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Everything posted by Tino81

  1. Tino81


    I like that fear of the unknown with this game. For example, wandering through a town and hearing a gunshot with no idea where it came from but that little voice in your head says "Well, take a look then!" and so begins a tense hunt for the shooter whilst fending off zombies and noisy chickens.
  2. Tino81


    Having bears in this would be interesting.
  3. Tino81

    Scopes in hand

    Hi all, not sure if this has been covered elsewhere but I have just seen on Twitter that you can use a scope as a telescope, @dayz_base posted it.
  4. Tino81

    Dont buy this game.

    Opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one.
  5. Tino81

    DayZ just blew my mind

    I've come across two who killed me. One I followed and lost track of them in the woods. I've heard gunshots in one of the cities but stayed away from it. Already earmarked a mic for pay day :)
  6. Tino81


    I've been in a couple of police stations and I haven't come across them either.
  7. Tino81

    DayZ just blew my mind

    I've been playing for nearly a week and I'm hooked. Even my wife watches me play and chips in with "Is that an apple tree over there?". I need to get a mic asap as I'd like to get in a group or interact more with other players but I'm happy for the moment learning the map, and generally getting used the game before I push on with the people side. My favourite bit so far was boxing a zombie into a shed and closing the door on him before I ran away (No weapons)!