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Everything posted by daniel0056

  1. daniel0056

    Why is it ALWAYS NIGHT???

    Yeah because community servers are super stable and never have loot cycler owners... I'm so tired of DayZ community servers, not a single serious one. Even the time of the mod was more serious.
  2. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    I mean, not even the first image you attached shows the complete darkness of overcast night times... The screen is PITCH BLACK those nights.
  3. daniel0056

    Very bad solar and night lighting

    Not at all, I played last night and used GeForce Experience gamma and brightness customization to be able to see anything at all during night time.
  4. daniel0056

    Kill Confession

    I mean it's good advice but how you're able to spawn right next to, especially behind, someone when connecting is super broken.
  5. daniel0056

    Very bad solar and night lighting

    There have been multiple complaints about this and attempts to have it fixed, but the devs don't seem interested in night time at all. Some trolls on these forms will respond to your post here and say "it's fine and as intended", but these very people use gamma hacks or nvidia geforce experience to correct lighting - I suggest you do the same. Nights in DayZ are truly pitch black, one might just as well play with the screen turned off (not even exaggerating or joking) - and unless you're spawning in at day to try and find flashlights you're better of server hopping.
  6. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    Yet another person in here that don't follow the conversation and have absolutely no clue of what's being discussed. XD
  7. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    What challenge? Are you referring to not being able to see? Sure, I can live with people server-hopping but that takes out all the fun of actually having nighttime.
  8. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    My impression of this reply is that you don't play this game, honestly - but ok, I will humor this post to some extent; "Carry compass. If you don't have a compass, then just enjoy being lost, stay put until dawn, or play another server for an hour or two..." So, you're saying that the NPE (new player experience) should be: a) buy the game b) install the game c) setup character d) join server e) sit and wait for 4 hours because of a black screen? (Hint; no, a new player would assume something is broken and switch server or in worst case scenario refund the game instantly) "Are your sound settings not working correctly?" How is sound going to help anyone see? I think you totally missed the point of visual indications in a game oriented around survival and pve/pvp. "Dark and stormy nights are, shall we say, difficult and unaccommodating. Am I missing anything?" Nope, you got that 100% correct. I suggest you do like me and go camping 3-4 times a year to experience stormy nights for real. "Maybe you need to turn down your brightness to 50% or less." This made me laugh a little. "And please don't call us trolls just because we have learned to cope with an increased difficulty level in a game" I'm not calling you a troll, I'm simply stating that a black screen isn't a difficult level or even a game, it's simply a black screen. How are you supposed to be able to re-spawn if you die - without gear - and expect to start all over with a black screen? If your answer to this is "well, switch server or just stop playing for a few hours" then you might just be a troll. "If anyone is interested, here is the VOD from my session last night. You will notice that it is grainy and a bit lighter than what you might expect; this is because I increase the gamma in OBS to the maximum possible before washout, to make viewing possible" So, you admit to gamma hacking to be able to see? I see, maybe you're a troll anyway. The video you linked is far from being as dark as it usually gets in DayZ night time. Just for testing purposes I tried gamma/brightness correction in the GeForce experience overlay, and not even that can make you see the slightest - so I call you out on the video not showing total darkness.
  9. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    A solution I see to this problem is a visual radius. Keep everything beyond 15 meters pitch black, but keep a faint virtual "light source" around the player at all times so the immediate vicinity becomes somewhat illuminated. I'm not talking spotlight brightness, just so the player can tell if they're swimming, free-falling or standing on solid ground. Edit: Obviously this light source should not be visible to other players, rather just relative to each player.
  10. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    Agreed, however getting killed by zeds that can see me, but I can't see them is not fun - especially if you can't tell if you're running away from them, or simply colliding with a wall and actually standing still.
  11. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    I'm still trying to figure out what atmospheric "feeling" you guys are getting from not seeing at all - but I guess that's just me.
  12. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    No it burned out from all the rain, it lasted a good 3-4 minutes... Either way, why does that matter? The night time is way too dark, that's the problem.
  13. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    So, you mean that learning a game is equal to turning the screen off and running around? Night time is literally equal to having the screen unplugged or off. I posted this some time ago, but this is me looking out over at least 50 meters of clearance from the seashore, towards a group of trees. (I know this because I disconnected and reconnected a few hours later). In fact, I'm at a very obvious starting point, so I challenge you to tell me where I'm at in this picture, because orientation is key in survival. I challenge you to tell me if there are any zeds or other players in this picture too. (That dot is not a star, it's the crosshair)
  14. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    Yeah try that on a server with rainy and overcast night time weather...
  15. daniel0056

    Night is a problem.

    I'm living out on the countryside, far away from city lights and I tell you it gets what one would call "pitch black" out here - still I have yet to experience a night as dark as DayZ. Night time in DayZ really needs a fix, visually you should be able to tell a house from grass, which isn't possible at the moment.
  16. daniel0056

    Persistency is screwing everything up for everyone.

    I can't even get my character to persist between sessions... Any time I open the main menu, there's a different character standing there. Even if I die in-game, and respawn without reconnecting, I get a random character look.
  17. daniel0056

    Status Report - 6 November 2018

    Biggest question is why they made gamma and brightness into one slider, even when the core game has them separate. It's impossible to tune the darkness, especially for me with migraines that have to have my screen on an already low brightness setting. To top it off, the dayz devs annoyingly enough have made the GeForce Experience crash if you try to open up the color correction tool which can add additional post-processing to tweak these things. I was fine with this when this game was still considered Alpha, but come on, this is Beta...
  18. daniel0056

    Status Report - 6 November 2018

    1) Standard reply from a defensive person right there lol. 2) No, as you can see with the screenshot it's impossible, even for hardcore DayZ gamers to see anything at all in that lighting. Especially if you're a new player having their first ever experience with the game. The darkness in that image is so overwhelming that it's impossible to know if this is a rendering bug (aka. bug is only rendering rain and hud, or if it's just so dark that you can't even see the sky or the ground. 3) Yeah it's going to be a real problem for new players to find their way. If this was my first time playing, I would have quit and refunded the game. However, I've been playing DayZ since the first mod released, and I've been playing Arma2 since it was released, so I'd like to think I know my way around cherno (even with the new chreno, as I've been playing every version obsessively). The image I attached is taken from a very obvious place, and I dare you to tell me where it is from. I only know where it is because I logged in yesterday again. Did you actually take a look at that screenshot?
  19. daniel0056

    Stable Update 0.63.149386

    That polerstar in the middle is the aim dot lol. I used my road flair as long as I could, only got me so far, the screenshot is from after it was spent.
  20. daniel0056

    Stable Update 0.63.149386

    Will night time darkness be fixed before release?
  21. daniel0056

    Status Report - 6 November 2018

    Yeah I tried spawning in on the beach too, once my road flair went out i exited the game. It's impossible to see anything at night time.... "Beta" my ass. And all the day time servers were full. I grabbed a screenshot too. It's a little hard to tell, but i'm standing with the ocean behind me looking up towards a road and then some woods, which i was able to tell because i tried running straight for a while and the sound from my steps changed.
  22. daniel0056

    Status Report - 6 November 2018

    It's still "tomorrow", they may not have pushed the beta to stable yet. And obviously all servers need to update too I guess.
  23. daniel0056

    Status Report - 6 November 2018

    Good status report. Thank you for the transparency and I feel more comfortable now with owning a copy of the game. I'm looking forward for .63 to hit main!
  24. daniel0056

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    A few posts back I talked about how early access is shit and how companies only exploit the players, and that DayZ was the only early access I got value out of and how I still had hopes for this title. I purchased DayZ Alpha on day one, and I was happy with it. Sure I had my opinions but DayZ is legitimately the only early access title I didn't refund and that I was glad to invest in. That being said, I now want my money back. This is a calling quits SR for an incomplete game with promises that yet have to be fulfilled, as such I don't want to be an investor anymore.
  25. daniel0056

    Status Report - 11 September 2018

    Thank you, this was a very interesting and good status report. I know I had my opinion about the previous status report but I feel that status reports should be about the development, planning, features and game mechanics of the game rather than company as a whole and what the plans are for which platform or whatnot. Those things are more fitting in news feeds and social media. I'm super exited for the next couple of weeks!