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Everything posted by Nayte

  1.  Nayte

    I fucking love this game!!!

    DayZ is a great unique game, however don’t let the rose tinted glasses lead you too far off track. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the community using this forum to vent their frustrations. That’s the entire reason forums exist. Nobody, at least nobody with some intellectual honesty wishes to reside in an echo chamber. Criticism helps the devs improve their game far better than ceaseless praise.
  2.  Nayte

    Duping ruined game for me

    A lot of lost potential there. It would have been great if the devs froze a duper from a pole, as you mentioned, however their survival requirements were frozen whilst they hung around waiting for their several week to months long punishment to end. All while sporting a “I am a duper” sign around their shoulders. If someone likely finds them, they are able to be killed, though they’ll just spawn back on another pole regardless, until their time has been served. This may seem rather dark, however it would surely be damn effective on a personal level.
  3.  Nayte

    How active?

    Hey there, welcome to the forums. My honest opinion, as someone who’s followed DayZ since the mod and jumped to buy it knowing the history of DayZ’s development, I can tell you i feel I’ve more than gotten my money’s worth. There’s really no other hardcore zombie survival game on Xbox to this level of detail. While I can understand some of the older pc players jadedness towards the game, I’m honestly glad the devs at BI have the luxury to take all the time they need to better DayZ. Sure there’re bugs and persistent issues, though this game is still in preview, so be prepared for wipes. I would have to echo some of the other suggestions of watching/reading numerous opinions, then forming your own. If you’re the type of player who enjoys a challenging survival game with no hand holding, and one where you can decide what you’d like to do to keep things interesting, this game is it. Want to be a lone hermit living off the land deep in the woods? How about gearing up and helping new players get their bearings by being a personal body guard? Maybe you’d rather hold people up at gun point, helping yourself to their gear, or just be another mindless kos’er (kill on sight). Some folks have actually set up trading stores.Or, just lay back by a fire you built BBQ’n while enjoying the scenery.The choice is yours. You’re really only limited by your own imagination. Now, if you’re the type of person who wants the game to tell you what to do then this may not be your cup of tea. I’ve put loads of hours into The Long Dark, Ark, Conan Exiles, State of Decay, and many other zombie shooters. DayZ, hands down, is my absolute favorite. No other game has had me so immersed, and gotten my blood pumping like this game has. The social aspect in this game is truly something special. Personally, I’ve had more positive experiences with random encounters than negative. It’s all about deciding if and when to approach someone. Just be prepared to start over, because you will die... a lot. Though part of the fun is the grind to loot back up. If you decide to partake, feel free to message me on Xbox. I’m always happy to assist newcomers.
  4.  Nayte


    I really like this idea. Kind of reminds me of the skill system from Oblivion. It would work great for DayZ. That type of system may also make people even more less likely to just kos, as leveling skills and staying alive would be far more advantageous than recklessly shooting at the first person one sees.
  5.  Nayte

    How active?

    May have aged myself a tad there.. Although, my console history goes much further back.. Meaning, unless you drop some big bucks on building a PC (from whatever non corporate company you may find) there’s not nearly as much of a difference compared to a one X. Particularly when you compare how drastically different the experiences were years ago. As someone who’s a moderator for a AAA gaming company, and one who frequents many other forums including, Ark’s, PUBG, and others, I can tell you this forum seems to have FAR less toxicity. I enjoy the input of PC players, especially those who’ve been around since the beginning. I used to watch Frankie back when DayZ was a mod, and dreamed about the day it may come to Xbox. As far as wit.. There’s certainly no shortage of banter around these parts. PUBG is very close to the maturity level of DayZ’s, more so in game rather than the forums. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, consoles do tend to draw a younger crowd. As a result, the maturity levels seem skewed. It does tend to boil down to the difficulty/learning curve of a game. Games which require far more micromanaging, less hand holding brings in the older crowds. Those are the like minded gamers I enjoy playing with. I can’t speak on the Rust community, as I’ve never had a pc capable of running anything other than solitaire. However, from what I’ve watched and read, it seems very toxic.
  6.  Nayte

    Scavenger Hunt

    I think it’s a good idea. The only thing is, the forum doesn’t seem to get too much activity in the Xbox section. There’re a dozen or so active members, which would be nice to get everyone involved together in game. I’d be curious to hear some more details, and maybe help out if we have time.
  7.  Nayte

    How active?

    Online PvP didn’t come to fruition on Xbox until Halo 2, with Halo 3 being arguably their all time best title. Those numbers don’t surprise me, due to the fact it was essentially an Xbox exclusive, competing with CoD shortly after Halo 2. More modern games have the luxury of technological advances in advertising. Free advertising at that...twitch, YouTube being far more popular nowadays, etc.
  8.  Nayte

    Heat Map

    I like the idea of a heat map. As mentioned, the east coast is the hot spot. Lots of folks flock there after gearing up to either troll fresh spawns, or help them it seems. I enjoy heading inland, just for the fact there likely not going to be kos players, as most of my experiences with people inland have been positive, save for anywhere around a mil base. Usually, I’ll pick a small town to hang out at with a stove if I’m in the mood to hunt some game, or just enjoy the peacefulness.
  9.  Nayte

    Teddy bear picnic...

    Yeah, I’m guessing the paper is supposed to be DayZ’s form of stuffing/cotton.
  10.  Nayte

    How active?

    Hey, hey, I was too lazy to isolate your wall of text, even though I do find your input on these subjects interesting. My point wasn’t too much to do with sales, that’s merely a byproduct of a satisfied consumer market. Personally, I never cared much for the platform rivalry. It has always been the journey that’s important, not so much the destination. Now with the lines between the platforms becoming more blurred. Unless of course, one has a $5,000 rig. The original Halo trilogy mention only serves to facilitate that it was the first online shooter for Xbox, which in turn became one of the first cultural phenomenons on console. Arguably setting the benchmark for all other PvP shooters to follow. I still remember going to the midnight release for Halo 3. The line wrapped all the way around the store, out the door and down the plaza.
  11.  Nayte

    How active?

    But wait... I grew up riding dirt bikes and street bikes all the while owning consoles throughout the years. I must be some sort of console pleb hybrid? Also Halo 1-3 greatest shooting trilogy to date. Bungie will never top that benchmark. Those hardcore fans, I would argue, would give even the most steadfast pc gamer a run for their money in terms of being a “gamer”. Platforms are really becoming irrelevant. It’s how much you truly enjoy gaming that makes one a gamer..
  12.  Nayte

    Base builders off limits Truce

    Those scenarios are pretty weak. Although, the alternative could be worse. Imagine, instead of killing you, he walked up and held you at gun point and removed your gear. Then told you once you’re done building HIS house, to tend to the garden until he deems you worthy to eat.. It might seem fun at first, though after some time, a shot to the head may have been preferred. Of course, I am with you in the sense that it seems many are missing some great opportunities to have some fun, instead of just kos.
  13.  Nayte

    Lack of HC players

    Nice story, glad it worked out. Personally, I find those who play HC are more geared to seeking an immersive experience over mindlessly kos. It seems, at times, to be an almost RP mindset. Where having dynamic encounters with others is more enjoyable than killing for the sake of it.
  14.  Nayte


    Lmao, trust me, I don’t “follow” anyone.. Also, don’t worry, I won’t upvote your posts anymore.
  15.  Nayte

    Idea for near gear

    Great idea, would like to see something like that implemented. While the shoulder holster is nice, it becomes irrelevant once one finds a vest. This would also be a very nice feature.
  16.  Nayte

    Quick Summary of Xbox Live Stream

    Thanks for the info. Looking forward to all of the fixes and optimizations taking place in the near future, with content to follow. Keep up the hard work!
  17.  Nayte

    Factory Rooftop HOW???

    They’re probably using the tire trick (unless it’s been patched already?). Saw someone in a DayZ club post a clip doing it.
  18.  Nayte

    Cant find M4-A1 or the KA-M.

    Of course, a little banter never hurts. Growing up was the opposite for me. My first platform was the sega genesis. We never had a pc until my teenage years, and even then it’s sole purpose was surfing. Although, it could run solitaire like nobody’s business.
  19.  Nayte

    Cant find M4-A1 or the KA-M.

    Sure, that happens on occasion. Not so much if one avoids toxic online gaming communities like GTA online, COD, and some others. Even within those communities you’ll find mature like minded gamers. Regarless of platform, we still have a commonality with enjoying these games. So on, and so forth.
  20.  Nayte

    Cant find M4-A1 or the KA-M.

    Haha, that’s a good thing! I much prefer being a console pleb, than a pc elitist..
  21.  Nayte

    Server Hopping

    Perma bans are a tad extreme, no? How about if the devs come up with an algorithm that determines if a player is abusing the server hop mechanic, (We could discuss what constitutes “abusing” the system, as they’re multiple reasons to do so) or duplicating items. Once a player has been flagged, they are forced to wear the most ridiculous outfit for x amount of time in game. This type of punishment could be refined for various instances the devs deem as exploitative. Imagine said player walking around as their character blurts “I’m a super duper!” over and over... The developers could have some fun with such a system in place.
  22.  Nayte

    Dayz Xbox

    Pretty much what Man Parts mentioned. All good things in time. Personally, I’d much prefer the devs to continue with bug fixes/optimizations before focusing too much on more content.
  23.  Nayte


    You’ve got nothing to worry about. Unless your friends sent toxic messages through the Xbox, there’s nothing that’ll come of his “report”, aside from wasting Xbox supports time.
  24.  Nayte

    character selection

    I’m looking forward to the character selection feature, fingers crossed. Funny enough, I just died with that character after a very long run. I was bummed to lose her since I’ve never seen her before.
  25.  Nayte


    If you think there’s a large amount of repeat threads here..you should’ve been around the PUBG Xbox forums last year... The amount of “WE NEED AIM ASSIT” topics would make the most steadfast mod shudder. Personally, I’m absolutely loving the fact us “console plebs” are finally seeing a bridge between the great games pc players have been enjoying for years.