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Everything posted by Nayte

  1.  Nayte

    Pulling out gun locks you to FPV

  2. Fingers crossed that the exploits are fixed for good.
  3.  Nayte

    Rendering in citys and freezing original xbox one help?

    I’d recommend avoiding any larger cities if at all possible, at least until there’s a hotfix that irons it out.
  4.  Nayte

    Selected Servers going Offline on July 15th!

    Not necessarily true. We’ll likely get some hot fixes to be on par with pc after we have 1.04. The main thing is seeing where we are once 1.04 drops on console, if duping is fixed for good it’ll be game changing. I’m sure many wouldn’t care about minor issues with the build if that’s the case.
  5.  Nayte

    No military-grade weapons

    Maybe, though if they’re too lazy to loot legitimately, they’re likely too lazy to read the forums. They probably only understand emojis...
  6.  Nayte

    Cowboy Hats

    I found a couple of cowboy hats over the weekend.
  7.  Nayte

    No military-grade weapons

    Until duping is permanently fixed you’ll want to do what others have suggested and loot player bases. Here’s a photo of a base my friends and I hit over the weekend. I’ve never seen anything like it. There must’ve been over one hundred sea chests strewn about. https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/nayte/screenshot/12439273
  8.  Nayte

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    I could accept that, however given the current climate of mass duped items, BI really has no choice but to have a full wipe upon 1.04, if duping is indeed completely fixed. Only other scenario I can think of is if they’ve found an algorithm to remove anything duped post fix/update. Time will tell..
  9.  Nayte

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    They may be doing some back end testing until the day the update drops. I’d be very surprised if they didn’t wipe them.
  10.  Nayte

    Someone please explain what duping is and why its bad?

    What was the “new character controller” that fixed the duping issue for pc you speak of?
  11.  Nayte

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    I’d be willing to say with certainty that they will absolutely wipe servers and characters. Anytime there’s been a substantial update we’ve had a full wipe.
  12.  Nayte

    Selected Servers going Offline on July 15th!

    @ImpulZ Is there any chance the team will add in servers to replace those in the future? I’m sure there’re many who do not want to join high pop servers. Some of us really enjoy the low pop scene. Personally, back when there were actual numerical values to server populations ( I really miss that feature) I would purposely look for as low a value as I could find. We all know how humans are in numbers... On another note, I’m hopeful that there’s a permanent fix for duping. Any further info we can get would be much appreciated. Keep up the great work!
  13. No point in trying to reason with unreasonable people. They’ll bitch and complain yet fire up DayZ in the same thought process as they know, issues aside, that DayZ is the best survival experience on console.
  14.  Nayte

    The Day after Z

    There could be something like this established with RP private servers. Depending on how BI may or may not allow modders to import their mods to the Xbox version after private hives, time will tell.
  15.  Nayte

    A happy death

    Sounds like that guy is on strike one with his friend, particularly once he may have realized that you never had a gun to begin with.. Hopefully he watches that guy closely.
  16.  Nayte

    Where do people hang out?

    Most seem to want to PvP by the coast. I try and get away from everyone by going inland.
  17.  Nayte

    Cross play?

    Hahaha, the timing is on point!
  18.  Nayte

    Cross play?

    I didn’t hear about that one, will have to look it up. All these monopolies aside, I think we’ll hopefully reach a level where we can all game together in some capacity regardless of platform.
  19.  Nayte

    Fingers crossed.

    I agree that more transparency would go a long way. On the flip side, maybe they’ve some surprises in store for us on top of what pc has with their update. Imagine a permanent fix for duping, and/or private servers on console... That would be amazing!
  20.  Nayte

    Cross play?

    I remember months ago one of the CMs mentioned crossplay between Xbox and PC through separated servers for keyboards only. The big hurtle for consoles is Sony. They’ve never been too keen on the idea.. Guess bringing gamers together isn’t on their agenda.
  21.  Nayte

    Fingers crossed.

    Better to under promise rather than set a firm date only to miss it due to coding issues, or Microsoft QA finds something, etc. You can imagine the level of uproar if that was to happen. @ImpulZ mentioned in this thread that they’d give more info as we approach the date this month:
  22.  Nayte

    Players are destroying the gameplay

    It all depends on who’s behind the firearm..
  23.  Nayte

    m4 spawn rates on ps4

    DayZ would benefit from more players like you.
  24.  Nayte

    Players are destroying the gameplay

    While those issues are true, don’t underestimate the bk133 and mosin combo, it’s very formidable.