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Everything posted by mrwolv
Install Battleye + Server Start.bat +Server Restarts +Server Crash Restarter
mrwolv replied to mrwolv's topic in Servers
make sure you set the bec files up passwords,ip and ports -
how would one disable tent damage when a player puts 1 round in to them they get ruiend and despawn
i already tryed this but it just hangs on the dayz screen wont work for me if equalModRequired = 1; is int h server dz players cannot load in
hi is anyone having Issues with server persistance i placed a mill tent down and did 3 hours of looting filled it up then 4 hours later it despawned with all items gone i did a fresh install of vanilla files so nothing has been edited just plane old vanilla files
Temporary Change to the Hosting Rules regarding Persistence Backups
mrwolv replied to ImpulZ's topic in Servers
well game servers are the worst going used to use them back in 2004 and they were laggy as hell and so unreliable i ditched them i went to gaming deluxe and never had a problem since -
in your bat file to start the server up just add -ip=Your ip -port=Your port
Install Battleye + Server Start.bat +Server Restarts +Server Crash Restarter
mrwolv replied to mrwolv's topic in Servers
did you set the information like admin passwords server ports and ips in the correct places? -
Temporary Change to the Hosting Rules regarding Persistence Backups
mrwolv replied to ImpulZ's topic in Servers
comon guys get this peristance fixed im having contant persistance wipes every day this is getting to much for a "full game" this is more like pre alpha!!! -
dose anyone have one of these backup systems i could use please this is getting to much now every day persistance wipe and nothing will save
Disable base destruction dose not work it just makes everyone freze on the dayz screen ??
so how do we stop persistance wiping ive had 3 mill tents now despawn from lastnight came on this morning and gone
yes but if admin 1 is login in admin 2 wont beable to so admin 1 would have to logout and yeah "2342342","234234","3424234" just reg steam ids
open your init.c up find the line that says class CustomMission: MissionServer { then press enter 2 time then just paste in the code and change your steam id to enable admin then just login in game so it should look like this below class CustomMission: MissionServer { //Admin Start// bool verify_admins = false; // true=verify presence of BI UID in admin list string cmd_prefix = "/"; // Must be special character ref TStringArray admins = {" "}; // Add your BI UID bool IsPlayerAnAdmin(PlayerBase player) { bool found = false; for ( int i = 0; i < admins.Count(); ++i ) { if(player.GetIdentity().GetId() == admins) { found=true; break; } //Admin Start// bool verify_admins = false; // true=verify presence of BI UID in admin list string cmd_prefix = "/"; // Must be special character ref TStringArray admins = {" "}; // Add your BI UID bool IsPlayerAnAdmin(PlayerBase player) { bool found = false; for ( int i = 0; i < admins.Count(); ++i ) { if(player.GetIdentity().GetId() == admins[i]) { found=true; break; } } return found; } void SendMessageToPlayer(PlayerBase player, string message) { Param1<string> param = new Param1<string>( message ); GetGame().RPCSingleParam(player, ERPCs.RPC_USER_ACTION_MESSAGE, param, true, player.GetIdentity()); } bool IsPlayer(string name) { PlayerBase p; array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers(players); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); ++i ) { p = players.Get(i); if(p.GetIdentity().GetName() == name) return true; } return false; } PlayerBase GetPlayer(string name) { PlayerBase p; array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers(players); for ( int i = 0; i < players.Count(); ++i ) { p = players.Get(i); if(p.GetIdentity().GetName() == name) return p; } return NULL; } override void OnEvent(EventType eventTypeId, Param params) { super.OnEvent(eventTypeId,params); int i; PlayerBase player, temp_player; array<Man> players = new array<Man>; GetGame().GetPlayers(players); if(eventTypeId != ChatMessageEventTypeID) return; // Is chat message ChatMessageEventParams chat_params = ChatMessageEventParams.Cast( params ); if(chat_params.param1 != 0 || chat_params.param2 == "") return; player = GetPlayer(chat_params.param2); if(player == NULL) return; if(verify_admins && !IsPlayerAnAdmin(player)) { GetGame().AdminLog("[ADMCMD] (Unauthorized) " + player.GetIdentity().GetName() +" ("+player.GetIdentity().GetPlainId()+", "+player.GetIdentity().GetId()+") tried to execute "+ chat_params.param3); return; } string message = chat_params.param3, prefix, param0, command; TStringArray tokens = new TStringArray; message.Split(" ", tokens); int count = tokens.Count(); param0 = tokens.Get(0); param0.ParseStringEx(prefix); if(prefix != cmd_prefix) return; param0.ParseStringEx(command); GetGame().AdminLog("[ADMCMD] PLAYER: "+ player.GetIdentity().GetName() +" ("+player.GetIdentity().GetPlainId()+", "+player.GetIdentity().GetId()+") CMD: "+ command); switch(command) { case "spawn": { if(count != 2) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/spawn [object]"); return; } GetGame().CreateObject(tokens[1], player.GetPosition(), false, true ); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[ObjectSpawn] Object spawned: " + tokens[1]); //Removed Global Chat Call// break; } case "goto": { if(count != 2) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/goto [player]"); return; } temp_player = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(temp_player == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); } else { player.SetPosition(temp_player.GetPosition()); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] You teleported to " + temp_player.GetIdentity().GetName()); } break; } case "allgoto": { PlayerBase allgoto_target; if(count != 2) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/allgoto [player]"); return; } allgoto_target = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(allgoto_target == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); } else { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] You teleported everyone to your location"); for (i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++) { temp_player = players.Get(i); SendMessageToPlayer(temp_player, "[Teleport] You have been teleported to player " + allgoto_target.GetIdentity().GetName()); temp_player.SetPosition(allgoto_target.GetPosition()); } } break; } case "here": { if(count != 2) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/here [player]"); return; } temp_player = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(temp_player == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); //Removed Global Chat Call// } else { temp_player.SetPosition(player.GetPosition()); SendMessageToPlayer(temp_player, "[Teleport] You have been teleported to admin " + player.GetIdentity().GetName()); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] You teleported " + temp_player.GetIdentity().GetName() + " to your location"); } break; } case "allhere": { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Teleport] You teleported everyone to your location"); for (i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++) { temp_player = players.Get(i); SendMessageToPlayer(temp_player, "[Teleport] You have been teleported to admin " + player.GetIdentity().GetName()); temp_player.SetPosition(player.GetPosition()); } break; } case "time": { if(count != 3) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "/time [hour] [minute]"); return; } GetGame().GetWorld().SetDate( 2018, 1, 7, tokens[1].ToInt(), tokens[2].ToInt()); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Servertime] You have set the servertime to " + tokens[1] + ":"+tokens[2]); break; } case "kill": { if(count == 2) { temp_player = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(temp_player == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Kill] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); } else { temp_player.SetHealth(0); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Kill] You killed " + temp_player.GetIdentity().GetName()); } } else { player.SetHealth(0); SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Kill] You killed yourself"); } break; } case "killall": { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Kill] You killed everyone"); for (i = 0; i < players.Count(); i++) { temp_player = players.Get(i); if(temp_player.GetIdentity().GetId() == player.GetIdentity().GetId()) continue; temp_player.SetHealth(0); } break; } case "heal": { PlayerBase heal_target; if(count == 2) { heal_target = GetPlayer(tokens[1]); if(heal_target == NULL) { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Heal] Can't find player called: '"+tokens[1]+"'"); } else { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Heal] You healed " + heal_target.GetIdentity().GetName()); } } else { heal_target = player; SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Heal] You healed yourself"); } if(heal_target != NULL) { heal_target.SetHealth(heal_target.GetMaxHealth("", "")); heal_target.SetHealth("", "Blood", heal_target.GetMaxHealth("", "Blood")); heal_target.GetStatStamina().Set(1000); heal_target.GetStatEnergy().Set(1000); heal_target.GetStatWater().Set(1000); } break; } case "offroad": { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "[Offroad] Vehicled spawned"); //Removed Global Chat Call// EntityAI v; v = GetGame().CreateObject( "OffroadHatchback", player.GetPosition() + "1.5 0 1.5"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("SparkPlug"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarBattery"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("CarRadiator"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackHood"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackTrunk"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackDoors_CoDriver"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackDoors_Driver"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); v.GetInventory().CreateAttachment("HatchbackWheel"); // Spare Wheel v.GetInventory().CreateInInventory("CanisterGasoline"); // Gas break; } default: { SendMessageToPlayer(player, "Unknown command: " + command); break; } } } //Admin End//
yeah it was hahaha i sorted it out i just added the port for the server and all fixed
my mods dont show on the server and wont download any but it shows its created a embedded uhttpserver and saysits listening on
hiys dose anyone know why giftboxes are spawning empty i thought they were supposed to spawn with items in them thanks
Is there a way to force people to install mods before they join your server?
mrwolv replied to robotstar's topic in Servers
did you figure this out please -
lol it dose on offical servers
Is there a way to force people to install mods before they join your server?
mrwolv replied to robotstar's topic in Servers
for me it just kicks me back to the desktop anyway to get this to auto download mods for players -
im gussing it was a official server they pulled down then as they dont need it anymore as the dayz devs control them
nope deffently spawning empty ive picked up 6 gift boxes on my vanilla(No mods) server fresh install and all empty
off means off lol can you explain more on your problem
how do i remove the vehicle damage since update as it now calls sounds here is the damage part override void OnContact( string zoneName, vector localPos, IEntity other, Contact data ) { if ( zoneName == "" ) { Print("CarScript >> ERROR >> OnContact dmg zone not defined!"); return; } switch( zoneName ) { /* case "dmgZone_lightsLF": //Print("dmgZone_lightsLF"); break; case "dmgZone_lightsRF": //Print("dmgZone_lightsRF"); break; */ default: if ( GetGame().IsServer() && zoneName != "") { float dmgMin = 150.0; float dmgThreshold = 750.0; float dmgKillCrew = 3000.0; float dmg = data.Impulse * m_dmgContactCoef; if ( dmg < dmgThreshold ) { if ( dmg > dmgMin ) { //Print( GetType() + " >>> " + " smlHit >>> " + "zoneName: " + zoneName + " >>> - " + dmg.ToString() + " HP >>> in " + GetSpeedometer() + " km/h"); AddHealth( zoneName, "Health", -dmg); //m_PlayCrashSoundLight = true; SynchCrashLightSound( true ); } } else { //Print( GetType() + " >>> " + " BIGHit >>> " + "zoneName: " + zoneName + " >>> - " + dmg.ToString() + " HP >>> in " + GetSpeedometer() + " km/h" ); for( int i =0; i < CrewSize(); i++ ) { Human crew = CrewMember( i ); if ( !crew ) continue; PlayerBase player; if ( Class.CastTo(player, crew ) ) { if ( dmg > dmgKillCrew ) { player.SetHealth(0.0); } else { //deal shock to player float shockTemp = Math.InverseLerp(dmgThreshold, dmgKillCrew, dmg); float shock = Math.Lerp( 50, 100, shockTemp ); player.AddHealth("", "Shock", -shock ); //Print( "SHOCK..........." + shock ); } } } //m_PlayCrashSoundHeavy = true; SynchCrashHeavySound( true ); ProcessDirectDamage( 3, null, zoneName, "EnviroDmg", "0 0 0", dmg ); } } break; } }
all servers keep crashing with memory error on server start anyone else having problems ??? out of memory requested 262144 footprint 1603943351 kb
yeah it used to work untill 3 updates ago i can also say you die i got them spawning in but they were sank in the ground i tryed to get in and hope it bounces the vehicle out but i died lol