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Everything posted by mrwolv

  1. mrwolv

    Noone can join any servers atm

    same in the us and uk also they fudged something up and this is on stable servers
  2. mrwolv

    Stable Update 1.19

    what about the white screens when hit by zombies and game crashes randomly will we get a fix
  3. mrwolv

    Stable Update 1.19

    no still happens not sure what to do dayz fix please!!!
  4. mrwolv

    Stable Update 1.19

    do you know the code for the config.cfg or serverdz.cfg file
  5. mrwolv

    Stable Update 1.19

    will try that now
  6. mrwolv

    Stable Update 1.19

    has anyone noticed when they get hit by a zombie and gets cut they get a white screen ? how would we fix this its related to the dayz update today of 1.19
  7. hiya guys so how would i add loot to custom building i place in the map ?
  8. Ok.... as alot of people are having alot off issues getting battleye to work i have compiled a zip file of 5 functions PLEASE READ CAREFULLY OTHERWISE YOU WILL HAVE PROBLEMS!! This still works as of 14/02/2019 if you cannot get this to work it is because you have made a mistake with your information in the cfg/txt files or folder location paths Starts Dayz Server Restart Your Server Automaticaly If It Crashes Run Battleye On Your Server Runs a 3 Hour Restart Timer For Your Server Runs Server Messages Of Your Choice Include Guide To Install Its Very Simple To Do Also Includes Whitelist, BadWords, BadNames, Ban Files (Admin.Xml Not usefull Yet) Just download, Extract Follow Guide & Walla Your In... Any Problems Just Let Me Know... https://www.dropbox.com/s/mx6bnlg30eeeo9x/Battleye %26 Bat File %2B Guide To Install.rar?dl=0 As you can see from the photo the DayzSa Server Status cmd box will keep a check on your server if it crashes it will auto restart!! This will also reboot your server on the timed restarts & as you can see BEC is also running on the back cmd box. All you need to do is Run 1 .bat File (Also If You Find Your Server wont Show In The Server List Just Open Ports 2302-2307, 27016 TCP/UDP On Your Router & Firewall Of Your Pc/Server. If You Have Problems With The Right I.P For Your Server Just Open CMD Type ipconfig & Look For Your IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Thats The I.P You Need To Set In The Files) Step 1. Open Start Server Battleye.bat (With Notepad++). Where it says set DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION= Set Your Server Path. (Example It Should Look Like set DAYZ-SA_SERVER_LOCATION="C:\Dayzserver" You do not need your server folder in your steam folder but most people keep it there due to not knowing this ) Step 2. Set Your BEC Extended Controls Location Where It Says set BEC_LOCATION= (Example It Should Look Like set BEC_LOCATION="C:\Dayzserver\Battleye\Bec") Step 3. Check Your Start Up Line (Around Line 52) Check Your Port Is Correct & Paths (If Your Dont Have Playerlogs Create a Folder In Your Dayz Server Folder Called PlayerLogs OR Profiles. (Example. start DayZServer_x64.exe -config=serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck -noFilePatching -BEpath=C:\DayZServer\Battleye -profiles=C:\Dayzserver\PlayerLogs ) Step 3. Copy Battleye Folder Into Your Server Directory. Step 4. Open BEServer_x64.cfg & Set Your I.P & RconPassword & Check Port. Example RConPassword PASSWORD RestrictRCon 0 RConPort PORT RConIP SERVERIP Step 5. Open The Bec Folder Then Config Folder Open Config.cfg & Set Your I.P & Port Then Link Your BePath (This Should Be C:\Dayzserver\Battleye To Work Without Problems) Example [Bec] Ip = SERVERIP Port = SERVERPORT BePath = C:\DayzserverModed\battleye Admins = admins.xml Commands = commands.xml LogDir = Config Step 6. Inside The Bec Folder Look For The File Called "Scheduler.xml" This Is Set Up For 3 Hour Restarts. Go Into The Scheduler.xml & Edit The Line That Say <cmd>say -1 ADD MESSAGE HERE</cmd> For Your Own Messages Step 7. Final Step Double Click The "Start Server Battleye.bat" In The Main Battleye Folder If You Set Everything Correcly On Prev Steps Your DayZ Sa Server command Prompt Box Will Open, Then Your Server Will Load Then Battleye Will Load & Login To Your Server..... This works the same way for modded servers all you need to do is change a few things in the bat file So you will need to go to http://www.dayzsalauncher.com/#/home Download the ServerTool DZSALModServer.exe Place this in your Server Folder then In The Bat file Change A Few Things Like Below You Need to Change start DayZServer_x64.exe To start DZSALModServer.exe Then Add a Profile Folder If You Dont Already Have One "-profiles=C:\Dayzserver\ProfileFolder" & Add A Mod Line "-mod=@MODNAME1;@MODNAME2;@MODNAME3" start DZSALModServer.exe -ip=YOURIP-port=SERVERPORT -config=serverDZ.cfg -dologs -adminlog -scrAllowFileWrite -scriptdebug=true "-profiles=C:\Dayzserver\ProfileFolder" "-mod=@MODNAME1;@MODNAME2;@MODNAME3" -BEpath=C:\Dayzserver\battleye -dayzserver=DayZServer_x64.exe
  9. here is a fullly working admin script! thank to CaptHero for the help fixing this with me just paste in your init.c below class CustomMission: MissionServer { add your steam id in the section this is your steamID64 if you need to find your id go here https://steamid.io/ ref TStringArray admins = {"HERE"}; // Add your steamID64 no need to mod or anything just simple copy and paste then in game login with your admin password (#login password ingame) only 1 person can be logged in a 1 time and the commands are /here playername /You have been teleported to admin /spawn itemname /offroad (or /spawn offroadhatchback some item names need to be full item names these can be found here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jFQOkaU6kSZJFzMV4NHHgmi95htJzS0_1iM8aCWYCvI/edit#gid=0) /goto playername /kill playername /heal playername /allgoto playername /You teleported everyone to that player /allhere /all have been teleported to admin /time /You have set the servertime to (/time [hour] [minute]) bool verify_admins = false; // true=verify presence of BI UID in admin list string cmd_prefix = "/"; // Must be special character ref TStringArray admins = {"STEAMIDHERE"}; // Add your STEAM64 ID bool IsPlayerAnAdmin(PlayerBase player) { bool found = false; for ( int i = 0; i < admins.Count(); ++i ) { if(player.GetIdentity().GetId() == admins[i]) { found=true; break; } } return found; } void SendMessageToPlayer(PlayerBase player, string message) { Param1<string> param = new Param1<string>( message ); GetGame().RPCSingleParam(player, ERPCs.RPC_USER_ACTION_MESSAGE, param, true, player.GetIdentity()); } bool IsPlayer(string name) { PlayerBase p; array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers(players); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); ++i ) { p = players.Get(i); if(p.GetIdentity().GetName() == name) return true; } return false; } PlayerBase GetPlayer(string name) { PlayerBase p; array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers(players); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); ++i ) { p = players.Get(i); if(p.GetIdentity().GetName() == name) return p; } return NULL; } override void OnEvent(EventType eventTypeId, Param params) { super.OnEvent(eventTypeId,params); int i; PlayerBase player, temp_player; array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers(players); if(eventTypeId != ChatMessageEventTypeID) return; // Is chat message ChatMessageEventParams chat_params = ChatMessageEventParams.Cast( params ); if(chat_params.param1 != 0 || chat_params.param2 == "") return; player = GetPlayer(chat_params.param2); if(player == NULL) return; if(verify_admins && !IsPlayerAnAdmin(player)) { GetGame().AdminLog("[ADMCMD] (Unauthorized) " + player.GetIdentity().GetName() +" ("+player.GetIdentity().GetPlainId()+", "+player.GetIdentity().GetId()+") tried to execute "+ chat_params.param3); return; } string message = chat_params.param3, prefix, param0, command; TStringArray tokens = new TStringArray; message.Split(" ", tokens); int count = tokens.Count(); param0 = tokens.Get(0); param0.ParseStringEx(prefix); if(prefix != cmd_prefix) return; param0.ParseStringEx(command); GetGame().AdminLog("[ADMCMD] PLAYER: "+ player.GetIdentity().GetName() +" ("+player.GetIdentity().GetPlainId()+", "+player.GetIdentity().GetId()+") CMD: "+ command); switch(command) { case "spawn": { if(count != 2) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/spawn [object]"); return; } GetGame().CreateObject(tokens[1], player.GetPosition(), false, true ); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[ObjectSpawn] Object spawned: " + tokens[1]); break; } case "goto": { if(count != 2) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/goto [player]"); return; } temp_player = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(temp_player == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); } else { player.SetPosition(temp_player.GetPosition()); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] You teleported to " + temp_player.GetIdentity().GetName()); } break; } case "allgoto": { PlayerBase allgoto_target; if(count != 2) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/allgoto [player]"); return; } allgoto_target = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(allgoto_target == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); } else { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] You teleported everyone to your location"); for (i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++) { temp_player = players.Get(i); SendMessageToPlayer(temp_player, "[Teleport] You have been teleported to player " + allgoto_target.GetIdentity().GetName()); temp_player.SetPosition(allgoto_target.GetPosition()); } } break; } case "here": { if(count != 2) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/here [player]"); return; } temp_player = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(temp_player == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); } else { temp_player.SetPosition(player.GetPosition()); SendMessageToPlayer(temp_player, "[Teleport] You have been teleported to admin " + player.GetIdentity().GetName()); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] You teleported " + temp_player.GetIdentity().GetName() + " to your location"); } break; } case "allhere": { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] You teleported everyone to your location"); for (i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++) { temp_player = players.Get(i); SendMessageToPlayer(temp_player, "[Teleport] You have been teleported to admin " + player.GetIdentity().GetName()); temp_player.SetPosition(player.GetPosition()); } break; } case "time": { if(count != 3) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/time [hour] [minute]"); return; } GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate( 2018, 1, 7, tokens[1].ToInt(), tokens[2].ToInt()); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Servertime] You have set the servertime to " + tokens[1] + ":"+tokens[2]); break; } case "kill": { if(count == 2) { temp_player = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(temp_player == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Kill] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); } else { temp_player.SetHealth(0); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Kill] You killed " + temp_player.GetIdentity().GetName()); } } else { player.SetHealth(0); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Kill] You killed yourself"); } break; } case "killall": { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Kill] You killed everyone"); for (i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++) { temp_player = players.Get(i); if(temp_player.GetIdentity().GetId() == player.GetIdentity().GetId()) continue; temp_player.SetHealth(0); } break; } case "heal": { PlayerBase heal_target; if(count == 2) { heal_target = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(heal_target == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Heal] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); } else { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Heal] You healed " + heal_target.GetIdentity().GetName()); } } else { heal_target = player; SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Heal] You healed yourself"); } if(heal_target != NULL) { heal_target.SetHealth(heal_target.GetMaxHealth("", "")); heal_target.SetHealth("", "Blood", heal_target.GetMaxHealth("", "Blood")); heal_target.GetStatStamina().Set(1000); heal_target.GetStatEnergy().Set(1000); heal_target.GetStatWater().Set(1000); } break; } case "offroad": { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Offroad] Vehicled spawned"); EntityAI v; v = GetGame().CreateObject( "OffroadHatchback", player.GetPosition() + "1.5 0 1.5"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("SparkPlug"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("EngineBelt"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarBattery"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackHood"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackTrunk"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackDoors_CoDriver"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); // spare break; } default: { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "Unknown command: " + command); break; } } }
  10. mrwolv

    Doors persistence

    Has anyone got Doors to stay locked on reboot ? setting this true or false dosent seem to keep the doors locked on server restart storeHouseStateDisabled = false; // Disable houses/doors persistence (value true/false), usable in case of problems with persistence
  11. equalModRequired=1; dose not work no more it was fased out for the new code of verifySignatures = 2; and when you edit the zombie_territories.xml just repack the pbo up and all is good if your still getting low zombies just edit th amount of zombie spawns in mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\db\globals.xml line <var name="ZombieMaxCount" type="0" value="1000"/> and change to something like <var name="ZombieMaxCount" type="0" value="4000"/> if you use https://dayzsalauncher.com/#/home it will kick the user 90% of the time if they dont have mods but zombies are handled server side and mods
  12. do you have a discord if so give me a message with your link ile come help you i got a free hour oh i added you to steam
  13. yeah make sure you have added the same password in your serverDZ.cfg for the rcon password and set it in the BEServer_x64.cfg and it will connect on server boot
  14. mrwolv

    Backing Up Server

    i reinstalled the new latest version and it just gives me memory errors and crashes it there is not settings or tasks there and i cannot even load the program http://prntscr.com/mt8kbm http://prntscr.com/mt8lgk
  15. mrwolv

    Increased infected spawn

    can you confirm if you can do this when running other mods on the server ? as there is zombie mods that do this but they dont work for me lol
  16. mrwolv

    Backing Up Server

    new versions dont work for me just crashed the program or it wont load 😞
  17. mrwolv

    Using a DNS address / Hiding IP

    your only other way would be to host from a service provider my reccomendation would be gaming deluxe there the best around and i could sort you out with a 10% dicount every month
  18. try that command line as you has spaces between them also make sure you have added the new key to the keys folder from the @Community-Online-Tools "-mod=@RPCFramework;@Permissions-Framework;@Community-Online-Tools" Also for anyone having issues with the Install Battleye + Server Start.bat +Server Restarts +Server Crash Restarter make sure you have set all ports required and ips also make sure all your folder paths are correct as this still works and has no problems if you still require help and have teamveiwer i will help you out just pm me and ile get right to it
  19. mrwolv

    Community Online Tools

    try that command line as you has spaces between them also make sure you have added the new key to the keys folder from the @Community-Online-Tools "-mod=@RPCFramework;@Permissions-Framework;@Community-Online-Tools"
  20. mrwolv

    Increased infected counts and spawn locations

    yes its possible if you running a modded server there is mods out there on the workshop to do that https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1654666197&amp;searchtext=
  21. mrwolv

    Log Crash Server

    did you all update the new key for the latest update of PermissionsFramework
  22. mrwolv

    help doors

    have you tryed a persitance wipe
  23. same as before but if you run a modded server there is a mod out there that will do this think it was called @GDZSScripts this will also take away any vechile damage and more
  24. mrwolv

    error script

    if you changed anything in your server files like dta/scripts or init.c to call any other plugins or script mods that could be the cause i had this myself a while back while tryign to get traders to work i had a simple playercount script in my init.c to call the amount of players on the server and this would break the trader mod from running so its something simple check all your files that you have changed
  25. mrwolv

    How to Run or Walk with the Opening Inventory?

    the use a mod called inventory plus you can get this from the steam workshop