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Everything posted by Skimshady

  1. Skimshady

    Console Update 1.08

    So things still get stuck in tents and barrels, cars are useless died straight away when it decided to take off to mars, also started building a base in a warehouse and you can actually just walk throw the windows so that’s pointless
  2. Skimshady


    Yes me and my squad do it on every server. Just walk the edge of the maps and you will come across them usually.
  3. Skimshady

    Console Update 1.07

    Have you guys fixed the issue with the server crashing every 2 minutes?
  4. Skimshady

    Console Update 1.07

    Guessing they havent wiped the servers? So no guns still
  5. Skimshady

    Xbox One S Game Performance?

    Your better off saving your money for the new xbox
  6. Skimshady

    DayZ 1.06 PTV server map settings

    Curious as a server owner to see how this works, Is it easy to change over?
  7. Skimshady

    Livonia out now!!

    This is it!!!!!
  8. Skimshady

    Livonia out now!!

    Saw a video on dayz youtube account saying that it is now out? Can anyone clarify this at all?
  9. Skimshady

    Livonia out now!!

    Yeah fingers crossed it is today
  10. Skimshady

    Livonia out now!!

    The trailer has now been taken down wtf
  11. Skimshady

    Xbox Servers

    Yes i have had this problem on my own private server recently
  12. It is annoying when you find barns that have these tents in place. However we have worked out a way how to get into them my 'dayzing' into the base.
  13. Skimshady

    New map (server owner question)

    I currently own a server and will be buying the DLC however how will it work. Will i be able to run the two maps alongside each other or will i be only able to play one map at a time on the server?
  14. Skimshady

    New map (server owner question)

    Be a piss take if thats the case.
  15. Skimshady

    Found a base but...

    So we came across a base yesterday in a barn where they had blocked each entrance with a tent. We killed the owner who was sat in the base then around 5 mins later i am assuming he had logged in with an alt account and we killed him again. However the tents where all blocking the barn doors and there was no way in. How do we counter this if even possible? Or was he maybe using his alt account to stay within his base at all times and transferring stuff outside of the barn from inside and using his other account to grab it all? Thank you
  16. Skimshady

    Base building?

    *moan about you mean*
  17. Skimshady

    Found a base but...

    We tried shooting the tents to ruin them but nothing. Guess its one we just walk away from.
  18. Skimshady

    Found a base but...

    Yeah I thought that was the way he was doing it. Just logged on and all the tents are still there so guessing he cant get back in either.
  19. Skimshady

    Private Servers loot configuration

    I own a server and there is no loot options at all.
  20. Skimshady

    Infinite duct tape glitch...

    Sorry to be the one to break such bad news but it has been fixed.
  21. Skimshady

    Has anyone found any of the new items?

    I wiped my server to run alongside the update. Found the new MkII and Aks74u so far and tested NVG. Also had the new car running.
  22. Skimshady

    1.05 for Console being released tomorrow

    Thank you it has updated. I decided to wipe it also
  23. Skimshady

    1.05 for Console being released tomorrow

    How do i update my private server?
  24. Skimshady

    Community servers have been a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT.

    My server has no password or process to join and is 10 hours day 10 mins night if anyone interested?
  25. Skimshady

    Dayz Xbox Mods

    They cant even sort lag or duping never mind modding lol