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Everything posted by mrwolv

  1. mrwolv

    Bambi spawn load out help

    override PlayerBase CreateCharacter(PlayerIdentity identity, vector pos, ParamsReadContext ctx, string characterName) { Entity playerEnt; playerEnt = GetGame().CreatePlayer(identity, characterName, pos, 0, "NONE");//Creates random player Class.CastTo(m_player, playerEnt); GetGame().SelectPlayer(identity, m_player); return m_player; } override void StartingEquipSetup(PlayerBase player, bool clothesChosen) { player.RemoveAllItems(); EntityAI itemEnt; ItemBase itemBs; switch (Math.RandomInt(0, 0)) { case 0: // Player 1// player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TTSKOPants");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("TTsKOJacket_Camo");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("ImprovisedBag");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("CombatBoots_Black");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("FNX45");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Mag_FNX45_15Rnd");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Mag_FNX45_15Rnd");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("WaterBottle");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("CombatKnife");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("PistolSuppressor");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("AmmoBox");itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); break; } // Give universal gear itemEnt = player.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("Rag"); itemBs = ItemBase.Cast(itemEnt); itemBs.SetQuantity(6); } };
  2. mrwolv

    How to find and join Dayz 1.0 LAN server?

    open ports 2302-2306 and 27016 in firewall and router and then should work for you
  3. mrwolv

    Server Persistance Still Broken

    how can a server restart be incorrect ?? its ran via battleye please explain
  4. mrwolv

    Servers doubt

    well dayz standalone is no longer in beta its a full game 1.0 . i know i dont see how the hell they make it out to be full when there is missing content and the game is broken to hell lol but you have offical servers and community servers to pick from they are all running 1.0 they will still contiune to update experimental with the old content
  5. mrwolv

    Remove Vehicle Damage since update

    this now calls a new error if the section is empty as it now calls sounds to vehicles just tested it with the same as it used to be and it dosent work anymore still damages them the cars just total them selfs after going to fast
  6. mrwolv

    Server Persistance Still Broken

    what do you mean 2012 or 2016 lol
  7. mrwolv

    Server Persistance Still Broken

    yeah i know it was odd but i was seting up base and it just despawned whilest i was building base walls
  8. mrwolv

    Server Persistance Still Broken

    my server did not crash it despawned in front of my eyes will all my gear inside 400 slots full
  9. mrwolv

    Remove Vehicle Damage since update

    going to bump this as would be nice to know lol
  10. mrwolv

    Best GSP for community server

    GTX ??
  11. mrwolv

    Crashing servers

    i think your confused with vanilla++ :D default server files are commonly know as vanilla files but im going to put it down to server memory at the moment so i have just bought another 32Gb with faster speeds so hopefully this will solve my problem just need to work on vehicle damage now as my cars just break after 10 mins of driving i even fill full of fuel and water and oil and still happens
  12. mrwolv

    Crashing servers

    remove the vanilla stuff????? then there would be no game haha my server is all default vanilla
  13. mrwolv

    Crashing servers

    i did yes full wipe on players and map
  14. mrwolv

    Crashing servers

    i dont have mods on mine just vanilla and keeps crashing on boot
  15. mrwolv


    no as its set server side players dont need to download anything
  16. mrwolv

    Connecting fail

    also try you internal ip which should start at 192.168
  17. mrwolv


    ahh you need to go to the Dta\scripts folder \ playerconstant.c static const float METABOLIC_SPEED_ENERGY_BASAL = 0.04; //energy loss per second while idle static const float METABOLIC_SPEED_ENERGY_WALK = 0.1; //energy loss per second static const float METABOLIC_SPEED_ENERGY_JOG = 0.20; //energy loss per second static const float METABOLIC_SPEED_ENERGY_SPRINT = 0.40; //energy loss per second static const float METABOLIC_SPEED_WATER_BASAL = 0.040; //water loss per second while idle static const float METABOLIC_SPEED_WATER_WALK = 0.10; //water loss per second static const float METABOLIC_SPEED_WATER_JOG = 0.30; //water loss per second static const float METABOLIC_SPEED_WATER_SPRINT = 0.40; //water loss per second
  18. mrwolv


    what water script :D there is plenty of water in dayz already can you explain more
  19. mrwolv

    Need Help with this script

    did you try to see if it works
  20. mrwolv

    Exp Update 0.63.149741

    when will we have another stable patch guys need to fix base bulding and barrels in cars
  21. mrwolv

    Server not showing in Community/LAN

    you need to foward ports 2302-2306 and then 27016 in your router and firewall and it will show up make sure this is Udp/Tcp for both
  22. mrwolv

    Air drops

    paste in this section but airdrops are broken atm they dont work nd no fix as of today class CustomMission: MissionServer <-------------------------------------------- } <-------------------------------------------- //Airdrops// ref AirDrop AirDropClass; // Class definition void CustomMission() { AirDropClass = new AirDrop; } float TimerSlice; // Timeslice override void OnUpdate( float timeslice ) { super.OnUpdate( timeslice ); // FPS Fix TimerSlice += timeslice; if (TimerSlice >= AirDropClass.TimesliceMultiplyier) { AirDropClass.CreateAirDrop(); TimerSlice = 0; } //Airdrops End///
  23. mrwolv

    help Bec

    well the messages are coming from BEC =battleye and it basicly says you have been kicked due to battleye not reponding try to validate your game files in steam if that dosent work then it must be server related the server owner/s need to update there battleye on the server
  24. mrwolv

    EXP Servefiles

    there is no exp server files! there only ran from the dayz guys they wont send them out and i doubt we will see another stable push before xmas
  25. mrwolv

    Admin For Dayz Standalone (Works)

    so do you have this version then as its not the same as mine from the sound of it lol