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Everything posted by uollie

  1. uollie

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    There's a man coughing in Brazil.
  2. uollie

    Zombie suggestions.

    Yeah, they certainly come in the building where they last saw you but then they just stand and in in Rocket's words they begin to "HURR DURR" :P On that note it would be cool to see zombies investigate more than just outside. Imagine going to a convenient store and seeing like ten inside walking the aisles.
  3. uollie

    Zombie suggestions.

    I played Dead Island. I really liked the behavior of the "walker" zombies. But again there too often a sprinter I felt like. Good suggestion on keeping heavily damaged Z's a walker or hopper. It would be cool to see survivor skins vary more and possibly resemble a new skin of a "fast" zombie and leave it to the player to decide by behavior if it's infected or not. I myself, nor my friends really have trouble with bandits. We're often very careful in a group and last as long as till we get bored and decide to be reckless. When I complained of zombie sight I should have specified what I meant. One incident I was in a building with small windows and I was crouch walking past the window where I should not have even appeared to anyone outside the building. I was seen by a zombie however. Maybe just dumb them down a little more to survivors inside a building like just not be as aware of them. This would encourage me to close doors behind me more often also if zombies couldn't so easily just open them. To go along with that allow zombies to wander inside (even if not aggrod) if you weren't careful enough to do so.
  4. uollie

    Zombie suggestions.

    I still haven't seen one person say what I want so I guess I'll add it. Forgiveness if it's already been said way in the past. I want more zombies. But I want fewer "sprinting" zombies. In, I can still currently be outrun by an undead in a straight line, and it is possible (rare) for the zombie to hit you eventually. I got frustrated last night and logged after being hit so many times and be bleeding on a first hit from a Z. Now to re direct confusion, I don't want zombies easier. I just do not agree a sprinting decayed zombie is authentic. If they must remain, I'd be okay being caught off guard by a fast zombie every once in a while. But currently I just assume every zombie will sprint and plan accordingly. My idea of the game in it's perfect form is to come into a towns proximity and scope out the walking horde from a safe distance. Spotting out your entry plan that best suits your interests and safely avoiding the packs. If spotted the zombie horde will of course pursue but at a "shambling" speed. The numbers of zombies would be intimidating, that continuing to run to a different building in order to LoS would almost be a worse idea as there would be more zombies possibly un-alerted. Your only chance is to hole up or find a nearby choke point and think about what you could have done different. As of right now I'm not a fan of zombies visibility. If anything I'd say a zombie characterizes a bloodhound dog. If a survivor is low on blood, would it not be interesting to see a zombie be able to hunt the trail of a survivor who had been recently bleeding opposed to a survivor who hasn't suffered any mortal wounds? *off topic now* But while I'm making my first post, I also want to throw out I would like to see loot randomized and not specific to certain regions of Chernarus. By that I mean, hot spots like NW Airfield or Stary Sobor's military tents would only have a slightly higher chance to spawn rarer loot. Someone might not even find our favorite pea shooter in a base while on the other hand someone very fortunate just found a M16 inside an abandoned home. All at the same time make guns even more rare. I'd like to think that giving every loot table a chance to spawn anything would relocate survivors and give anyone who stays alive long enough a chance at a more authentic experience rather than go from the beach to point B which is almost always NW airfield or Stary for guaranteed loot. Each settlement will hold a valid reason to visit. If theres a con you can think of I'd like to know. Sorry for the wall of text :3