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Everything posted by MarczXD320

  1. MarczXD320

    No more rain!!!😊

    It's permanent ? or at least until they fix the weather issues ?
  2. MarczXD320

    Patch this week?

    I was expecting one for today, i keep checking their tweets every 10 min lol, guess not.
  3. C'mon, it's almost 8am there, there's got to be some official statement regarding this, we are more than 5 hours already with this issue.
  4. That's where i showed that fake ''DayZ Developer'' at first i though he was real but then he stated to delete all comments he made after posting it, yeah, i feel kind of dumb and sorry for deceiving you guys, i didn't knew at the time.
  5. Updated information: This ''DayZ Developer'' turned out to be a fake account passing as an developer. I'm editing the comment to avoid any confusion If bohemia needs me to report it i have some photos i took.
  6. Updated information. It turned out to be a fake account passing as a dev.
  7. MarczXD320

    Xbox Development Briefing - 30/11/2018

    I am genuinely convinced that no one will be able to play DayZ this weekend. - This is going already for 3 to 4 hours. - No word from the devs regarding that yet. - They don't work on weekend. - 5 am in plague, no word of the devs yet. I have nothing against then, i will gladly wait for a fix (after all, the devs are working hard on the xbox version, let's be honest), but if they really only fix and acknowledge that on monday, i can only imagine the backslash they will receive.
  8. They are already, people are spamming the the xbox development briefing post there.
  9. Nicew, and the devs will only be back to work in 2 days (since it's a weekend)
  10. Definitely Bohemia did some kind of ''secret hot fix'' without any announcement. Besides cars being spawned now it looks like helicopter crashes are also back, reditt users are reporting their finds. Am i missing more fixes here ?
  11. MarczXD320

    The game needs an update or hotfix

    Not only vehicles but helicopter crashes and cop cars spawn back now, even the shotgun stopped crashing the game for some people and a overall better frames per second in big cities. Hot fix or server fix, it sure was a very welcome thing.
  12. MarczXD320

    Suposedly helicopter crashes are back too.

    Ok, so here's a list of the fix so far: - Hatchback drivable car - Police car random event - Helicopter crash random event - Shotgun don't crash the game anymore - Higher frames per second on big cities
  13. MarczXD320

    Suposedly helicopter crashes are back too.

    Police cars are back too.
  14. MarczXD320

    Suposedly helicopter crashes are back too.

    There is other thing i want to point out. You know how awful the FPS is in big cities, where the game runs at like, 5-10 FPS. Well, right now i am in the middle of Elektro, and although rendering and buldings dissapearing are a big issue, the game is running surprisingly fine at 25-30 FPS. I am in a daytime server btw, no raining.
  15. MarczXD320

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    I'm still waiting for a official dev statement regarding cars suddenly working now.
  16. The survivor Jordan Wilkins shared on the DayZ Xbox One group on facebook those images where finally managed to find a car on the game. Well, that's a proof they are indeed in the game and can be found in it. EDIT: Ok, so, there are actually more people finding cars in the game now, they are sharing their posts of their discoveries on the same group, did bohemia fixed the car spawns and cars being invisible with some ''secret patch'' ?
  17. MarczXD320

    No performance issues during night time.

    I don't know about the rest of you, but for me during night, the game doesn't appear to suffer any performance issues, i can be in a big city (which i am right now) the FPS is solid (around 30) there aren't any bulding pop ins or texture problems, basically during night time the game runs surprisingly fine, don't mattering where you are.
  18. MarczXD320

    No performance issues during night time.

    Yes, raining, i happened to also be in server with only night (no rain) it also showed a good performance, basically as long as it's night the game runs fine, be with rain or not.
  19. MarczXD320


    ''Heat comfort and disease effects'' We all obvious know that temperature (both cold and hot) now plays a thing in the game (though you dont die yet) But how about diseases ? i believe that with ''disease effects'' it means diseases now actually are a thing right ? if so, which diseases are currently avaiable in the game right now ? Thanks for the help.
  20. MarczXD320


    I honestly want to know this too. The devs thenselves never aswered if there's a glitch preventing cars form spawning. The reports (from players) i read said that only 2 spawn per server, and when you find one, they are invisible and either you cant attach nothing in then or the game crash when you approach, but i don'1t know if that's true, if that's trolling. I mean, can we have an official statement regarding that, i would be very much appreciated.
  21. MarczXD320

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    They updated the graphics to match the PC version but i believe it's just a case of lack of optimization, i actually liked the visual updates and i hope they don't remove. There's going to be an optimization patch for it.
  22. MarczXD320

    Assault boots knife holster

    Does it the knife appear visually ?
  23. MarczXD320

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    I was about to write that. People need to understand that fixes are not resolved with a finger snap, they need to identify the issue, fix it, test it to see if it's all good, and later go through a certification process before they launch. Guys, let's give the devs time to work.
  24. MarczXD320

    Basebuilding & Vehicles Update

    I really hope the situation regarding cars can be fixed ASAP. Literally the thing that most people were looking for and in 3 days no one managed to find a single one.
  25. MarczXD320

    Man Part's One Stop Shop (Open!)

    My man, you don't happen to have some 4x4s with ya ? xD, i would gladly give my pistol holster for one lol