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About leem1981

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  1. leem1981

    Controls for Xbox One

    You can do it on keyboard and mouse servers want to play keyboard and mouse just not on publics
  2. leem1981

    Controls for Xbox One

    Anyone know how to change the voip levels on controller
  3. leem1981

    Dayz server idea

    What's the day night cycle on public played a bit on eu 3900 last night was tense
  4. leem1981

    Dayz server idea

    I ve not played on public servers for a while what are they like now is duping still a thing ??
  5. leem1981

    Dayz server idea

    Prob not but are you not sick of seeing a never ending server list with rows and rows of empty and low pop servers. Cant remember the last time seen a full pop server
  6. leem1981

    Dayz server idea

    Weekly wipes Their are to many rp servers with to many rules everyone wanting to be friends and traders making the game stale and taking the danger out of it. The amount of servers should be limited so more servers get filled up. And the game is more than just rp and pvp like i said interactions would be a choice. Look the way the running man plays the game prime example of perfect way to play without rp. Wait here comes the argument that he plays to an audience. He has been playing the game years and continues to play the same way. I ve adopted his play style and get more enjoyment out of it only so many times you can trade and talk shit. Before that will be boring. The game is more than pvp it's more than interactions its what an individual makes of it. So if some one wants to play this style its narrow minded to say it's wrong.
  7. leem1981

    Dayz server idea

    Yeah if you want it to be riddled with duping and idiots as where an organised discord with members that want to pvp and find decent loot and not care to much about rp this would work. Private servers ain't just for rp purposes
  8. leem1981

    Dayz server idea

    I ve come to the conclusion that rp is not the best way to play dayz. Don't get me wrong I m part of a few servers that I enjoy playing on but some of the best times is when I have a fresh life everytime and some good pvp. Thinking about starting a small server that could possibly grow larger. Revolving round pvp so no rules no base building no stashs and regular monthly wipes to keep loot economy fresh. Interactions would be down to individuals. Could also host events Server could have good banter through a well maintained discord let me know thoughts and ideas on this.
  9. leem1981

    "DayZ development team in a nutshell"

    I play on a one x with a 4k monitor dont see any of this grey effect people moan about
  10. leem1981

    "DayZ development team in a nutshell"

    Night time adds a different dynamic to dayz. even with out NVGs use a glow stick head torch or a normal torch now that you can stick them to bags even better. its a survival game. some of the best interactions and gun fights i ve had have been at night if you don't like night or playing in the dark i m afraid you have got the wrong game. i do think days could be a bit longer but the length of the night time is fine.
  11. leem1981

    7.84gb update

    this is obviously trolling this update would have been done by now
  12. leem1981

    7.84gb update

    doubt it is 1.04 but hope so let us know as soon as it's done dude
  13. leem1981

    Here is my idea for a private server *image

    I love the idea of this hit me up when this goes live 👍🏻
  14. leem1981

    locked servers

    A quick 1.04 update: we will carry out a complete server and character wipe, and will introduce private servers. Also, this update will address some of the current most troublesome issues in the game – duping, server hopping, and frame rates. well their is the word from them lol
  15. leem1981

    locked servers

    someone told me their will be locked servers in new update personally I smell bull s**t anyone heard anything