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Everything posted by TheYetiBum

  1. TheYetiBum

    Games moving from Alpha to Beta

    Glad to hear it & welcome to the console build. Nice to see not all PC players were put off the game completely. Once BETA goes live the game will see a huge resurgence in player count and content being created. Oh they've readers the community content section aswell in main forum page to champion youtubers/streamers as part of the run up to the game beefing up abit. Wise choice by the BI team there.
  2. TheYetiBum

    Games moving from Alpha to Beta

    Yep a massive injection of cash can only help development & the main problem with removing previously tested mechanics when switching to the new engine even though it was fully necessary was it aggravated the PC player base after an already fraught & lengthy development. But in all fairness the previous engine just couldn't handle the task no matter what the team tried, the technology just wasn't upto it. But the new engine has proven it's worth ten fold, you'd have got 10fps in electro on the old engine on console or no frames & cities where damn near unplayable even on High end PC rigs. Now all that previous content/mechanics testing is going to pay off as things are added back In. i feel for our PC brothers who went through years of strife so that we could sweep in and get gratification almost instantly lol.
  3. TheYetiBum

    Games moving from Alpha to Beta

    I'd expect it within next 2-3months which is pretty soon. They wouldn't usually bring it up In a status report unless it's about a month away for PC experimental & there developing for PC and xbox in parallel now. I won't get my hopes up but this is about 6months sooner than I'd expected to wait so I remain hopeful it'll be rolled out in the next quarter atleast
  4. TheYetiBum

    Server reset time

    Pretty sure yesterday's update was meant to fix this and make the online screen scrollable but I don't think it worked
  5. TheYetiBum

    FPP Servers

    Hopefully once the game reaches BETA stage maybe FPP servers will become a thing. I know for a fact that the devs are working on controller update which will include FPP freelook to be able to look over shoulder when moving forward and hold breathe functionality whilst scoping in etc. Also in the next couple of months hopefully the game will go from alpha to beta as it was announced yesterday in the PC status report that many previously tested features will return to the PC experimental branch and then be pushed to xbox ASAP. It's only my assumption but I think we will see more server options after this occurs. Here's a link to the status report I hope its useful for you
  6. TheYetiBum


    If you do get one make sure you've got enough space In Your backpack because if anyone see's that strapped to your back they'll forget there RP'ing as a friendly peacekeeper and fill you with hot lead real fast ;) . Great gun though, had one a few times with a coupla mags but lost in on the character wipe. Hope you find one soon dude, keep up the hunt.
  7. TheYetiBum

    Priorities: Fire Mode, Hold Breath

    Incase you didn't know you can very jankily change fire mode ATM. If you hold LT and spam the hell outta right D-Pad. Sometimes it works first time sometimes it take 30secs. It's janky because the quick select wheels also bound to right dpad so there's a mapping overlap . Does work though. And a dev responded to me the other day saying freelook in FPP and hold breathe will be added in as part of a controller update patch at somepoint.
  8. TheYetiBum

    List of rules.

    Guys abit special for telling everyone on stream what server he's on. Especially when there's no way a viewer could find out without being directly told. Poor guy, well he leant the hard way to hard mute yourself when telling team mates what server your on.
  9. TheYetiBum

    Just wondering about vehicles.

    Checkout the latest Status report for PC which has a lot mentioned about XBOX too. Long story short in the next 2 months experimental and stable will move too BETA! And many mechanics will return aswell as vehicles and basebuilding elements. They also state that this BETA build will be pushed to xbox ASAP after it goes to PC. Fingers crossed all goes well and we see it within next 3-4 months or before. heres the link for the status update
  10. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    I feel your pain dude, I'm one of the few people who hasn't had a single issue with weapons since the fix but the whole bushes and tree branches blocking shots does suck. Hopefully it'll be addressed in the future.
  11. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    Have you tried moving mags to other clothing and back again or dropping all clothing and equipping them again as that usually works aswell. If you at any point tried to reload whilst holding LT it can permanently bug a weapon out or if your using a magazine that had duplicated pre patch that can cause issues too.
  12. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    A status report for PC was released today saying that the game will finally be moving from ALPHA to BETA and that very soon many mechanics will return to the experimental branch of DAYZ including vehicles and base building! Exciting news, also stated that the content uodate would include a significant amount of additions that will be announced before release. The status report also announced that this update would be phage to XBOX ASAP aswell, so in short within a month or two we should have vehicle. Fingers crossed
  13. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    https://forums.dayz.com/forum/155-report-a-bug/ use above link and report database lock with console type and gamertag & in time a dev should respond after removing you from database.
  14. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    You don't hold left trigger and tap Y to reload. You just tap Y, if a gun won't reload another mag when pressing Y (check this when joining a new server) simply micromange the magazine out of the gun and tap Y again.you only get the shot sound glitch when holding LT and tapping Y
  15. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    I've only just realised that the online menu on the server still isn't scrollable. Anyone else having this issue after update? Only fix I've found that isn't functional
  16. TheYetiBum

    Lost my Character (Alive almost 40 hours)

    I feel your pain and understand your passions but please try to remember the game clearly states on launch that it's game preview and in forum Info section it does say that frequent character wipe should be expected with every update. Many people get locked in a database and can't play for days at a time until these resets occur so be thankful you can atleast play. But as I said I fully understand your frustrations & if you weren't aware of how game preview games develop this would be extremely aggravating. The choice to not play till it's out of game preview is probably the best option if being part of the development process isn't enjoyable for you.
  17. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    Come on guys someone's gonna get a forum ban from an admin over a misunderstanding if these flame wars in post keep continuing. Let's just accept that there's no right wrong way to play the game, especially at the moment with the game being alpha preview testing stage. All your opinions have validity and your all connected through a passion to play this game. But this is a thread for the current update not for winding each other up, I've seen all your comments previously and you all have solid points and opinions between you. Hate to see arguments between decent posters
  18. TheYetiBum


    https://forums.dayz.com/forum/155-report-a-bug Use above link for bug reports dude, but the dev teams aware of this issue anyway so a fix will be in the works or on the list. Welcome to the forum and good spot on the ammo my dude, keep on reporting those bugs & the game will be all the better for it .
  19. TheYetiBum

    VoIP in party chat

    Pretty sure it'd be a programming nightmare. Plus the fact that the xbox party system actually runs through Skype since Microsoft bought it a year back and that BI would have to probably pay an extortionate fee in order to let there system over lap with the party system. You can hear players in VoIP when In a party because it plays through the standard game sound and creating a pathway for a party to access VoIP beings up all sorts of T&C Conflicts from microsofts side aswell privacy issues for other users in the party. It's just an all round cluster f#ck of permissions and coding. Until the new next gen console comes out with a standard controller with a hard bound button for insta swapping chat clients it'll remain this way I suspect. Let's be honest the fact that the xbox one and X didn't have this functionality from day one is due to Microsoft being about ten years behind knowing what gamers require to play games without having abrain anuerism lol.
  20. TheYetiBum

    VoIP in party chat

    Devs have already stated that there won't be crossover from party to in game chat. You'll always have to switch from one to the other (when it works , which it always has for me) . I'd suggest not using the xbox party system and remaining in prox chat , using walkie talkies for long range comms. It'll increase your player interactions with randoms. I know not everyone's into RP kinda gameplay but it is a hardcore survival game and tbh it's really fun and less stressful when you come up against another unknown player and can actually communicate instantly your intentions. I've been playing since day one and only had one occasion where after comming to a random I still got mowed down , most people turn on mike or respond through emotes & start asking a million questions on game mechanics and how stuff works lmao. Spent a hour on the coast teaching new player freshies how to do the basics , most solos KOS out of fear & the time it takes to switch to game chat to say 'I'm friendly' will get you killed . But it's just my opinion
  21. TheYetiBum

    Game was fun for a while

    Oh trust I know what you mean dude, you guys & gals pull 7 day weeks and 14+ hour shifts when necessary to get things done. I'm no game dev but I know it's not a career path for the weak of heart or passionless. I'm sure the BI team has spent many nights away for friends and family trying to get a project finished & I for one appreciate it. Thanks
  22. TheYetiBum

    Game was fun for a while

    Hey and if you guys are EU players checkout NL855 (last three numbers of server), I play there always through resets no matter the player count & have a lot of friendly survivors who do the same. It'd be cool to see some new friendly faces or even a decent bandit who has a mike and a want for some RP. Just join grab a walkie talkie switch to last frequency and call out for The Yeti Bum, if I'm on I'll come find you & show you that human kindness still exists in Chernarus ;) . And ImpulZ once that controller update drops that you mentioned yesterday I for one will be a happy little survivor, keep up the good works. Dev teams wizards as far as I'm concerned
  23. TheYetiBum

    Game was fun for a while

    Fight fight fight lol it's all kicking of in here, I'm selling popcorn if anyone's interested because this is entertainment ;) . Come on guys were all here because we love DayZ to some extent, it's easy to let the games current limited mechanics aggravate or dishearten you. Just remember that map knowledge is key in DayZ a groups camping the coast run inland straight after spawn, tbh there's no loot on the coast except fishing boats occasionally if they've not been hit. At the end of the day it's a game (in my opinion a great one) if you wanna ghost and get behind a player to kill a player or team because there pinning In freshies or jump to a different server that your prerogative. Most of the people teaming up for these KOS bambi killing squads are kids & they make up the majority of console users. Even with more content this will continue to occur so it's best to get that thick skin going now. Anyways love ya guys & remember you'd probably all get on IRL , this post was not meant to offend or aggravate just unify
  24. TheYetiBum

    Severograd freezing and lagging

    1 frame per ten seconds sounds way off , that is essentially your screen freezing for tens seconds at a time. That's not frame drops that a total lack of frames, I've suffered frame drops but never lower than 15fps and tbh it's more like frame stuttering. You can see higher resolution textures pop in when you aim down sight into larger towns and this seems to tank performance abit. But to be fair if the game ran higher resolution textures on buildings , objects etc within a certain proximity from you whilst you weren't directly facing them from the get go the performance would most likely be worse. Still runs exceptionally well to say it's a month out the door though so respect to the dev team for that. And compared to 0.62 it runs like a dream
  25. TheYetiBum

    Right or Wrong?

    Well done my dude, I'm the same. But to be honest I'm a little loot goblin so I'm up for player interaction all the time because if I die I get to loot up again lol