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San Andreas Public Safety

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About San Andreas Public Safety

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  1. San Andreas Public Safety


    Did the same thing 2 weeks ago. Stumbled upon 2 Large Car Tents full of loot...spent the night taking everything. Was a nice little gift from them ;)
  2. San Andreas Public Safety

    Poll: Favorite City to Visit

    For myself I would have to say I always liked the secluded small town of Zvir. Just a couple houses with plenty of water to go around! Quiet and Peaceful with plenty of nearby trails to go on a hike!
  3. San Andreas Public Safety

    the game freezes while driving

    I know, just in terms of this game it seems fast. I try to just stay slow so something bad doesn't happen :p
  4. San Andreas Public Safety

    the game freezes while driving

    Oh my word, 120kph is insane! Anymore to be safe I stay around 40-50kph to counter the lag. So when it does stutter I can stop the car without doing any damage!
  5. San Andreas Public Safety

    Interesting Glitch/Bug Encountered After 12/18 Update

    True, crashed again last night while driving and it didn't happen so it doesn't bother me!
  6. San Andreas Public Safety

    Interesting Glitch/Bug Encountered After 12/18 Update

    I didn't log out in the car, it crashed my game and when I spawned back i was falling. Glad it's just not me!
  7. San Andreas Public Safety

    Interesting Glitch/Bug Encountered After 12/18 Update

    Last night while playing DayZ with the woman, I was driving my ADA 4x4 west near Zelenogorsk. All of a sudden my game decided to just crash, no big deal. I restart the game and rejoin the server we were in. As soon as I got back in my character is in a Free fall from the top of the map! I freaked out and thats when my character hits the water out in the middle of nowhere. After some swimming and looking I finally realized where it had dropped me...outside of the entire map in the SW corner where nothing spawns! Luckily I was able to swim back and walk the rest of the way to a small checkpoint. Has anyone else had anything happen like this? I even took a little snapshot just to show you where I was and how confused it really made me :p My Perspective
  8. San Andreas Public Safety

    How do you close the 4x4 car doors when driving?

    It helps to go into 1st person and look at the door. Then you should have the option to close the door and exit the vehicle :) Press X and vuala!
  9. San Andreas Public Safety

    Game and full server crashes

    My only suggestion would be don't place any wire on gates until they fix this problem...It seems to be an ongoing issue from what I have read so be careful!
  10. San Andreas Public Safety

    Safely locking a car

    I had something similar happen last night. Parked the car inside a garage at a house and got out...But wasn't able to re-enter through the driver door anymore. I could do everything else but sit in the drivers seat to move the car! Kind of a bummer but I managed to find a 2nd car so we just use it for storage now.