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Everything posted by mrwolv

  1. mrwolv

    Looking for help

    sounds a good idear but tents dont work atm but barrels do there is also other items to be used for baseing
  2. mrwolv

    odd server issue

    not had this problem but i have had a slow server start on reboot will take about 2-5 mins for it to fully load in. normaly if you wipe all data you only delete your Dayzserver\mpmissions\dayzOffline.chernarusplus\storage_1\data\
  3. mrwolv

    !!! [CE][Hive] :: DB is not responding too long.

    how are you using google cloud
  4. mrwolv

    How to display player count on your server

    so how would i set it to show player kills to player a killed player b
  5. mrwolv


    dont think there is any atm if there is im sure there not to hard to setup
  6. mrwolv

    Looking for help staffing a new server idea

    im uk time zone
  7. mrwolv

    Dayz map mod

    last question where are you finding your building names/item names for the map also if i try to add this more than 1 time it wont work is there a way to declare multy objects or a map editor i can use to place building down to get the correct cords vector spawnPos = "10719 6.7829 2450.65"; GetGame().CreateObject( "Land_Wreck_Volha_Grey", spawnPos, false );
  8. mrwolv

    Dayz map mod

    ahh that worked so how to i control the height of the item ?
  9. mrwolv

    Standard Query Port

    what would the other ports be for running more than 1 server ? so 2302 2402 2702 ectra
  10. mrwolv

    Dayz map mod

    this dosent seem to work it just throws errors up on server start http://prntscr.com/l4t928
  11. mrwolv

    Looking for help staffing a new server idea

    sounds good im in if your really wanting to do it
  12. how would i do the steam query ports in the config please expand :D
  13. mrwolv

    wolf spawns

    has anyone noticed wolfs are not spawning? and if so has anyone got a config for them and custom spawn points
  14. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    dose anyone know how to change item weight would be really usefull
  15. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    nope it dosent work as its client and server side both have same pbo filse and if 1 is not the same as other it wont match and then its default again
  16. mrwolv

    How do you get player Steam ID?

    use this link :D https://guid2steamid.com/
  17. mrwolv

    how to no stamina 0.63 stand alone

    yes in your server folder find Dayzserver\dta then inside open scripts.pbo file then look for 3_game then inside look for constants.c inside there from line 317-324 change to the following but dont forget to save your file repack your pbo file up and all done // unit = currently percent (stamina max is 100) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_STANDING_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 0; //in units (how much sprint depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_CROUCHED_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 0; //in units (how much sprint in crouch depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_PRONE_SPRINT_PER_SEC = 0; //in units (how much sprint in prone depletes stamina) const float STAMINA_DRAIN_HOLD_BREATH = 0; //in units (how much holding breath depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_JUMP = 0; // in units (how much jumping depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_LIGHT = 0; //in units (how much light melee punch depletes stamina) const float STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_HEAVY = 0; //in units (how much heavy melee punch depletes stamina) const int STAMINA_DRAIN_MELEE_EVADE = 0; // in units (how much evade depletes stamina)
  18. mrwolv

    More zombies?

    can anyone explain to me what these mean please i have a good idear just need to understand them i will add <-------- next to each one <event name="InfectedPolice"> <waves>0</waves> <-------------------------------------------- here <nominal>60</nominal> <min>30</min> <max>110</max> <lifetime>198</lifetime> <restock>0</restock> <-------------------------------------------- here <saferadius>110</saferadius> <-------------------------------------------- here would this be the raidus from a player the zombies spawn <distanceradius>80</distanceradius> <-------------------------------------------- here would this be the radius they spawn at from each other so there 80 between each zombie <cleanupradius>110</cleanupradius> <-------------------------------------------- here <flags deletable="0" init_random="0" remove_damaged="1" sec_spawner="0"/> <position>player</position> <limit>mixed</limit> <active>1</active> <children> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="0" max="60" min="50" type="ZmbF_PoliceWomanNormal"/> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="0" max="60" min="50" type="ZmbM_PolicemanFat"/> <child lootmax="5" lootmin="1" max="20" min="10" type="ZmbM_PolicemanSpecForce"/> </children> </event>
  19. mrwolv

    what the code Military Tent for spawn?

    <!-- TENTS --> <type name="LargeTent"> <nominal>10</nominal> <lifetime>0</lifetime> <restock>800</restock> <min>30</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="0" count_in_hoarder="0" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> <category name="clothes"/> <usage name="Town"/> <usage name="Military"/> <value name="Tier3"/> <value name="Tier4"/> </type> <type name="CarTent"> <nominal>40</nominal> <lifetime>10800</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>20</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="1" count_in_hoarder="1" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> <category name="clothes"/> <usage name="Town"/> <usage name="Military"/> <value name="Tier3"/> <value name="Tier4"/> </type> <type name="PartyTent"> <nominal>40</nominal> <lifetime>10800</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>20</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="1" count_in_hoarder="1" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> <category name="clothes"/> <usage name="Town"/> <usage name="Military"/> <value name="Tier3"/> <value name="Tier4"/> </type> <type name="MediumTent"> <nominal>40</nominal> <lifetime>10800</lifetime> <restock>1800</restock> <min>20</min> <quantmin>-1</quantmin> <quantmax>-1</quantmax> <cost>100</cost> <flags count_in_cargo="1" count_in_hoarder="1" count_in_map="1" count_in_player="0" crafted="0" deloot="0"/> <category name="weapons"/> <usage name="Military"/> <category name="clothes"/> <usage name="Town"/> <usage name="Military"/> <value name="Tier3"/> <value name="Tier4"/> </type>
  20. mrwolv

    what the code Military Tent for spawn?

    to spawn the military tent the name for it is LargeTent i have played around with all tents and the only 1 that fails is the military tent. i can place car tent, party tent, civi tent
  21. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    but dose it let you in official servers ?
  22. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    the only thing i have noticed with barrels if you change them from 10kg to anything lower your able to crouch pick them up then crouch run lol but just not whilest standing
  23. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    changed 1 line from weight = 10000; to weight =3000; gives me the below error after ive readded it to the pbo and started server and thats with the ArmAUnbin http://prntscr.com/l0hkwx if i use the tools arma 3 tools from steam, unpack with cfgconvter and to repack add it back to the pbo the server starts but the item dose not spawn i have tryed to re bin the files up with no luck in the server with the item spawning i have even reset the database for loot each time and nothing
  24. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    dosent work for me it stops the items loading in game im trying to change the weight for or gives me a error on server startup
  25. mrwolv

    Item Weight please help

    can you confirm the right way to rebin the file up or adding back to pbo so i know im doing it correctly please