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Everything posted by AXEL777

  1. AXEL777

    Experimental Update 1.13 (Changelog)

    https://feedback.bistudio.com/T159885 https://forums.dayz.com/topic/251151-your-latency-is-too-high/ will be fixed? When?
  2. AXEL777

    Steam ID, BattlEye ID, Bohemia Player ID

    great, it's work perfect!
  3. AXEL777

    layout editing

    In how program is correct to editing files 'name.layout' with view editing sample?
  4. AXEL777

    [SOLVED] Menu screen mod icons

    Me Same to interested. Need icons sizes for worked line: picture = "MyTestMods/images/logos/modlogo.tga"; logoSmall = "MyTestMods/images/logos/modlogo.tga"; logo = "MyTestMods/images/logos/small.tga"; logoOver = "MyTestMods/images/logos/modlogohover.tga"; because i am try paste original image, but this not work .tga format is correct?
  5. AXEL777

    Experimental Update 1.03.151544

    in news https://dayz.com/article/game-update/pc-stable-update-1-03 you write about: but this don't be writed in xml file. And users don't know how this change.
  6. How a correct add a new my item with my nedded a simple action?
  7. AXEL777

    !!! [CE][Hive] :: DB is not responding too long.

    yes, this have a some mods, but this exist a sometimes in a clear server game after a long work time
  8. AXEL777

    Rewriting bits of your code modifications

    i am try do this modded class DayZPlayerImplement extends DayZPlayer { void traderServerLog(string message) { TraderMessage.ServerLog("[TRADER] Player: (" + this.GetIdentity().GetName() + ") " + this.GetIdentity().GetId() + " " + message); Print("[My test log] " + message); } } and test server, but don't search message in logs with '[My test log]'
  9. I have emerged the next kind of a question. The situation is: There is a modification to the Steam workshop, script kotori is this part of the code: modded class DayZPlayerImplement extends DayZPlayer { // тут куча коду void traderServerLog(string message) { TraderMessage.ServerLog("[TRADER] Player: (" + this.GetIdentity().GetName() + ") " + this.GetIdentity().GetId() + " " + message); } // тут куча коду } on the server side via -FilePatching I make my script in the same section of the game scripts (not as a modification, a simple script). Write the following code: modded class DayZPlayerImplement extends DayZPlayer { override void traderServerLog(string message) { super.traderServerLog(message); private PlayerIdentity p_Identity = this.GetIdentity(); if (p_Identity) { string name_player = p_Identity.GetName(); string UID_player = p_Identity.GetPlainId(); vector pos_object = this.GetPosition(); private string message_log = name_player + "(steam64id=" + UID_player + ",pos=" + pos_object.ToString() + ") " + message; Print(message_log); } } } I get an error when starting the server, they say on the 3rd line of my script in the error line, supposedly I'm trying to update the function, and it is not defined. Tell me how to correctly rewrite such a Modded code of the native class of the game from your modification with the preservation of the original call of the modification?
  10. AXEL777

    Rewriting bits of your code modifications

    because this words don't exist in log server, only a default log server from mod
  11. AXEL777

    !!! [CE][Hive] :: DB is not responding too long.

    Start server: 15:04:05 [CE][Hive] :: Init sequence finished. After a same time players get error: 15:06:18 Player [RAGE]joker (1772491741) kicked from server: 6 (Timeout) 15:06:18 [StateMachine]: Kick player [RAGE]joker (dpnid 1772491741 uid +9NlXL4UMxdszdcPEosr09HtHw3rQAdcSWz/B3WgIoc=) State GetCharacterLoginState Error Timeout 15:10:38 Player Unknown (42386156) kicked from server: 6 (Timeout) and anyone can't connect to server game. Then after a same time i have error 15:10:39 [CE][Hive] :: WARNING :: Save to db couldn't proceed. 15:10:45 [CE][Hive] :: WARNING :: Save to db couldn't proceed. 15:10:52 !!! [CE][Hive] :: DB is not responding too long. and after this players don't saved! WTF is release game? Why this is wrong? Version 1.02.151010, bugtracker ticket is created!
  12. AXEL777

    Rewriting bits of your code modifications

    don't worked(
  13. AXEL777

    Rewriting bits of your code modifications

    no, this code private PlayerIdentity p_Identity = this.GetIdentity(); if (p_Identity) { string name_player = p_Identity.GetName(); string UID_player = p_Identity.GetPlainId(); vector pos_object = this.GetPosition(); private string message_log = name_player + "(steam64id=" + UID_player + ",pos=" + pos_object.ToString() + ") " + message; Print(message_log); } don't runned when this function called in server
  14. AXEL777

    Logging question (how this work?)

    Reaaly, worked void Write_Log(string message) { //Print(message); Print(String(message)); } this worked and this void Write_Log(string message) { //Print(message); PrintFormat("%1", message); } worked normal to Thanks for reply
  15. 1. Create a clear server game 2. Add a my some code from this line in init.c server mission #include "$CurrentDir:mpmissions\my_mission_server.chernarusplus\mycode_functions.c" with code file: class My_Functions_MissionServer { void My_Functions_MissionServer() { Write_Log("Build My_Functions_MissionServer"); // Print("Build My_Functions_MissionServer TECT"); } void ~My_Functions_MissionServer() { Write_Log("DeBuild My_Functions_MissionServer"); } void Write_Log(string message) { Print(message); } } static ref My_Functions_MissionServer g_My_Functionss_MissionServer = new ref My_Functions_MissionServer(); //static ref My_Functions_MissionServer g_My_Functionss_MissionServer; static ref My_Functions_MissionServer GetMy_Functions() { if ( !g_My_Functionss_MissionServer ) { g_My_Functionss_MissionServer = new ref My_Functions_MissionServer(); } return g_My_Functionss_MissionServer; } 3. Add in default init.c in block class CustomMission: MissionServer a new block void OnInit () { super.OnInit(); GetMy_Functions().CreateCustomDirsServer(); //Creating Directories for Server Functions } 4. Start server game and have in script.log: SCRIPT : string message = 'Build ZoS_Functions_MissionServer' 5. Change this Write_Log("Build My_Functions_MissionServer"); on this code Print("Build My_Functions_MissionServer TECT"); 6. Start server game 7. Is a have in scripts.log this: SCRIPT : Build ZoS_Functions_MissionServer Why undo 5 stage is have log messages with: string message = ' and after 5 stage i am have a normal logging? How this work?
  16. AXEL777

    Rewriting bits of your code modifications

    tested, don't worked((
  17. AXEL777

    Rewriting bits of your code modifications

    Yes, but if the author of the modifications will change the function of it is to have a fully copy? There is no way to call her own code without his constant perekopirovannye to yourself?
  18. AXEL777

    Rewriting bits of your code modifications

    Yes, but there is another error, a string super.traderServerLog(message); is undefined for use But how is correct will use this?
  19. AXEL777

    client-server side requests parameters

    thanks, this work good
  20. Hi guys! I have a small question for the experts of this language. I am writing my client-server mod and I need to organize the exchange of information between the server and the game client on request from the game client. I can not understand the following: On the server side, there are 3 variables in my class with values of int, bool, and string types. On the client side of the game I need for each player to pass these parameters at the time of connection to the server for further correct operation of the script. How do I request these parameters from the client and receive the values from the server in a response message? Explain please! Preferably with examples.
  21. AXEL777

    client-server side requests parameters

    no problem, thanks for answers
  22. AXEL777

    client-server side requests parameters

    I need to send a request from the client to the server and get a response. That is, the relationship of the 'client-server-client'
  23. In Russian(на русском): In English:(на английском):
  24. AXEL777

    Mod equal checking server-client and enabling

    Yes, but I don't want to distribute my self-written code to just anyone. I'm over this code worked one day, and any other means to download it and 2 clicks will give yourself? Isn't that too good? How to develop server-side modding in this case? I do not understand the way out of this situation!
  25. AXEL777

    Mod equal checking server-client and enabling

    You're not reading carefully. I have not edited any scripts or dta. Exclusively 2 fashion workshop for the client and the server, and one mod without signatures and keys only on the server. The server and the game work fine, but the question of Cho players come with an incomplete list of modifications I am extremely concerned about to preserve the atmosphere of fashion. And I also do not want to distribute my personal code from only the server mod to every second on the Internet. What exactly is the question, how not breaking the structure of the server to achieve the desired result? I understand you, but should we expect such functionality, for example, in the next update of the game? This setting is quite important, because the presence or absence of certain mods on the game client and the presence of those on the game server can be a big problem, both in communication between players and in fair play. for example, a player who does not have any object or building, can stand and shoot, and the other, who will have a house in the place of the offender, he did not even notice. This is a pretty serious point of the ballance game, and I very much hope that this question will not remain unanswered.