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About DuffMasterHomer

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  1. DuffMasterHomer

    Chest and Barrels

    You must have open all containers, then you can take the item that u want. Is only one container closed you cant choose the item you want because the cursor dont getting to the right or left it will only be up and down. The same inventory bug from the preview but now with barrels. Edit: One important info... dont exchange an item in your hand or inventory with an item in your storage... when u do this it will trigger the bug with items stucks in the storage... the other trigger is take an item with X to your inventory you cant see it sometimes but it is in your inventory. I use only the method with holding the A button to manage my storage and inventory and have no inventory or storage bugs. Taking items with X from the ground works fine. Remember the most bugs have a reason and a Workaround. Somtimes its tricky to figure it but i find workarounds for the most bugs.
  2. DuffMasterHomer

    NEW Update is live

    But where are the patch notes? Edit: Sorry im blind... i know it now...
  3. DuffMasterHomer

    More Feedback when Getting Shot or Absorbing Melee Hits?

    I think it is now in game, every time i get a hit from a bullet the screen blinks red.
  4. DuffMasterHomer

    Missing servers

    Community support message: Hello Xbox players, we are taking 150 Xbox Game Preview servers for our internal testing of the latest fixes for the Xbox database. If everything will go well, we will use them for a couple days and then return them back. Sorry if one of them was your favorite server.
  5. DuffMasterHomer

    Just found...

    First time i found a T-Shirt... is it new? :/
  6. DuffMasterHomer

    Kicked off game

    Red message = connction lost No message = server restart
  7. DuffMasterHomer


    No autorun planned on xbox.
  8. DuffMasterHomer

    is it possible to equip machete

    You cant put the hatchet or machete on your back.
  9. DuffMasterHomer

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    After the restart join the same server and walk to the same place, your loot will be there.
  10. DuffMasterHomer

    Server reset time

    You have loot on the ground and the server rstarts? Wait a few seconds and join the same server, walk to the location of your loot and it will be there. This works for me 100% but dead bodys are gone.
  11. DuffMasterHomer

    Anyone else getting kicked from game a lot recently?

    Server kicks me only after a restart and the red message comes maybe 1 time the week. After restart i join only the same server so i know i have two hours to play before the next restart and after 30-60 minutes the server is full. Playing on NL server on XboxOneX
  12. DuffMasterHomer

    Staying on a Specific server

    Joining ever the same server after a restart and it will be full again in 30-60 minutes.
  13. DuffMasterHomer

    Dont losing loot on the ground after server restart

    Check the last two numbers of the server and after a reset the server is back in 1 minute or 2 sometimes.
  14. You have loot on the ground and the server rstarts? Wait a few seconds and join the same server, walk to the location of your loot and it will be there. This works for me 100% but dead bodys are gone.
  15. DuffMasterHomer

    Stable Server!? Longer restart time?

    Dont register that... i was never kicked after the updates, only the restart kick me out. I wait max. 1 minute and join the same server and have fun for two hours again and again and again and after 30-60min the server is full again ... the red message comes maybe one time the week and i played alot of hours.