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Everything posted by Nayte

  1.  Nayte

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    The Xbox one x is not the issue, as most developers aren’t even pushing its limits at all. It comes down to developers properly optimizing the game. PUBG is a bad example, as it just runs poorly overall. DayZ, in comparison, runs and looks leaps and bounds better than PUBG. Personally, I’d much rather run 50-60 FPS in 1080p with super sampling, than have 4K. I’ve, and others I’ve spoken with, have had nothing but a great experience with their X. Its up to the devs to push its limits..
  2.  Nayte

    Backpack inventory theft

    You could try it with a friend. Ive played with multiple people though haven’t noticed that prompt. I’ll see if it’s an option late tonight. I don’t believe it is yet, same with checking ones pulse.
  3.  Nayte


    Yeah, this is how I handle Bambi killers: https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/nayte/video/61045424 Any other situation I’ll attempt to establish communication. If your sole purpose is to troll new spawns, you’re dead. That’s Bambi kos’er #2 pushing roses.
  4.  Nayte

    Kicked off game

    This Server reset time are currently disabled. I’ve been exclusively looking for refreshed servers before joining any as of late.
  5.  Nayte

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    @pilgrim* @ImpulZ @Bombarding I have created a formal feedback report for this issue, though I thought I’d post it here as well for reference purposes. Here’s the video evidence I said I’d get if the game breaking frame drops/stuttering: https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/nayte/video/61041055 https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/nayte/video/61041101 https://xboxdvr.com/gamer/nayte/video/61041118 As you can see, one point is over a solid minute of a freeze, before the game finally caught up with itself. I’m running the Xbox one x. A friend who has the original Xbox one was able to experience this as well, however it caused a crash to his home screen.
  6.  Nayte


    That is what I’m hoping happens sooner than later. It seems most of the younger CoD/casual players have shorter attention spans. Which after some time, should reveal the true hardcore DayZ Xbox community. I can’t wait for private servers. The RP potential will be all but limitless. All good things to those who wait..
  7.  Nayte

    Unable to resume play after restarting console

    Yeah, the way Xbox goes into standby mode tends to mess with how certain games load back up. As Pilgrim mentioned, it’s a good habit to force close the DayZ app, and any other game really, before launching it again.
  8.  Nayte

    Just wondering about vehicles.

    Vehicles, from what I’ve seen of earlier pc builds were wonky as all hell. Hopefully, they get revamped before being implemented again.
  9.  Nayte

    List of rules.

    I mean, I understand why people think stream sniping is weak, though it’s something that’s been going on since streamings inception. Now, him calling on his entire audience to report you, is treading on naming and shaming, which in my opinion, is weaker than stream sniping. Just my .02
  10.  Nayte

    List of rules.

    Typically, game rules are more geared towards preventing manipulating game files, or other serious alterations of the game’s core systems. Which usually end with suspensions/bans pending the severity. Conduct within a game, especially social experiments like DayZ, allow people to play as they will. I haven’t seen a list of rules, or a code of conduct within DayZ, only for their forums.
  11.  Nayte

    Server crash when gun fight?

    Are you hitting any type of message with the crash you experience? Since 2 updates ago (now sure since the one today) server time reset messages were removed. You would get a message stating you were kicked from the game. Perhaps that’s what you’ve been dealing with. Might just be a coincidence that it’s happend during a gunfight.
  12.  Nayte

    When DayZ friends meet AFK.

    That’s awesome! I’m digging the DayZ community thus far. Seems to be more mature folks round these parts.
  13.  Nayte

    Lost my Character (Alive almost 40 hours)

    It can be frustrating when it happens unexpectedly, though half the fun is the loot grind, at least for me it is. Those moments sneaking from mil base to base, hoping you stay hidden. Good times..
  14.  Nayte

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    Yep, same issue as I stated further up in the thread. I forget which city I was in, I think Elektro. Three of us were in the police station scanning the area while our friend was en route. When I used the ACOG or ps1 scope from the tower I hit the frame tank/freeze issue for a solid 30-60 seconds. The dot/iron sights did not cause that issue. I’m working my way back towards that area to try and reproduce it. Hopefully my friend and I are able to get there later tonight. Ill provide a clip of it here as well for reference purposes.
  15.  Nayte

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    Get me that chai, and well articulated bug reporting will surely follow...
  16.  Nayte

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    Not exaggerating, not even a little. If anything, I’m being generous. Like I previously stated, if I can reproduce it, I’ll record it and post a report.
  17.  Nayte

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    I’ve had a similar issue. At a couple large cities, tried to scope in using both an ACOG on the M4, as well as ps scope on the AK, and the frames absolutely tanked down to, as you mentioned, 1FP10S. To the point where I initially thought my game froze. I’m running on an X as well. My team member had the same issue too. Seems to be a rendering issue, if I was to guess. If I can reproduce the issue again, I’ll fill out a bug report.
  18.  Nayte

    MODS on consoles

    No, Xbox allows it. Ark allows players to have their own private servers using a separate console as the hosting server. This all comes down to whether or not BI will make it happen...
  19.  Nayte

    Name change

    Go to the forums section, where all platforms and subsections are listed. At the bottom of the page are all members. The blue text members are moderators. They may be able to help you.
  20.  Nayte

    Name change

    You should try reaching out to a mod to change your BI username to your gamertag. That reason should be enough to warrant a change, though it depends on their ToS. Ive done it that way before on another games forum, which uses the same format as this one.
  21.  Nayte

    VoIP in party chat

    Yeah, you can hear other groups who are using prox chat in a party chat. However, the way party chat works, you cannot communicate when in it. You need to switch to game chat in order to use prox. Sometimes, even after the update, prox chat will not function properly when switching to game chat. Usually only a server switch/refresh will fix this, unfortunately.
  22. This Ever since I’ve been kicked several times after joining a few low pop servers within 30 minutes, only to be met with the character locked in database prompt, I’ve been exclusively re-joining the same server once it resets.
  23.  Nayte


    If you got your gear soaked by rain or a water source, it will weigh you down quite a bit, until you dry off.
  24.  Nayte

    Right or Wrong?

    Exactly, we must be kindred spirits, you and I.
  25.  Nayte

    Right or Wrong?

    I completely agree with you. This is essentially how I play as well. I’ve given Bambi’s water and food, had conversations with geared people at mil bases. I don’t blame people for kos on sight out of fear, though like you said, don’t get attached to your toon. I find the risk of playing the hero much more fun than mindlessly killing.