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Everything posted by mrwolv

  1. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    grab arma 3 tools from steam, and then you need to unpack with cfgconvter and to repack just add it the other way around
  2. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    that was in the Addons\gear_containers\ config.bin but no matter what i change it has no effect
  3. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    ive found the item barrel what i want to change but it dosent change for me { displayName="$STR_CfgVehicles_Barrel_ColorBase0"; descriptionShort="$STR_CfgVehicles_Barrel_ColorBase1"; model="\dz\gear\containers\55galDrum.p3d"; overrideDrawArea="8.0"; SingleUseActions[]={527}; InteractActions[]={1025,1026}; ContinuousActions[]={155}; attachments[]= { "BerryR", "BerryB", "Plant", "Nails", "OakBark", "BirchBark", "Lime", "Disinfectant", "Guts" }; destroyOnEmpty=0; varQuantityDestroyOnMin=0; quantityBar=1; carveNavmesh=1; canBeDigged=0; weight=4000; <---------------------------------WAS 10KG NOW 4KG itemSize[]={9,16}; stackedUnit="ml"; randomQuantity=2; liquidContainerType="1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256 + 512 + 1024 + 2048 + 4096 + 8192 + 16384 + 32768 - (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 + 256)"; varQuantityInit=0; varQuantityMin=0; varQuantityMax=200000; absorbency=0.1; physLayer="item_large"; allowOwnedCargoManipulation=1;
  4. mrwolv


    do you know how to Edited Weight System
  5. mrwolv

    How can I turn on Deathmessage?

    yeah that would be great how did you add that
  6. mrwolv

    Dedicated Server Help

    Connection Failed mean you havnt opened ports correctly if im am thinking right check you have opened 2302-2307 & 27016 both on tcp/udp on computers firewall and router if that fails then you havent set the ports in the configs to match then servers
  7. ask name of topic how do i change the size of battleye mesages in game they are huge lol
  8. mrwolv

    Changing Battleeye Message size in game

    not atm im working on weight i found a item and changed the weight but its just not chaning in game
  9. mrwolv

    item weights

    im looking to adjust the items weights in dayz but i dont know where to find them also i have been trying to access some bin files with no lukc can someone please tell me where the weight file is so i can do this and how to open the bin files thanks the weight adjust is kinda importan
  10. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    bumping post :D
  11. mrwolv

    Adding back smersh vest

    why not combine with backpack it works really well for me ???? no problems have i missed something lol
  12. mrwolv

    Adding back smersh vest

    here you go have fun <type name="SmershVestBackpack"> <nominal>10</nominal> <lifetime>5600</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>4</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="1" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="clothes"/> <usage name="Military"/> </type>
  13. mrwolv

    Item Names

    dose anyone have the item names for all weapons and ammo that is curently in the game please if you dont want to publicy share please pm me thanks
  14. mrwolv

    Item Names

    every bear trap ive found is on the floor so maybe thats to big if my idear is correct but i will have to test more
  15. mrwolv

    Item Names

    would it be possible that its the tier of the shevles or items that have shelves on so example a box of ammo on tier 3 so that would be shelve 3
  16. mrwolv

    Item Names

    thanks can you explain to me what these mean what do they applie to <valueflags> <value name="Tier1"/> <value name="Tier2"/> <value name="Tier3"/> <value name="Tier4"/> </valueflags>
  17. mrwolv

    Community Ban List

    do you have the ban list to hand as i cannot find it on there page
  18. mrwolv

    how to enable persistence on for car and base building?

    i use barrels and fridges for people so they can base and they stay on server reboots i also tryed the party tent works a treat :D
  19. mrwolv

    More zombies?

    i have mine set a good rate about 15-25 fire zombies 10-25 polcie and the others ive got set to around 15-35 works really well just need to spread out the zombie spawn points as when you shoot they start to spawn and they ive also got the hordes in aswell
  20. mrwolv

    Server Help!

    well it all depends on if you have access to the main files if you need help give me a pm ;)
  21. mrwolv

    Doors persistence

    going to bump this thread alot of player wouls find this usefull if we could enabled it
  22. mrwolv

    Server file locations

    i am to looking for the weight values i have still not found them would be usefull to know where these are stored
  23. mrwolv


    yeah they work but from time to time they do a little lag spike and can be jumpy if a zombie hits them but if you sit in the car no other player can see you in the car if a play sees the car then you get into it the player watching will see the car bug out fly and glitch and spin but other than that its all good
  24. mrwolv

    Set Name In Server & Server Announce Player Amount

    dont work just tryed it ive noticed all players are called survivors lol
  25. mrwolv


    (Also If You Find Your Server wont Show In The Server List Just Open Ports 2302-2307, 27016 TCP/UDP On Your Router & Firewall Of Your Pc/Server. If You Have Problems With The Right I.P For Your Server Just Open CMD Type ipconfig & Look For Your IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . : Thats The I.P You Need To Set In The Files)