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Everything posted by GrosTon1

  1. GrosTon1

    DayZ 1.0 linux server support?

    Today's the day
  2. GrosTon1

    DayZ in 2020

    Congratulations to Adam, happy he's the new Project Lead, he's passionate. Any news regarding Linux servers ? Is it totally dropped ?
  3. GrosTon1


    Made a Discord bot to report DayZ server admin logs into a discord text channel. https://github.com/GrosTon1/DayZ-BigBrother
  4. GrosTon1


    Little utility to help folks modding (auto-build, auto-deploy, auto-start...). Infos and stuff at https://github.com/GrosTon1/DayZ-DevTool
  5. GrosTon1

    Time deleting dead players

    I'd recommend using this mod https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1620883858 Making despawn longer isn't possible actully
  6. GrosTon1

    Status Report - January 2019

    ... for real folks ? We're being told that linux is one of the top priorities since November, and not a single word in the first SR of 2019 (neither in the past, except for twitter, the feedback tracker or some livestreams) ? Now I'm disappointed... I guess we won't even have news in February's Platform Update... Good work and stuff, DayZ is going in the good direction, but I don't really care if I can't open my server without having to rent a license for 20€/month in addition to good hardware.
  7. GrosTon1

    DayZ 1.0 linux server support?

    Last news I have are :
  8. GrosTon1

    DayZ Stable Update 1.0

    Congrats !
  9. GrosTon1

    DayZ 1.0 linux server support?

    Just responding to get notified on responses, as I'm praying for this as well.
  10. GrosTon1

    Using CeEditor

    I just updated the mirror on my website, + the link in the main post is somehow broken, so here it is.
  11. GrosTon1

    Using CeEditor

    Links comes from here (1st one is Tom's, second one is a mirror I made for faster download). And here are the informations I got from Adam :
  12. GrosTon1

    Using CeEditor

    Tried to show it live, sadly it ended not loading on the server. I'm asking Adam (Sumrak) if I did something wrong. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/333241647
  13. GrosTon1

    Experimental Update 0.63.149358

    Awesome, cheers to the whole team ! Keep it up ! :D
  14. GrosTon1

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    I'm both sad and happy with this SR. Sad that you promised us all 0.62 content in 0.63 beta + some things like obstacle climbing (and you showed us gifs in the past), that finally are not in. Happy that the game will finally be "bug-free", "desynch-free" and that we will all be able to enjoy DayZ, even further with the near to come modding support. Congrats, and thank you, to everyone who worked hard on DayZ, this is the end of something and the beginning of something even greater.
  15. GrosTon1

    Admin / Server Control Panel | Need your help!

    Congratulations on your work, this is amazing. I would love to help but I have no knowledge of A3 Modding, sadly, waiting for official support now.
  16. GrosTon1

    Which are the good tools.....

    Not officially supported YET, will arrive with the 0.63 beta or a little bit later.
  17. GrosTon1


    Just opened a PvP server, heavily modded : Spawn on prison island Spawn fully geared, randomly Ilimited stamina Disabled thirst/hunger 1st person only, no crosshair Hosted in France If you want to join, here are the infos :
  18. GrosTon1


    Updated : Now spawning with a car battery and colored armbands Trying to control bodies despawn to avoid fps loss
  19. GrosTon1

    How can I turn on Deathmessage?

    Misunderstood your first question, I don't know.
  20. GrosTon1

    How can I turn on Deathmessage?

    -adminlog as a launch parameter, then check DayZServer_x64.ADM
  21. GrosTon1

    Cleanup of dead players bodys

    Thank you Jacob for pointing that out, but it doesn't work. Are you sure PlayerBase class represent the player "world object" ? Tried by both overriding the method in init.c and directly with unpacked scripts in missionServer.c.
  22. GrosTon1

    Are MOTD's Broken?

    They are. Players see the first or two first messages, then nothing. Still broken (but less that before :D)