawn https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9hamlp/the_dayz_server_owner_howto_and_faq/ git hub bat file examples https://gist.github.com/cp6/04ae70c87c44496d4288482958e7b2db server monitor with updater https://forums.dayz.com/topic/245162-servermonitor-with-updater-including-mod-updates/?tab=comments#comment-2437996
  23. aux7

    types.xml need explanation

    I use a .bat file to update. Note that I have my Dayz direct on the c drive @echo off TITLE Aux7 - Data Backup COLOR 0A echo Start time copy process : %time:~0,8% echo copy of directories is underway echo Only new or modified files are listed echo please wait xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer\*.*" C:\DayZServer\*.* /S /D /Y /R echo End time copy process : %time:~0,8% PAUSE this is the bat file as standalone for the server files, but you can also write it in your main start bat file. Problem is you have to make sure the server files under steam have updated. you can write a bat file using steam command and your steam password to connect to steam and update directly, but I dont like leaving my passwords in open files. Also accessing and downloading through steam is slow. I used to just check steam directly, and update the original files and the server would automatically update from the original files on restart. if you look on git hub or on here you should be able to find several versions of bat files that you can use
  24. aux7

    types.xml need explanation

    cfgrandompresets gives the chance of stuff spawning in infected cargo. So delete the food . .. . Hermit/army/city/village or edit the chance of it appearing this is where to edit the player, you need to edit the random player and void the clothes chosen player
  25. aux7

    Experimental Update 1.07

    you and me both, well ok . . .. I stopped everything I was doing at Experimental update 1.07 . .. . . unfortunately I cannot get on tonight . . .. sigh. I havent played for more than a month now am still looking for the paint