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Everything posted by Nayte

  1.  Nayte

    Sick un heal able disease

    Really?! This is finally a thing?! That is amazing.
  2.  Nayte

    Sick un heal able disease

    I never drank from the well directly, filled the cooking pot first, after having a couple sodas. Looks like I’ll be looking for corrective actions from now instead of preventative until I figure out what the root cause is.
  3.  Nayte

    Sick un heal able disease

    Same exact thing happened to me. I didn’t handle any raw meat at all, nor had bloody hands. I found some canned foods, ate some fruit. Then found a cooking pot filled it up at a well (I only drink from wells). Shortly after I noticed the sickness emblem. I went on my way for another hour or two and didn’t notice any difference with my character even though the symbol never went away. I’m wondering if we have to find alcohol tincture to disinfect everything we consume? That seems a tad overboard.
  4.  Nayte

    Unchambering & Unjamming Weapon

    Thanks for the info. I’ll have to try this out later tonight.
  5.  Nayte

    Private Rp server for xbox

    I can’t wait, thanks @Toxic Chimp86 !
  6.  Nayte


    Anyone meeting up today? @donnyuk78 @DayzDayzFanboy @Man Parts 241
  7.  Nayte

    Would it be possible to make rifles not reload automatically?

    That would be a nice feature. PUBG does something similar with their bolt action rifles. If you hold the trigger down it doesn’t re-chamber the next round, allowing you to see the impact, upon releasing the trigger the next round is chambered. @ImpulZ
  8.  Nayte


    I’ll be on tomorrow as well. If we get a time I’ll come say hello too.
  9.  Nayte

    MDG’s Rogue Ops Episode One

    Oops, hehe thanks.
  10.  Nayte

    MDG’s Rogue Ops Episode One

    Greetings fellow survivors, Come, grab a seat, and check out Modern Day Gaming’s first episode of Rogue Ops. Brought to you by your host, Badger, so sit back and enjoy!
  11.  Nayte

    All Private Server Cost Info!!!

    Rip. Off.
  12.  Nayte

    Never mind this shitty poll.

    I’m feeling Tuesday.
  13.  Nayte

    Died random

    Who know at close range, nobody’s around to talk about it. At long range rifle rounds travel at super sonic speed, so you’re right that one would not even hear the shot.
  14.  Nayte

    Latest Status Report, exploit fixes & future DLC

    Welp, ImpulZ mentioned in the July feedback thread that they have no plans to implement mods for console.. Also that duping and meatballing May never be completely fixed... *heavy sigh*
  15.  Nayte

    Latest Status Report, exploit fixes & future DLC

    I’m with ya man. I think it’s the lazy, instant gratification seeking culture we live in these days, unfortunately.
  16.  Nayte

    Latest Status Report, exploit fixes & future DLC

    I’ve just heard that some pc players have found a way to dupe items since the 1.04 build was released. I don’t know if it’s something console players will be able to reproduce, though that’s a let down if it’s true.
  17.  Nayte

    locked servers

    I hope they allow us to use a second Xbox as the hosting server, much like how Ark does it. @ImpulZ
  18.  Nayte

    Status Report - July 2019

    They’re at the very least being transparent about what is realistic in the near future. How is allowing the community to produce mod support a bad thing? It’s history in games have shown us that it greatly prolongs a game’s lifetime. Hell, on console alone the addition of mod support on Skyrim has proven that. As far as DLC’s concerned, I’m going to have to refrain from weighing in too heavily, as it’s unclear which direction it would go for a game like DayZ. I’m guessing it’ll be in the form of new maps? While I agree getting free content would be nice, the company does need a way to produce more revenue once the influx of new players has diminished over time. That’s how business works.. I’ll start complaining if there’s loot boxes or some PTW feature, until then no violins for me.
  19.  Nayte

    Status Report - July 2019

    Check out this link. Read it, love it, want it!! https://dayz.com/article/status-report/status-report-july-2019
  20.  Nayte

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    I don’t understand why they’re being so tight lipped over the question.
  21.  Nayte

    Anyone interested?

    I really like this idea, it’s too bad this forum doesn’t get much traffic. Maybe, given time, we could get something going next weekend.
  22.  Nayte

    How do you turn on sights?

    I’ve had the same issue recently, where optics (ps01 and combat) would not illuminate even when swapping out pristine batteries. Anyone know a way to check the charge of the batteries?
  23.  Nayte

    locked servers

    If it didn’t come directly from BI, I wouldn’t put too much stock into it.
  24.  Nayte

    DayZ Battle Royale (survivor gamez)

    Already out, it’s called PUBG.. I think these are resources better spent elsewhere.
  25.  Nayte

    Can we just get a straight answer?

    Yes indeed, “full release”.... DayZ should’ve simmered in early access for at least another year, though I digress. The main issue, which seems is only prevalent on console, is the mass amounts of duped gear. So much so in fact that the devs have stated numerous times that it’s negatively affected the CLE. That’s an understatement.. Unless they have an underhanded method of removing all the duped items, a full wipe is a must.