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Arctic Volkssturm

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Everything posted by Arctic Volkssturm

  1. Arctic Volkssturm

    Console Update 1.07

    Mind naming the server? Would love to try that out
  2. Arctic Volkssturm

    New Chernarus Private FPP RP Server

    Just joined the discord getting bored of constant KOS on the public hives
  3. Arctic Volkssturm

    Base builders off limits Truce

    Fire analogy for postmodern western civilization as it stands today
  4. Arctic Volkssturm

    Quick Summary of Xbox Live Stream

    Not sure why anyone is confused about this or believes it's an issue. Party and game chat have always been separate entities on Xbox. Dayz is a hardcore survival game, you shouldn't be able to magically talk to someone who's on the other side of the map. This is the intended purpose of the transceivers/backpack radios but I'm not positive if those are even operable yet
  5. Arctic Volkssturm

    Xbox Update 04/02/2019

    Do yourself a favor and don't believe anything you hear coming from Newsweek, ever.
  6. Arctic Volkssturm

    Cant find M4-A1 or the KA-M.

    the n word is only for heated gamer moments
  7. Arctic Volkssturm

    Cant find M4-A1 or the KA-M.

    Impulz said private servers are planned for Xbox luckily but they aren't allowed to give any specifics yet
  8. Arctic Volkssturm

    Cant find M4-A1 or the KA-M.

    I support this change but I think it should have come along with a stash wipe. People with stockpiles of duped VSDs aren't worried about searching for aks or m4s
  9. Slot space on Hunter clothing nerfed :(
  10. Arctic Volkssturm

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    https://forums.dayz.com/topic/243160-experimental-update-10150408/ Bleeding feet just hit experimental in the latest patch so it should make its way to xbox next
  11. Arctic Volkssturm

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Yeah I think in the mod there was some kind of "sore feet" status penalty for not wearing shoes, hopefully it comes back. I keep my assault boots because I don't want my combat knife hogging up 3 spots in my inventory
  12. Arctic Volkssturm

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    How is this an exploit exactly? Try walking stealthily across your floor barefoot. Now do it wearing steel toe combat boots
  13. Arctic Volkssturm


    I don't remember seeing them say anything about this specifically but there's a lot that they don't mention. From my own experience and from seeing people complain about it on here/discord/twitch this seems to be the case
  14. Arctic Volkssturm


    Military weapon spawns were intentionally (I hope) adjusted to make them more rare. Now we just need a stash wipe hopefully with the next update to wipe out the duper stashes
  15. Arctic Volkssturm

    Xbox Feedback Round - January 2019

    Where were you looting when this happened
  16. Arctic Volkssturm

    Duping is killing the game

    AK spawn rates definitely seem like they've been turned down to me. Find plenty of ammo/mags and attachments but not the rifle. I find a lot more m4s
  17. Arctic Volkssturm

    Random death?

    I think I saw someone post they tried it and it didn't work but that would be awesome. I wasted my last one when the server crashed 5 mins after I set it
  18. Arctic Volkssturm

    Random death?

    Sounds like someone stepped on a land mine somewhere close enough to put you in the blast radius
  19. Arctic Volkssturm

    Aiming down the sights with one button.

    The PSO1 scope is side mounted so this complicates the controls a bit. I like having the option to quickly switch between iron sights and scope when ADS
  20. Arctic Volkssturm

    Stash despawn

    Stashes and bases only last until the server crashes with the current persistence issues. Could vanish at any time
  21. Arctic Volkssturm

    MS Store, review DayZ please

    Were you ADS when shooting at him or spraying in third person? I was in a similar situation last night way out west past Myshkino at the plank spawns north of the military tents. I was standing still and started taking fire with an m4 so he had the drop on me. Turned and sprinted into the tree line, saw him coming in after me so switched my ak to full auto, went in to ADS, popped out from behind the tree and layed him on his back. My plate carrier was damaged and hunting jacket/pants/backpack were all ruined. Tactical helmet was still pristine. It really is a 60 man death match atm, getting off the coast doesn't help. People can be just as vicious up north
  22. Arctic Volkssturm

    Xbox CR 75 bug

    If the tape is on the ground and you use it to repair whatever is in your hand using RT it will use up the whole roll at once
  23. Arctic Volkssturm

    Night-vision scope useless?

    Soviet-era night vision tech is really heavy and bulky so that part is realistic at least. Haven't come across any servers with extended night time yet
  24. Arctic Volkssturm

    What Server do you play on?

    Been playing on US 4344 because I've seen people in the forums mention there are RPers on there. I was hanging around the Sobors last night but most players seem to just want to shoot. I've also seen some people on here talk about implementing "neutral" zones specifically for interactions/trading etc. Would be cool if you could get everyone to agree not to shoot each other in say churches or hospitals but not everyone who plays dayz reads the forums so it would be impossible to pull off
  25. Arctic Volkssturm

    Xbox Update 14/01/2019
