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Everything posted by TheYetiBum

  1. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    Set server filter to slot descending and refresh the server list, populations still won't show up but the server at the top will be the lowest population & all servers going down will be incrementally more populated. Hope this helps
  2. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    Ahh yep electro is the largest most dense town in the game though to be fair, before the update every town bigger than a tiny village was that way but to say they've fixed everywhere except electro and maybe Zelenogorsk (both very large cities densely built up) I'd say they've done a pretty good job overall. I fell you though dude, low frames and rendering issues are painful in the least but in just over a week they've greatly improved that issue and others.fingers crossed this kind of improvement continues.
  3. TheYetiBum

    OP wolves

    Saw literally 8 zombies beating one wolf trapped in a corner at Gorka , they must have hit it about 100times between them and it just wiggled free as ran off. I ain't messing with wolves this update ;) , but tbh I did double tap on with a 45.cal pistol so who knows what's what lol.
  4. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    You sure In on xbox one too & berezino, cherno etc are fine for me now. What town were you in? I get the sound delay bug occasionally but the buildings are actually rendered in for me everywhere now.
  5. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    Nope gotta switch from party to game chat in order to speak in game . You speak in game by double tapping down on D-Pad to lock open mike, and double tap again to close. Hope this helps
  6. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    @ImpulZ It's the anti gamma abuse overlay designed for PC, people crank there gamma on there gaming monitor in order to be able to see clearly at night time, so they created an overlay only visible once the gamma cranked high in order to discourage this behaviour. My assumption is that this was carried over from the PC port of there current stable build into out update accidentally. The majority of console players are not using a monitor but a standard television set with no gamma options just brightness, even with my brightness set below default it's impossible to see throught the multicoloured grainy overlay. It'd be great if a dev or community manager could let us know if this was an intentional addition or an accidental occurrence. Thanks in advance for any response.
  7. TheYetiBum

    Useful Information for Survivors and BI (bugs)

    Yes duct tape now fixes suppressors so remember to check there status after every few rounds. Pistol suppressor last maybe three or four magazines & AR suppressors last a magazine or two max.
  8. TheYetiBum

    Useful Information for Survivors and BI (bugs)

    You couldn't pre patch but maybe you can now, I'll set up my handy dandy yeti science kit and get back to you ;)
  9. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    So I'm assuming that the anti gamma a use filter a fix accidentally made it's way from the PC update to the console update then. As soon as it starts to get dark the overlay pops up and makes the screen so grainy it's impossible to see anything. Most console users don't even use gaming monitors or PC monitor adapters so gamma abuse isn't really an issue, plus I'm using a standard TV and the brightness settings are on default and I can't see anything now at night, I can barely tell it's night. Just looks like someone poured salt all over my screen. Guess that's even more people emptying out of night servers then further promoting hopping.
  10. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    Load game , walk five metres. Game freezes & have to reset lol. But I could hear zombies and my gun shots so that's definitely fixed. Nice update and aslong as a few freezes and crashes have been ironed out it's all gravy
  11. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    No population count showing on the server screen no matter what filter I set it too. It's rearranging them as I change filter though but just not showing the actual population.
  12. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    Not all based are unfortunately, already had a few friends & fellow survivors report there tents, barrels etc are wiped by there vehicles have remained. But if yours has remained good sir, then congratulations, hopefully the majority of peoples has remained also.
  13. TheYetiBum

    Xbox Update 05/12/2018

    Heard here's new HUD elements now guys, who's got the skinny in what new icons mean?
  14. TheYetiBum

    Useful Information for Survivors and BI (bugs)

    Also if your new to the game or DayZ in general then Rule number 1 of DayZ is, DO NOT carry your weapon in hands unless in combat or when faced with another random player with a weapon in hand. It's a general rule that there is no honour lost killing a player actively carrying a gun in hands, it has worked this way since the mod days. Even players who role play as hero's will assume your hostile and KOS, if you equip your gun to your back or even better leave space in your bag people will treat you as less of a threat. If you use your top most quick slot and equip your gun to that , you can simply tap Y and this will auto draw said gun so it leaves you at no disadvantage as the draw time is almost instant. Also any military zone or police station is seen as an accepted PvP Zone so expect to kill and be killed on sight in those areas. Nobody goes there to make friends, so don't throw away your life and be overly trusting In these areas. I hope this helps those players who feel they are unfairly killed frequently, put that gun away and always have a microphone plugged in as many players will kill people who don't communicate there intentions. Double tap down on dpad to open mic and let them know your friendly and not a threat. hope to see you out in the wasteland courtesy of an I.G.B clan member
  15. TheYetiBum

    Useful Information for Survivors and BI (bugs)

    Also weapons can now be fixed with duct tape as well as mags not just weapon repair kits. also If your inventory bugs and you can't scroll down but can scroll up past equipment bar and to the container you want , then take equipment slot weapon to hands and back to equipment slot again & voila you will now be able to scroll down again. Also courtesy of I.G.B Clan
  16. TheYetiBum

    Spray paint

    Spray paint currently isn't in this build of the game unfortunately. If your wanting to change make a Ghillie suit greener rather than straw coloured then drop it and shoot it with a low calibre weapon like an IJ Pistol, when partially damaged it's colour model changes like other clothing. Doesn't work with Ghillie wraps though as a single pistol round will ruin them. hope this helps, also in regards to motor oil. A car will take up-to four cans of oil when spawned for it to function at highest ability. Which admittedly is still lacking in general lol.
  17. TheYetiBum

    No more rain!!!😊

    Yeah were getting an update this week all goin well that'll fix a few issues atleast, they only insinuated that we wouldn't get another till after PC 1.0 release in the status update but it wasn't explicitly stated, they just said focus would move to PC on the final run to 1.0 launch on that platform. Ppl are just over reacting, but it's because they love the game & hate it at the same time lol
  18. TheYetiBum

    OP wolves

    Two had a friend killed in two bites a few days ago too, though maybe his character bugged or something whilst being attacked. I guess not, tbh they were weak as sh*t before as you could take like 7 bites before being knocked unconscious or killed but 2 bites for a kill seems abit extreme. And yeah bodies despawn quite fast & unless your loot/clothing/bags is dragged of your body it'll despawn with it.
  19. TheYetiBum

    Dev's the loot system is beyond retarded. FIX IT

    Dark red cargo containers at coastal dock yards are better for netting than boats nowadays, cherno dockyards usually always give me 2-4 netting on every trip aslong as I loot every container in sight. Burlaps sacks are easier to find in towns & cities with lots of rows of garages, also long windowed barns with internal stalls are worth checking. But tbh Burlaps & netting are meant to spawn infrequently though, as the ghillie suit is extremely OP & if everyone was wandering around with one it's be pretty ridiculous, there end game craftable items ad should take a survivor several in game days to acquire the needed components. The RNG loot spawns don't promote server hopping, impatience and people with no intergrity does. Just remember that the game is not finished and that the current spawning/loot cycle isn't balanced yet. Many more items will come which will potentially make the game even more difficult (hopefully) this is dayz easy mode, everyone can get an AR with a few mags , a bag full of food & ghillie wraps within one play session. That is not how a hardcore survival game should run, it just creates a rinse and repeat mentality as no one is attached to there character or feels they have anything to lose, hence KOS & PvP becomes the prevalent playstylez until the game is significantly harder this won't change.
  20. TheYetiBum

    World size

    Also I'd love another map. I'm sure before the new engines production there were a few status updates that mentioned an intern was working on a new version of the Namalsk map for SA but then all news stopped concerning it. So hopefully down the road at some point we will get new maps , I'd also love Tavianna to be added too as I don't know either of those maps as well as chernarus & for me it's learning the map using points of interest without using an app or map next to me thats the most fun element of the game.
  21. TheYetiBum

    Character wipe

    I too am a minimalist survivor. If I don't have atleast 60% stamina I find the game painful to travel in. Being able to sprint a lot cuts down so much travel time, feel bad for OP getting wiped, probably had the classic zombies running through walls & bearing you to death perfectly timed with your game freeze. Feels bad man
  22. TheYetiBum

    Land mines go BOOM

    Good work & yep the blast radius is pretty intense. Got that pesky server hopper though , I wiped a little hopping duo at Staroye tents earlier. It's surprising how often I see them popping into existence on the 1st floor of the camo net hide there. They went back to coast forcefully lol.
  23. TheYetiBum

    Ghillie Suit

    @Man Parts 241 I'm glad that netting came in handy ;)
  24. TheYetiBum

    World size

    The map roughly 100sq miles or 230sq kilometres, so that's more than a square mile per person. I personally think that big enough, especially if you looked at a heat map of players on the map at any time I'd say atleast a quarter are around the coast line murdering each other lol.
  25. TheYetiBum

    Unable to play for two days

    Bug report it with your gamer tag attached if you haven't already, it could be a character database error & maybe yur character just needs a wipe to fix it. Also if you has a friend playing try having them send you an invite and joining that. Only things I can think if , hope it helps