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Everything posted by MarczXD320

  1. MarczXD320

    Regarding bases and building (dev's read)

    I think bases are like that because it fits with the hardcore survival aspect of the game. Yes, it's a game, but i'm sorry, this argument don't work here because since the MOD back in 2012 the concept was aways to be a realistic/harsh survival experience. So yeah, we can use real life examples here, since the game tries to work like that. My only complaint though is that the car spawns are completely bugged and since the launch of the update 3 days ago not a single person managed to get one yet.
  2. MarczXD320

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    Here's some other issues as well: - Zombie IA is random, they can make noise and attack you or just stay still and do nothing, sometimes they don't make any noise at all, even when they see you and ''scream'' - supposedly, cars cannot be found because there are only 2 spawns per server (that's a rumor on the reddit) and when you can find a car, the car is invisible and you cannot attach anything in it.
  3. MarczXD320

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    Thank you very much. Regarding the specifications: - So far, i only felt the performance issues on the town of elektro. - The remdering and texture pop in issues are happening all over the game - I play on the original Xbox One, BUT, this issue is happening across all 3 consoles based on the reports. In my opinion the rendering and performance issues are the top priority for now.
  4. MarczXD320

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    There are some SERIOUS (and i really mean It) performance issues in this update. When you first set foot on a city the game literally becomes unplayable. And along the performance issues the sound is also delayed.
  5. MarczXD320

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    Ok guys, it's today (2am here), let's hope the certification process did well. If it doesn't happen, I wouldn't mind waiting for tuesday though, a few days don't hurt.
  6. MarczXD320

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    Well, that definitely escalated quickly. Anyway, thank you lol
  7. MarczXD320

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    I ain't going to make part of this discussion anymore, but there is some things i wanna say: First i wish luck for the devs and i hope they manage to sort the update today, if not, 5 more days of waiting won't honestly hurt. Second, PC players warned us about that, we should have take their words in consideration.
  8. MarczXD320

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    I think the issue here is that the devs set a date (22th) instead of saying ''the update will be ready when it's ready''.
  9. MarczXD320

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    People are understandable mad, after all: - There were people who stayed awake all night waiting for it. - This announcement was from the last minute. - They had the opportunity to assign all the missing buttons and actions before today. - It's a day before thanksgiving, people were expecting to enjoy the holiday playing. I woudn't blame people for being mad honestly.
  10. MarczXD320

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    So basically the update is good and all and the only thing left is to assign controls to those specific actions ?
  11. MarczXD320

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    Well, it's today, let's hope at least...
  12. MarczXD320

    Will the Lada 4X4 be the only vehicle ?

    Hey guys. If i'm not mistaken on the PC version besides the Lada 4X4 there's also a V35 truck. The update on the 22th will bring only the Lada 4X4 or the V35 truck will also be added ?
  13. Today was the release of the 0.63 with basebulding and vehicles on the experimental servers and tomorrow it will finally reach stable (according to the developer report) Do you guys think we might see this new content update reaching Xbox One by this month ? it's been a exciting day for PC players, hope it don't take long for us Xbox players to also receive it and enjoy.
  14. MarczXD320

    We are being pimped out.

    BETA has just been released on the PC version finally. Hope it don't take long for us to receive too.
  15. MarczXD320

    Night!! It's so scary

    Haha, he's not wrong, night time is working now, was in a server where was night and raining. There are new sounds too, now you can owls at night and such.
  16. MarczXD320

    Night!! It's so scary

    Wait... is night time a thing now ?
  17. MarczXD320

    Xbox Update 12/10/2018

    Can somebody explain to me this inventory capacity fix ?
  18. MarczXD320

    Current items in Version 0.63.00

    Don't be a dick dude, everyone is discussing fine here, don't need for that.
  19. MarczXD320

    Any update today

    The first week we had without a update. Ironical because in the 25th status report they said they would love to update at least once a week lol, and this status report was last week.
  20. MarczXD320

    Any update today

    I going to be optimistic and believe that this update will be the biggest one yet, maybe they are fixing a lot of issues and didn't put yet on microsoft certification process, which is why they didn't released on date.
  21. MarczXD320

    1 month of DayZ on Xbox One.

    A couple days ago the game marked his first entire month on Xbox One, congratulations for that, we had 5 updates fixing bugs and the game, although it's still the same due to a lack of content update it fixed a lot of the bugs that we had in-launch, making the overall experience a lot better.
  22. MarczXD320

    Any update today

    The next update for xbox one must be a big one for then to take so long to release it. Its unusual that we yet didn't had one.
  23. MarczXD320

    Server Reset Timing is Changing

    So, night time is a thing now then ?
  24. MarczXD320

    Xbox Update 25/09/2018

    Well, i be honest, that was kind of disappointing, but good job anyway.
  25. MarczXD320

    Server files release update

    Wait, xbox was going to be updated today too ? so the update of today on xbox was bug fixes only but there were actually two planned updates for it ?