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About Anyeurysm

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  1. Anyeurysm

    Game chat not working since 1.06

    I've tried clearing mac address, hard rebooting, uninstalling/reinstalling, 2 different mics and 2 different controllers... all with no luck I've got an open nat as well.
  2. Anyeurysm

    Will we ever be able to fix radiators?

    Tires can be repaired and have been able to for some time now...
  3. Anyeurysm

    Will we ever be able to fix radiators?

    Given the current state of vehicles and their propensity to lag into static objects, this is long overdue...
  4. Anyeurysm

    Game chat not working since 1.06

    Negative ghost rider, its compatible with both. https://www.plantronics.com/us/en/product/rig-500-pro-hx
  5. Anyeurysm

    Game chat not working since 1.06

    This is my headset. https://www.bestbuy.com/site/plantronics-rig-500-pro-hs-wired-gaming-headset-for-playstation-4-black/6258497.p?skuId=6258497&ref=212&loc=1&extStoreId=1131&ref=212&loc=1&gclsrc=aw.ds&ds_rl=1268661&ds_rl=1269132&gclid=Cj0KCQiAl5zwBRCTARIsAIrukdNUvjqK3HEtPpDAjakDMniGr9HX-SicWjwHKlgFOaain1kR8-kF7HkaAs07EALw_wcB I've tried 3 different servers, 3 different characters all with no luck.
  6. Anyeurysm

    Game chat not working since 1.06

    Yeah, everyone else's game chat works fine.
  7. Anyeurysm

    Game chat not working since 1.06

    Clearing mac address and uninstalling/reinstalling did not help.
  8. Anyeurysm

    Game chat not working since 1.06

    Does anyone know if I uninstall/reinstall, will my characters still be saved?
  9. Anyeurysm

    Game chat not working since 1.06

    As the title says... No I'm not in party chat and yes , I'm pressing/holding down on the dpad. The talk icon comes up but no one can hear me. Tested with multiple friends, mic works fine in other games and party chat... Any ideas?
  10. Anyeurysm

    A little help for a fresh player

    Dude, awesomezombi gave you straight up false info... 1. Loot refreshes based on if there is A) an item in the loot spawn and B) proximity of player(s) to that loot spawn. Each item has a timer on it as well as to how long it will be there before it despawned, different types of items gave different values ranging from 15 minutes to several hours. Server resets in no way "refresh" loot. 2. Admins have no control over loot spawns on console. 3. Doors will generally be closed upon a reset, but in my experience it is largely randomized. 10% or so of doors can still be open, I've seen it happen on freshly wiped servers. 4. In my experience you have a 90%+ chance of being killed on sight in public servers.
  11. Enlighten me then as to what to call the above...
  12. Anyeurysm

    Ammo Can DeSpawned!?

    U know its persistence is different than barrels/crates right?
  13. Anyeurysm

    DayZ update 1.06
