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About GrosTon1

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. GrosTon1

    DayZ 1.0 linux server support?

    Today's the day
  2. GrosTon1

    DayZ in 2020

    Congratulations to Adam, happy he's the new Project Lead, he's passionate. Any news regarding Linux servers ? Is it totally dropped ?
  3. GrosTon1


    Made a Discord bot to report DayZ server admin logs into a discord text channel. https://github.com/GrosTon1/DayZ-BigBrother
  4. GrosTon1

    Time deleting dead players

    I'd recommend using this mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1620883858 Making despawn longer isn't possible actully
  5. GrosTon1

    Status Report - January 2019

    ... for real folks ? We're being told that linux is one of the top priorities since November, and not a single word in the first SR of 2019 (neither in the past, except for twitter, the feedback tracker or some livestreams) ? Now I'm disappointed... I guess we won't even have news in February's Platform Update... Good work and stuff, DayZ is going in the good direction, but I don't really care if I can't open my server without having to rent a license for 20€/month in addition to good hardware.
  6. GrosTon1


    Little utility to help folks modding (auto-build, auto-deploy, auto-start...). Infos and stuff at https://github.com/GrosTon1/DayZ-DevTool
  7. GrosTon1

    DayZ 1.0 linux server support?

    Last news I have are :
  8. GrosTon1

    DayZ Stable Update 1.0

    Congrats !
  9. GrosTon1

    DayZ 1.0 linux server support?

    Just responding to get notified on responses, as I'm praying for this as well.
  10. GrosTon1

    Using CeEditor

    I just updated the mirror on my website, + the link in the main post is somehow broken, so here it is.
  11. GrosTon1

    Using CeEditor

    Links comes from here (1st one is Tom's, second one is a mirror I made for faster download). And here are the informations I got from Adam :
  12. GrosTon1

    Using CeEditor

    Tried to show it live, sadly it ended not loading on the server. I'm asking Adam (Sumrak) if I did something wrong. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/333241647
  13. GrosTon1

    Experimental Update 0.63.149358

    Awesome, cheers to the whole team ! Keep it up ! :D