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Everything posted by TheYetiBum

  1. TheYetiBum

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    Hey I'm usually in EU server but I'll willingly donate An SVD with a mag to the shop. I'm 100% friendly but I've had several SVD's before and it's be nice to hand it off to the shop for someone who hasn't played around with one yet. I can also donate my boar skin improvised backpack if your willing to trade another backpack for it, unique craftable that'll be pretty rare. Upto you. Nice idea on the shop btw
  2. TheYetiBum


    You Can definitely use leather kit for fixing backpacks , I've done it many times . Just do as OG poster says and hold backpack in hands and combine from inventory or take bag to hands and look directly at leather kit and the prompt to repair will appear by holding RT
  3. TheYetiBum

    Update soon?

    No news, shouldn't get a content patch for quite awhile after beta testing goes live on PC experimental. Might get more bug fixes and a controller update before then though. EU servers were looking empty already last night, could really use something to spice it up. I'll remain patient
  4. TheYetiBum

    Server hopping

    Yep 50+ server, so my assumption is they'd got lucky after hopping a few times then Got very unlucky. I usually never KOS but seeing one after the other pop into existence less than 2meters away from me = bye bye time for these little hoppers
  5. TheYetiBum


    Nope never done it, don't see the point in playing a game to then not play the game the way it was intended to be played. Never had it done to me that I'm aware of, I always reposition frequently if in a firefight and if I see someone's gone into a building I push straight away, pull back far and keep line of sight or disengage all together. As far as I can tell there's no stopping it, best to minimise it happening to you by pushing people hard, or changing position and over watching any position you feel the enemy knew you were holding previously or giving up on the fight and retreating far.
  6. TheYetiBum


    Wow using phrases like "not on my level" , "lesser fellow" etc is pretty rude and unnecessary. Were all a bunch of guys writing on a forum talking about a game for god sake. This isn't exactly Mensa. If you cannot accept that your opinion is just that....an opinion and respect others opinions it's probably best to delete your forum account.
  7. TheYetiBum

    Thanks for the care package !!

    Yep friendlys do exist, were just a rarity. Just remember to pass it in next time you see a fresh spawn
  8. TheYetiBum

    PvP Locations

    North west airfield, best place for geared PvP or berezino in east coast if you want lower pevel PvP
  9. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    I get people frustrations but there so many triggered children on the forum even though the game clearly states it's game preview. Hell I'm not even playing it until it has a content update and a controller binding update but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go online and take a dump all over a bunch of hard working devs who are doing there job on a game that is operating exactly as advertised. Game preview in development, a lot of people have the worst gratification control I've ever witnessed. Jeez the game even states it may never be finished as all game preview titles state. It's like these whiners think someone at BI came into there house and forced them to buy it at gun point lol.
  10. TheYetiBum

    Game was fun for a while

    Yep I love the game as always have since the mod & buying it on preview is the way to go for the discount. But in all honesty until we have some more controller functionality (hold breathe, free look etc) & some more content it's grown very tiresome very quickly. Sure there's a tonne of people who will continue to play till then and more power to them. I personally played long enough to report as many bugs as possible to help development along but with hit reg, lack of key bindings and such even the PvP feels wonky at best and other than player interaction and PvP there's nothing else to do. Not slating the game or the development team though as it exactly as advertised, a game preview game. Just needs a lot of time and TLC before I will be back in chernarus.
  11. TheYetiBum


    Yep female characters are the same for me, there incessant incredibly loud panting when out of breathe from stamina depletion is exceptionally irritating. Not to mention deafening.
  12. TheYetiBum


    As far as I know it only offers protection from blunt force trauma from melee attacks & no ballistic protection but I could be wrong. So I'm assuming it's just an aesthetic choice or maybe for camoflauge if it's a matt green or black one. The dayz wiki has full stats for items though so maybe worth checking there to see if it does offer any protection from smaller calibre rounds
  13. TheYetiBum

    More Feedback when Getting Shot or Absorbing Melee Hits?

    Don't quote me ;) but I'm pretty sure a dev has responded to a similar post saying that extra damage taken feedback will be added down the road but as I recall no extra detail was given. My assumption is that it'd be purely visual , like blood spray on screen as damage is taken, but I agree a vibrate function would be nice too, thankfully BI would never consider directional hit indicators as that'd be very game breaking. Maybe I dreampt this dev response , I could go find and link it but that's involve work lol
  14. TheYetiBum

    Server hopping

    I've killed three server hoppers all at Staroye tents, they all literally loaded into the tent I was currently looting and received half a mag of AKM rounds to the spine. These kids are so bad there kitted to high heaven with double AR's, hundreds of rounds, ballistic vest etc but logout with there guns holstered lol. Easy kill. Ps If you're one of these guys I killed but weren't server hopping & were just logging in, try not doing that in a military tent (tbf though no server reset message = no choice in where you log GG game)
  15. TheYetiBum

    Hit detection is a joke

    Yep I've had a fresh spawn ask to be killed by me a few times now so they could get another spawn point. Had to hit them between twice to four times in the head to kill them with an AKM at point blank range in full ADS with a fully functioning gun. I never reload holding LT and check my mags will change everytime I load in. Hit reg seems very different from server to server & not being able to see your ping or any kind of connection data doesn't help. There should be a server strength icon in server listing and detailed ping and latency information in server listing as ingame too. Surely in this testing phase devs would find that information useful? Anybody know what tick rate these servers operate at?
  16. TheYetiBum

    How to minimise the risk of betrayal?

    Extremely difficult creating player groups until private servers are an option, with admins who can hard ban people etc. Then you can have a trusted invite system aswell as a server application system to vet people. Until then its all face value, I'd personally just accept friends of friends. And if your playing in a server with a group of more than five people split them of into smaller squads with squad leaders and assign squad leader roles to trusted members, then those leaders can report any suspicious behaviour back to whoevers in a command role. just take into account that other survivors do talk and large groups do pull a lot if attention especially in high traffic areas and the coast so not all incidents can be assigned to treachery.
  17. TheYetiBum

    Current items in Version 0.63.00

    Laughing at gun nerds correcting gun models in comments like anyone cares. It's a game calm down guys
  18. TheYetiBum

    Server Stash

    Yep wen game goes full release and the database lock issue is resolved so that frequent server wipes aren't needed as much then stashes will be persistent for upto 42days. But due to updates , patches and character wipers/server wipes don't expect stashes to stay for very long as these updates can happen at any time without warning due to game being on constant development still. But yeah stash will remain on specific server even if that character dies.
  19. TheYetiBum

    1 month of DayZ on Xbox One.

    I love the game & the developers are at least vocal with there intentions for future updates. They've also done a great job at bug fixes except a few they said were fixed that weren't, but that's to be expected as developments a tough journey. But I personally won't be playing until the servers are more stable, I've witnessed too much desync and bad hit reg to invest too much time on it. I have all the faith in the world that it'll be tightened up over time though and I'm just glad it's come to console full stop
  20. TheYetiBum

    People taking a lot of bullets ?

    Yep I've killed fresh spawns who asked me to kill them and so far the record was three headshots at point blank range in full ADS with an AKM. Games just got bad hit reg at the moment, I've had this occur atleast four separate times & reported it.
  21. TheYetiBum


    Game needs auto walk, auto run couldn't work due to stamina system but for people with carpal tunnel syndrome and other disabilities it'd be a great QOL update. I for one can't play for longer than a few hours before my tendons feel like there gonna snap. Pushing and holding a keyboard button with no resistance is not the same as pushing forward on a controller stick aswell as constantly pressing/depressing said thumbstick for sprint on/off. Can't believe in 2018 that this isn't a standard controller option for large map games. One of the few things pubg did right
  22. TheYetiBum

    Whoever ghosted behind me in berezinho

    Guessin you were in a gunfight? I always assume someone's gonna ghost me, best to reposition if you haven't seen them in awhile. Especially if they've run into a building. Very scummy thing to do , you'd be suprised how many older players still pull this toxic tactic.
  23. TheYetiBum

    Population of infected

    Quite labour intensive server side to run infected & with large cities being abit rougher on fps I think they've turned down the infected count in cities abit. I did see in the latest PC status report that zombies are getting a model rework so that there far simpler to run server side as currently i believe they have a full skeletal system running internally like players do which is a lot for the server to calculate, after they've been simplified (which they did state wouldn't effect the way they act or receive damage etc) that they will be able to significantly increase the amount if infected map wide . I for one look forward to zombies becoming more of a threat as it'll add more risk to PvP due to them aggro'ing and swarming players shooting
  24. TheYetiBum

    General Questions on gameplay

    Also yes suppressor do reduce sound, how much depends on which weapon, there main use is for Infected as a silenced pistol won't aggro them so is very useful for zombie clearing In A pinch, .45 cal pistol will generally one shot infected . All suppressors also create an effect whereby it masks the direction a shot is coming from, you may hear that some one is shooting but it will be extremely difficult to ascertain directional sound. oh and if you want to be prone on your back you need to ADS whilst prone then roll your aim about & you'll rollover , just take into account that proning bugs your aiming out ATM as uneven ground currently misaligns your center reticule and character models gun holding position. It's easy to test this, just lie down and ADS and stand up, then go into hip fire stance then tap RB into full aim and you'll aim in some extreme other direction. To fix this without logging just full ADS at the your feet and it'll force the character models gun stance back into shape, it's a known bug being worked on for some time that's effected PC for awhile too
  25. TheYetiBum

    General Questions on gameplay

    Hey by the way cholera is currently in this build , if you eat raw meat and drink from unclean water sources such as still water and drainage ditches you will see the bacteria symbol on bottom left increase with upward arrows. Many people think over eating is causing vomiting but it's usually cholera as it increases the need for water and causes sickness. I've seen a dev post that simply using purification tablets on water storage devices and cooking meat will cure this over time & that the only negative effect it has ATM is increased dehydration and throwing up randomly which I guess could effect combat. Since I've started purifyng water and cookin meat or stickig to canned food I've not thrown up once. I hope this helps as I had no idea until I saw a reply from a dev about a week ago :) .