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Everything posted by Nayte

  1.  Nayte

    PvP Locations

    PUBG is a good spot for PvP.
  2.  Nayte

    Any update today

    It’s best to not even forecast a projected update. You can certainly imagine the uproar, heaven forbid, BI was unable to meet the estimated timeframe. Ive seen pages upon pages in update threads on different forums of members having all but meltdowns due to an update time being delayed, due to issues in the Microsoft quality assurance process. I feel it’s best if the developers/ community managers say less about if/when updates will occur. Perhaps the good ol’, “we’re working on X, Y, Z, and will have more info when we’re able to.” Sometimes, less is more..
  3.  Nayte

    Just found...

    Haha, there you go. All in the name of science!
  4.  Nayte

    Just found...

    I appreciate the info. As I really don’t know for certain how animal spawning works (if they are pre-spawned into certain “chunks” as servers reset, or if they can spawn into areas at will with players in the vicinity) I’ve been trying different hunting methods. I heard deer recently in very thick woods the other day. Unfortunately, they detected me and bolted before I could get a clear shot. Last night I had a pack of wolves come after me. Took out 4 before the remaining pack took off. Had my meal for the day after that. Much nicer when the food comes to you..
  5.  Nayte

    Giving life to Teddy bears

    That would be great. Sort of a page out of Bethesda. Too bad we can’t put an army helmet on them with a big stogie in their mouth. I’d totally love to make the black sacrament ritual scene using teddy bears.
  6.  Nayte


    Good call. That’ll work for the time being.
  7.  Nayte

    Holding Y to Switch Weapons in Quick Slot Menu Bug

    Same issue with the two way handheld. That’s the reason those two items just stay in my inventory. I never understood why people need 8 items hot keyed. There’s nothing quick cycling through all of that..
  8.  Nayte

    guns dont work....WHY?!!!

    Hate to beat a dead horse, but even in game preview state there’s no guarantee the game will function as intended. That’s the whole reason we are here, and why the early access program exists. To identify, and report bugs, and have some fun in the process. As to your issue, MAKE SURE you are not holding LT when pressing Y to reload. Just using Y I have never had an issue with weapons reloading. Patience is key..
  9.  Nayte


    Hoping so. Having the ability to walk in certain instances will really help. Going from zero to jogging is a bit much when your trying to navigate a hairy ridge..
  10.  Nayte

    How to minimise the risk of betrayal?

    It’s a quality over quantity scenario. If you’re truly looking for solid people, the growth rate of your group has to suffer a bit, while you sift through people’s personality. Or, you go for numbers, and trolls are likely to slip through. Me, quality over quantity any day!
  11.  Nayte


    I agree, their sound effects when out of stamina need to be dialed back a bit.
  12.  Nayte

    Xbox announce upcoming M&K support

    If BI was to support keyboard and mouse, it should only be used on private or some dedicated M&K server(s).
  13.  Nayte

    Dayz Mouse and Keyboard Support?

    I’d have to agree with this. Perhaps if it was a separate option once private servers are implemented. It’s ultimately up to the developers.
  14.  Nayte

    Just found...

    Unrelated to this comment, though I was wondering if you’ve found any hunting areas that tend to have larger game (deer, elk)? Ive been through dozens of wooded areas, meadows, hunting stands, feeders, combed through Black Forest, waited, listened, and only ever some deer once.
  15.  Nayte


    Someone from BI mentioned auto run was not going to be implemented. It makes sense when you factor in the stamina bar and food/water. I’m looking forward to leaning and being able to freely pan the camera around.
  16.  Nayte

    DOUGLAS!! :(

    I think these friendly interactions will slowly start to occur more and more. Especially once the causal/kos type players tire out, and move on to the next new thing. Really curious to see what the Xbox DayZ community becomes...
  17.  Nayte

    Kicked off game

    I heard they were going to be doing that soon. Is there an official thread/update on the forums yet? Only one I see is from the 25th.
  18.  Nayte

    DOUGLAS!! :(

    It’s always nice meeting good folks out in the apocalypse. Perhaps your paths will cross again.
  19.  Nayte

    Game was fun for a while

    Sometimes, a sabbatical is just what’s needed. After some time, and perhaps a few updates, it’ll create a refreshing point to return. If you’re ever looking for a few mature people to team up with, feel free to message me. We all try to establish communication, that is, until hostility is shown towards us.
  20.  Nayte

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    Haha, exactly. I don’t want to be burning through all my food and water..
  21.  Nayte

    Name change

    My pleasure, happy to help.
  22.  Nayte

    Backpack inventory theft

    I could be your huckleberry.
  23.  Nayte

    High traffic area's?

    I tend to patrol coastal areas with my squad, hunting Bambi killers. Ive had multiple interactions with fresh/med geared players around Berezino, the ship, lumber mil, and the civilian barrack near the factory. We had a Bambi kos’er ambush us right near a bunch of fresh spawn locations. He took down one of us, but I was able to end his poor existence. All the interactions I’ve had, aside from one, have been with no mic’ers. We gave them food and water, then went on our way. Having variety with play styles is what keeps DayZ interesting (bandits/kos’ers), though I feel it’s important to show that DayZ has a good community of players willing to help newcomers. Sure, sticking to the woods helps ensure longevity, however, I find the risk of interactions much more alluring.
  24.  Nayte

    Server Reset Timing is Changing

    I can’t wait for this, as well as all the stuff and things to come!
  25.  Nayte

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    Yes, those two clips were one sequence. My friend who tried it that crashed, was actually able to log back into the server from the home screen, while I was still locked in place. It was actually closer to 90+ seconds. I included everything I could think of in my report. There was 40+ players in the server, though we never saw anyone in Servograd, nor heard any shots. The red dot/iron sights did not cause that severe issue. Just some minor frame drops that I’m sure will be ironed out once final optimization’s take place. I’m just glad I was able to reproduce it, along with my friend, and others. So hopefully the devs are able to isolate the cause quickly. I love DayZ, and am here for the long run.