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    On the Coast
  1. first of all,i know why its happening and 2th i thank bohemia for creating the dayz and adding the great staff and details that you cant find in any other survival games...(i play since 0.60) please fix the issue with guns in official servers...you cant find AK(any model) and M4!its 3 month i play there and we did not find a single rifle! even UMP,s are rare now thanks to the the damn server hoppers(witch this one got fixed) but they still have stashed rifles thats why the server will not spawn rifles anymore please deal with this issue even you have to wipe it just do it. about base building:its not fair you and your friends searching for materials to build a base and random person can easily enter your base using a common axe or hatchet or ....any other tools,just please balance it make it harder or impossible until you find new way to balance the base building.we spent 2 days for materials and we just got raided in 5 minutes...

    BE blocks the file from loading

    hello,after updating the game to 1.03 from 1.02 i did not have any issue like this with the DayZ before i open the game my battle eye pops up on screen says loading file Blocked by BE if id dont crate a problem issue can be ignored and when i join the server game stops and i see the BE again says [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\DayZ\DayZ_BE.exe".